Godly Leadership on Tomorrow's Grace Talk Soup Show!

This is going to be a VERY important show. We may think of leaders as being presidents, kings, cabinet members and anyone else in some type of “official” authority. But is that all? I don’t think so. Mothers, you are a Godly leader to your children, for one. Are you conveying your leadership in a manner they can truly understand? Are you involved in a homeschool coop, play group or other homeschooling activity? Then you are a leader to those children you are shepherding and discipling. Make your words count for God and raise up strong young Christians! Are you a leader in your business and/or industry? Are you building a downline? Listen in and learn how to be a God-inspired success story.
We are ALL leaders to someone somewhere. Life is way too short to waste one more moment being misunderstood! Grace Talk Soup tomorrow, April 23rd, 11AM EDT/8AM PDT, http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/19736 See ya there! Ethel the Editor
So True – Great thoughts here, my friend :)
Thanks so much. It was an amazing time! The audience was so lively it made it such fun to do! The feedback has been overwhelming too. I am so happy we could offer this and that it has helped so many!