A Look Back at Cell Phones
My neighbor had a phone like that about a year after! Then she had one hot-wired in her car. Thought she was “all that.” LOL My first cell phone was pretty big. Nothing like this, but it was a darn good size. That was. . . oh, let’s see. . . I think I got one for Christmas in 2001.
We didn’t get cell phones until fairly recently.
I don’t remember this ad! Ashlee would have been 2 years old at the time and we were living in California – it was around this time that we bought a 286 computer/processor for the church where Greg was pastoring. It’s such a joke to think back on that machine now! My first cell phone was in the mid-90’s when I was a sales director for Mary Kay and was on the road quite a bit. It was big and bulky but not THAT big! So funny how far we’ve come. Greg was just saying the other day – 20 years ago we could not have even imagined that every person would own a cell phone – we would have said they were CRAZY!!
My FIL had one of those computers!