Can you spot the errors?

This week's question of the week is a little communication quiz!  Can you spot the errors?  Grab your kids and see if they can too.  You can either post your answers here as a comment on this blog post OR you can post this same story on YOUR blog, answer it there and post a comment here with a link to your blog post.  Here you go: Cindy was rite about the cheese grader being on sail at Walmart.  After all, she does oversea the entire Penny Pinching Club for the grater New York area.  For all intensive purposes, Cindy was the reining queen of savings! Her friend, Mary, was in dyer need of a of an inexpensive vaccum cleaner so she steaked out Cindy’s house and weighted for her to get home from her seminar, Stretch Your Money Saving Mussels. When Cindy finally got home, it was midnight and Mary had been so tried, she had fallen asleep in her car.  Though she was very tiered after her long day, Cindy invited Mary invited her to stay the night as it was too late for her to drive back to her county house in the woods.  The too ladies spent a few ours talking about everything from appliances to the price of egg yokes until the they were so sleepy they practically stood their like statutes. In the morning, Mary was so thankful for all the advise Cindy gave her on savings that she pinched in and made breakfast for Cindy’s children before school. I'll be back in a few days to post the errors as a comment on this blogpost.  For more fun learning communication skills, check out Art of!


  • Marie Anne

    I can’t do it. It actually hurts my eyes to read it. I can’t get past the first line without groaning in pain.


  • Laurie Neumann

    rite (right)
    grader (grater)
    sail (sale)
    oversea (oversee)
    grater (greater)
    intensive purposes (intents and purposes)
    reining (reigning)
    vaccum (vacuum)
    steaked (staked)
    weighted (waited)
    Mussels (Muscles)
    tried (tired)
    tiered (tired)
    invited – said twice
    too -two
    the – should omit
    their – there
    advise – advice
    pinched – pitched

    How’d I do?

  • cindy holman

    Isn’t it funny how we can ACTUALLY still read it????

  • jojosblog

    Good job Laurie. I’ll be posting the answers soon. I’ll have to look to see if you got them all.

    Cindy, you are very right in that our minds are wonderfully designed to compensate for things such as this, HOWEVER, being able to be understood is only half the communication issue. Being effective is quite another. How we come across is equally important as what we say. People make judgments about us and the validity of what we say based on how we speak.

  • jojosblog

    Here are the answers:

    Cindy was rite (right) about the cheese grader (grater) being on sail (sale) at Walmart. After all, she does oversea (oversee) the entire Penny Pinching Club for the grater (greater) New York area. For all intensive purposes (intents and purposes), Cindy was the reining (reigning) queen of savings!

    Her friend, Mary, was in dyer (dire) need of a (delete “of a”) of an inexpensive vaccum (vacuum) cleaner so she steaked (staked) out Cindy’s house and weighted (waited) for her to get home from her seminar, Stretch Your Money Saving Mussels (Muscles).

    When Cindy finally got home, it was midnight and Mary had been so tried (tired), she had fallen asleep in her car. Though she was very tiered (tired) after her long day, Cindy invited Mary invited her (strike “invited her”) to stay the night as it was too late for her to drive back to her county (country) house in the woods. The too (two) ladies spent a few ours (hours) talking about everything from appliances to the price of egg yokes (yolks) until the (delete "the) they were so sleepy they practically stood their (there) like statutes (statues).

    In the morning, Mary was so thankful for all the advise (advice) Cindy gave her on savings that she pinched (pitched) in and made breakfast for Cindy’s children before school.

    Laurie did pretty well! Missed only a few! It is amazing how our minds work to help us to understand. However, being understood is only half the job of communicating. The other half is persuasion which is hard to do when you don’t communicate well.

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