
Today is a very special Grace Talk Soup show (8am PST/11am EST) where we and our listeners will be sharing how to talk with someone who is grieving.  Grief comes in many sizes and shapes.  Having almost lost my daughter to a heart problem, a miscarriage and the miracle birth of my son which might have resulted in a lifetime of illness or death, I still cannot fathom some of the grief others go through.  And though I have had my share of struggles of various kinds, I have been especially blessed not to have had to deal with a terminal illness of a close family member or a lifetime of various other struggles which plague many on this fallen world. If you have struggled, dealt with grief of any kind or have some insights to share with us this morning about what you would have WANTED others to say that would have eased your pain, please come to the live show.  You can either offer your words of wisdom in our chatroom or call us on the air!  We welcome your thoughts! To join us live via your computer: To join us live via your phone: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736
This video is from Touched By an Angel and has Wynonna Judd's precious 151st Psalm. This song so touches my spirit. The loss of a child is devastating, but the love of God has the power to comfort.  Though we may suffer pain in this fallen world, may we always be able to feel God's love for us.  May it so fill our hearts during these times that we have the power to testify and be a witness in the silence when words are not enough... All the colors of the rainbow All the voices of the wind every dream that reaches out reaches out to find where love began Every word of every story Every star in every sky every corner of creation lives to testify For as long as I shall live I will testify to love I will be a witness in the silences when words are not enough as long as I have breath I will give thanks to God above For as long as I shall live I will testify to love From the mountain to the valley From the river to the sea every hand that reaches out every hand that reaches out to offer peace Every simple act of mercy Every step to kingdom come All the hope in every heart will speak what God has done For as long as I shall live I will testify to love I will be a witness in the silences when words are not enough as long as I have breath I will give thanks to God above For as long as I shall live I will testify to love For as long as I shall live I will testify to love I will be a witness in the silences when words are not enough as long as I have breath I will give thanks to God above For as long as I shall live I will testify to love


  • Carla

    Thanks for the tear duct clean-out, oh partner of mine. WHEW!!! I’m good on this one until Andrew looks into Petey’s eyes and says, “It is finished,” and puts his hand on his cheek. Then I lose it entirely! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this. . . the reaction is always the same. Makes you think about what’s really important.

    For those who didn’t come to our show yesterday, it is in the archives and ready to be downloaded. Some have reported the link doesn’t work so just go to and put in Show # 19736. You’ll see it at the top of the downloads. Keep refreshing until you get it. It’ll be worth it, I promise! We had a good time, as usual, but this subject was difficult. Hopefully, you will learn something from it. I know I sure did. Now let’s get out there and Testify to Love!

  • BeckyJoie

    This touched me. In my dad’s final hours, we, the family sang hymns and choruses around his hospital bed. He couldn’t sing but he mouthed the words with us. It was a sad and beautiful time.

  • jojosblog

    Oh me too Carla. I can’t get through this without balling!

    I was thinking that I would like my final hours on this earth to be spent listening to my dd sing about God.

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