CHRISTmas Eve Fri Fun Video: iBand

It's the day before CHRISTmas and all through the blog, all the techies are stirring with more than a mouse!  This year's Friday Funny Video is a new find: North Point's iBand!  These are two CHRISTmas songs played using all borrowed iPads and iPods! Music is a powerful form of communication.  It uses several of your senses and it's fun.  For more information on fun ways to learn communication skills for preschoolers through adults, visit Art of!


  • Tweets that mention CHRISTmas Eve Fri Fun Video: iBand » Communication FUNdamentals --

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by JoJoTabares. JoJoTabares said: Countdown to CHRISTmas continues w/a Bit of #Christmas #fun #iBand video […]

  • Cindy Holman

    I’ve seen this – it was floating around on facebook – I WANT AN IPAD!!!!

  • Carla

    That is too much fun! I want an iPad, too, but I’m afraid it’s not in the budget right at “this moment.” Hmmm. . .

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