The Power of Underwear...& Being Direct

Much has been said about how differently men and women communicate.  But not much more has been said in such a funny way.  Wives, pay attention.  This could help you communicate with your dhs on the highest level.  I give you Jeff Allen, on the power of underwear and being direct. By the way, I just did a post on Communication Pet Peeves and this is one I hear from husbands all over the globe.  They wish their wives were more direct. For more fun with communication, visit Art of!


  • Carla

    Oh, my, my, my. Good thing I finished my coffee first! Unfortunately, that one convicted. I think the DH should know certain things, especially after a lot, lot, lot of years. He still needs to be told. Hmmm. . . . Guess we’re not so unique after all, eh? ROFLOL

  • jojosblog

    He is too funny, isn’t he? It’s so true. We women don’t like being direct. Somehow we feel it’s rude and we do believe, at least on some level, that our husbands should already KNOW what we want. After 23 yrs of marriage, I can tell you…THEY DON’T HAVE ESP! lol

  • cindy holman

    He is HILARIOUS!! I have seen this before and I laugh myself silly EVERY TIME I see it!!!

  • jojosblog

    He is too funny. Thanks for stopping by, Cindy!

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