There're some new words in town
and they've put 'em in the dictionary!
According to Merriam Webster, 25 new words were added to the dictionary in 2009. Do you know what they mean? Try your hand and see how "Hip", "Mod", "New" and "Happening" you are! I'll post the answers (as a comment to this post) tomorrow so y'all come on back! 1. acai 2. carbon footprint 3. cardioprotective 4. earmark 5. fan fiction 6. flash mob 7. frenemy 8. goji 9. green-collar 10. haram 11. locavore 12. memory foam 13. missalette 14. naproxen 15. neuroprotective 16. pharmacogenetics 17. physiatry 18. reggaeton 19. shawarma 20. sock puppet 21. staycation 22. vlog 23. waterboarding 24. webisode 25. zip line Don't forget to join us tomorrow morning 8am PST/11am EST for some Grace Talk Soup as Ethel the Editor shares 5 Quick Fixes to Instantly Improve Your Writing! AND we may give you some clues to the meanings of these words during the show!!