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Oh, now you are talking my language!!! LOVE THIS!!! Drives me batty. And what’s even more incredible is that I’m seeing more and more of this on supposedly professional pages, especially those belonging to direct sales folks. They usually list themselves, in BOLD type, as "So and so, IndependAnt Consultant (or Consultent) for. . . . " A spell checker WOULD pick that up, although they are not foolproof. Just this morning, I used a quote from Dr. Samuel Johnson. They had him listed (again, on a PRO-FESH-SHUN-UL page) as a “Lexcographer.” Okay, okay, I’m nitpicking as this is not a word that’s commonly used like the ones you chose. However, the word is spelled “LexIcographer,” meaning an author or editor of a dictionary. And the funny part was it had the squiggly red lines under it RIGHT ON THE SITE!!! HALLO? Doesn’t that give you a CLUE? I know. . . some folks don’t even know there is a clue to be had, especially where words and their usage is concerned. SIGH
I agree. It makes a bad impression for professionals because it makes it seem as if they really COULD care less about their clients and probably should. LOL
Funny you should post this. Just yesterday I was researching “backward/backwards” and “forward/forwards” to see if it was correct to move something “backwards and forwards.” Like you, I’m not a fan of the “s,” but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t just me.
Anyway, to my surprise, I found out that either is correct (with or w/o the “s”). However, British English favors the “s” and American English favors no “s.” Here are a couple of links re: towards/toward:
“Intensive” purposes and “suppose” to are two of my own peeves. Another favorite is “would of” instead of “would have.” Isn’t English fun?
So glad that I know you folks (JoJo & Carla) who use such good Grammar :) I love to have reminders and JoJo, you just have a way of putting things that really helps me to remember to check!!!!! Love this posting :)
These are so GOOD!! It does bother me when people don’t know how to use our language correctly. It makes people look ignorant – I’m always saying, ’weren’t they in English class too?’ So weird. And the ‘me’ or ‘I’ usage has really bothered me over the years – especially people speaking in public that SHOULD know better. And of course the ‘your’ or ’you’re’ dilemma – Ugh.