Your Friday Giggle Break

It's time for your Friday Giggle!  Communication FUNdamentals is proud to present this week's Friday Funny: So many of you send me Friday Funny material from "real life" and I thank you.  I've had newsletter subscribers send in some funny things their kidlings have said, blog readers send in pictures of street signs that should have been better thought out and this week's Friday Funny comes from my dad!  Thanks Dad! This was in a story on the AP Wire: "The young Nigerian man was due in federal court Friday afternoon for his arraignment on charges that he failed to detonate a chemical-laden explosive on the Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight." Let me get this straight.  He is charged with failing to detonate the explosive?  So...if he were successful, he would have been released without charges? This has been your Friday Giggle Break.  If this had been a real communication emergency, you would have been instructed to visit Art of  We now return you to your regularly scheduled day!


  • BeckyJoie

    That’s cute. My son has a saying about the “li-bary” being where Adam and Eve ate. Ever since I first corrected him on saying “li-bary” when it should be “library”, he tells the joke whenever he hears people use the wrong pronounciation of it.

  • Tammy

    LOL – that’s funny. Of course, I’m not too happy with the media right now after they totally misrepresented my story in what I thought was a reputable magazine.

  • jojosblog

    Oh no! What happened Tammy? I’m so sorry. I’ve written for magazines that I have had little issues with. It’s why I adore writing for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. They are fabulous folks to work with!!!

  • Cindy Holman

    Har Har!! Love it JoJo!! Gave me a chuckle this morning!

  • jojosblog

    I think a whole “lotta” people could be arrested for this too. lol

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