How not to explain MATH!
I have two Friday Funny videos for you this week! I saw this first one when it was posted on Twitter. It explains a very simple math problem that they say explains the Bail Out! ROFL
This next one is Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in a similar math explanation but in the old Abbott and Costello style. Note the last frame where Lou hangs his hat on the chalk board. ;D
Learning speech communication skills can ALSO be fun with Art of!
It’s all in how you explain it!
A good communicator can find a way to make 2+2=22, but another good communicator will know when the first isn’t adding the facts up quite right! We now live in a world where it is essential to be a good communicator!
“The first to present his case seems right,till another comes forward and questions him.” Proverbs 18:17
If he doesn’t question well, he will not make HIS case.