Pastor, huh? Gee, they don’t communicate. . . everybody knows that. OYE!!! You’ve got it tough, sweet pea. It’s like your JoJoism about technology is wonderful. . . until it isn’t. Well, nobody needs communication help. . . until they do. It is so strange to me. Communication skills affect your everyday life, hour by hour, minute by minute, but it’s something nobody thinks they need. . . until they don’t get that job they wanted ‘cuz they were sputterin’ in the prospective employer’s face or couldn’t figure out how to answer the next question. It’s in news article after news article that hiring managers say they’re looking for people who can communicate. So where’s the short circuit coming from? As I’m fond of saying in your comments. . . “We don need no stinkin’ communication skills!” Hardy Har Har
It’s like they say with alcoholics. Admitting they need help is the first step. LOL
HAHA!! Sounds like this guy could really use your help, JoJo!!
Well, that’s what I thought, Cindy, but it’s like with AA, admitting you have a problem is the first step. ROFL
Hmm, methinks he doth protest too much! LOL Even pastor’s need to practice their communication skills, experienced or otherwise. And, yes, his very message indicates he needs LOTS of practice!