National Blame Someone Else Day
Weeeeel. . . I won’t name names (NETFLIX), but. . . they billed me for 6 months for something that was cancelled. They (NETFLIX), of course, claim it wasn’t cancelled. I had an email from them asking me why I cancelled, but there were no numbers on it so they all but accused me of lying. They (NETFLIX) claimed that my giftee had requested it stay on. He hadn’t. They (NETFLIX) claimed that he put his own credit card on the account and switched it back to mine the next day. He doesn’t have a clue as to what my credit card number is! They (NETFLIX) argued me into the ground and flat out refused to give me any of the money back, but they (NETFLIX) did finally cancel it. Still, I’m out almost $100 for nothing. I will never do business with them (NETFLIX) again, even if they were the last movie provider (NETFLIX) on the face of the earth! Can you tell I don’t like them (NETFLIX)? LOL Oh, I should point out that the supervisors and so-called manager were much nastier and harder to deal with than the regular rep!
I’ll bet your distaste for them was a direct result of how they communicated to you. Customers may not like something, but their anger usually isn’t aroused unless they feel they were approached about it in a negative or unfair way.
Yes! When babies were being born it was ALL HIS FAULT! grin