Peter’s son, Repeter

Yeah, I’d heard about that Kyd thing. My fave on your list, though, is Kal-El Cage. SHEESH My husband went to high school with a girl named. . . and I kid you not (we have the yearbook to prove it!). . . Ima Hogg. Her parents thought it was funny. That poor girl probably ended up in a mental institution! I’ve always thought a child needs a good name to live up to. A creative name is one thing, but some of the ones you’ve listed. . . UGH. Of course, in the Hollyweird world, I’m sure it’s thought of as. . . well. . . normal! LOL
If it were just Hollywood people, it’d be a bit more understandable. But, why in the world, would an every day person name their daughter Ima Hogg?? That’s just cruel.
I read an aritcle recently in Parents magazine about naming and it claimed that, in Germany, the government has to approve all names and will reject anything unisex (the example they used was Riley) or that may cause the child senseless harm or teasing. Can you imagine it being necessary for the government to step in and have a say on naming? How much in taxes do you think they spend on that?
I can’t think of anything too awful that I’ve heard, but I do know a John Johnson and a Bob Roberti – really parents? yuo couldn’t be more creative than that? -
Carla, not all of them are actors’ kids names. Some are just regular strange folk. lol
Terri, I can’t believe anyone would name their child Ima Hogg. How awful!
Who is the actress that named her baby Apple? There are tons of those weird things in Hollywood. Michael Jackson named his 3rd child ‘blanket’. When my Dad taught high school – there was a kid in his class by the name of ‘robin hood’ no kidding. I went to school with a family who named their kids by the day of the week that they were born. So I went to school with a Tuesday, and Friday – true story.
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