Driving Pet Peeves
I had a road rage experience once that was scary. I was on my way to work and behind a car of teens. It was obvious that they were not paying attention and I needed to get to work so I passed them. That got them mad and they raced to catch me and started doing things like getting close to my bumper and slamming on brakes as they got close, etc. They kept this up and followed me closely all the way to work. I was kind of nervous about what they would do when I got out of my car, but I pulled into the parking lot, acted really brave (wasn’t going to let them know they were rattling me) and walked quickly into the office. They just sped off. I can’t believe that people can get so bad on the road. Road rage is deadly. I have learned since that incident to be more cautiuos in passing someone…not to do it with an “attitude” which I didn’t mean to have but might have had that day.
When I’m turning left and there is a car coming towards me and turning right, I HATE it when they stop when their light is GREEN! I’m usually stopped waiting for them or moving very slowly waiting for them to make the turn and they STOP. They must think I’m going to hit them or something, but they have the GREEN light. Just go already!
[…] A smart blogger placed an interesting blog post on Driving Pet Peeves Communication FUNdamentalsHere’s a brief overviewDriving Pet Peeves. Posted August 24th 2009 at 4:00 am by jojosblog. Monday Q of the Wk. Here’s how it works: Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life and language. Pose the same question to your blog readers on your … […]
I hate it when other drivers are not courteous – because I always try to be with others – and let them in a lane etc. Then for some unknown reason – NO ONE is courteous to me!!