Baba Yetu-The Lord's Prayer in Swahili

This week's word is prayer.  Prayer is communication with God.  The language of prayer is written by the heart of man.  In prayer we hear the Word of God speak to us, but only if we listen, which was the topic I chose to write about on Monday. I recently came across an article about World Communications Day, which began in 1963.  It is the only worldwide celebration called for by the Second Vatican Council and is celebrated in most countries, on the recommendation of the bishops of the world, on the Sunday before Pentecost.  It will be celebrated this year on May 20th.  However, the article went on to say, "The Holy Father's message for World Communications Day is traditionally published in conjunction with the Memorial of St. Francis de Sales, patron of writers (January 24), to allow bishops' conferences and diocesan offices sufficient time to prepare audiovisual and other materials for national and local celebrations." God’s people speak many languages today so, whatever the theme of this year's World Communications Day, I thought how wonderful it would be to aknowledge the various languages of the world as they praise the Lord!  This is a video that my daughter introduced me to.  It's called, Baba Yetu, "Our Father" in Swahili and is actually The Lord's Prayer in Swahili.  The music is incredibly rich, the rhythm is divine, the photographs are breathtaking and the harmony is heavenly.  Turn it up, sing along with the words and praise the Lord! I'd like to revisit this theme during Resurrection Week and post a series of YouTube videos of people praising God or reciting the Lord's Prayer in as many languages as I can find.  And I'd like YOUR HELP to do it.  During Resurrection Week on the Art of Eloquence Facebook Fan page, I'll be posting the ones I have found.  I'd like my blog readers and fan page members to post any links YOU find that will help us celebrate during Resurrection Week.  You can post them as a comment here or on our fan page.  Thanks for your help!  I can't wait to see all the videos. I have a few in mind already and I pray that, in addition to the beautiful time of worship, it will be a time of education about communication in other cultuers as they praise the Lord. If you liked this post, please subscribe to our RSS feed and share the link…    


  • Cindy Holman


  • JoJo

    Thanks. I’ve been listening to it for days now.

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