Need Some Grace Talk Chicken Noodle Soup

What is wrong with THIS picture?! This has not been a good week for me or for my Grace Talk Soup co host!  She has had some family emergencies and will not be able to make the show today.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers. I've had a cold for over a week now.  Just the old sore throat and stuffy nose thing.  Nothing to write blog about.  I thought it was going away til the other day when I got hit hard with, I don't know WHAT.  I don't feel like I have the flu because I don't really have any body aches or fever.  But BOY HOWDY do I feel awful!  I kind of feel like I did when I had sun stroke, but I haven't been out in the sun!  I've been at the pool watching my son's swimming lesson but I've been under a canopy or in the shade almost the whole time.  My head hurt so badly that I felt sick and was shaky.  I slept most of the day yesterday and I still feel like I was run over by a semi with an attitude! Needless to say Grace Talk Soup's menu has changed for today since Ethel the Editor isn't able to be here to share all her fabulous and fun tips for self editing.  We will be rescheduling her show for a later date. Since we normally don't have too much time to get into the issues I blog about each week, I thought I'd take the opportunity to do that today.  I'm calling it Communicating with JoJo and I would love it if you would come to the live show (8am PST/11am EST) and offer your comments on the this week's communication issues from right here on Communication FUNdamentals. I would also appreciate your prayers today.  I have so much to do today, but it's hard to get anything done when you're always inspecting the inside of your eyelids!


  • jojosblog

    Hi Michael,
    I heard that both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson passed away yesterday. Very sad. I am not sure I’ll be commenting on them here on Communication FUNdamentals though as my blog is about communication skills.

  • Ann

    I just thought I might comment – if you’ve had sunstroke in the past, you can have relapses even without actually being in the sun again – it sometimes happens when the temperatures get high in the summer and your body just can’t quite handle the self-regulation. So, if it feels like the sun stroke, it could be a heat-related relapse. That’s not a medical diagnosis by any means, just a thought based on experience.

  • jojosblog

    Thank you so much Ann. I was not sure what to call it as it didn’t quite fit Heat Stroke which is more serious or Heath Exhaustion. It was more like Heat Stroke but I didn’t have a fever.

    I had no idea it could come back! That makes a lot of sense seeing how I wasn’t really in the sun nor did I perspire at all. I felt almost ok til I was going home. THe first two times I had it, it was Heat Stroke.

    I don’t have health insurance so I am trying not to go to the dr. I do think it’s getting better though. Thank you!

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