Need Some Grace Talk Chicken Noodle Soup
Hi Michael,
I heard that both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson passed away yesterday. Very sad. I am not sure I’ll be commenting on them here on Communication FUNdamentals though as my blog is about communication skills. -
I just thought I might comment – if you’ve had sunstroke in the past, you can have relapses even without actually being in the sun again – it sometimes happens when the temperatures get high in the summer and your body just can’t quite handle the self-regulation. So, if it feels like the sun stroke, it could be a heat-related relapse. That’s not a medical diagnosis by any means, just a thought based on experience.
Thank you so much Ann. I was not sure what to call it as it didn’t quite fit Heat Stroke which is more serious or Heath Exhaustion. It was more like Heat Stroke but I didn’t have a fever.
I had no idea it could come back! That makes a lot of sense seeing how I wasn’t really in the sun nor did I perspire at all. I felt almost ok til I was going home. THe first two times I had it, it was Heat Stroke.
I don’t have health insurance so I am trying not to go to the dr. I do think it’s getting better though. Thank you!