Ask JoJo: Facebook Communication

Well done, Jojo! You gave all the correct responses with grace and truth. Your ‘Background’ information is right on…I have dealt with this before and have had to manage my ‘friends list’ because sometimes, there just isn’t a solution. People frequently do the same thing posting that they do in conversation…they don’t ‘listen’, they prepare their reply…which frequently have no real bearing in the actual truth of the matter. Kudos!
Thanks, Sharon, for sharing your thoughts. You bring up another good point. Some people will prefer to discuss a side issue or make a big deal of a totally different point rather than discuss the merits of their post.
Very nice. Really helpful information to keep in mind, for future facebook communications (and off facebook too).
It’s also probably, the lack of tone of voice and facial expressions. What doesn’t sound threatening or accusatory to me, might sound that way to someone else, regardless of how one puts it ( I try to read something at least twice before responding, just to make sure I truly understand, what is being said). It’s not only what you read, but how you read it, there is so much, that can be read into written communication. There isn’t always a need to read between the lines, the lines themselves provide much more insight, at least in regard to lines of text. If it’s paper lines than reading between them is a must, the middle in that sense really does contain the best part! - Facebook should come out with an audio comment feature lol pictures angry audio comments…..er maybe not O.o ah well least you’d know their angry. And one last thought: I wonder if it could be said, everything sounds worse (or better) on facebook? -
Exactly. Written communication, whether online or off is devoid of all that makes face-to-face communication so rich. That can skew meaning. Word choice can skew meaning and so many other things. I LOVE your idea of a Facebook voice feature! You should suggest that to them! Brilliant!
I wouldn’t like voice communication. That would mean getting in a long drawn out debate with someone, because you know that’s what it would be used for. except for the lack of unlike button i’m ok with FB as it is