What your favorite color says about you

Intersting. I have two favorite colors but purple is most prevalent.The other is a deep raspberry red.
I actually love green with purple though I don’t look good in green. A lot of my house has both!
I love yellow. It’s so sunny and bright. Just makes me happy happy happy.
Award alert. You’ve won another only this time it is for this blog. Come and see the nomination and title at www.beckyjoie.blogspot.com. Congrats!
Congrats on your blog award, JoJo. That’s wonderful!!!
As for colors, my favorite has always been purple. Second would be probably green with shades of orange, yellow, red and teal coming in closely behind. I just like colors….what can I say?! Comes from being very visual since I was deaf growing up…Now it comes from being eccentric! LOL! Shalom, Spitfire