I don't know how, but I dun did it!

After three days of fiddling and faddling, I successfully changed the theme of this blog and got all the widgets and gadgets and thingamagigies and whatchamacallits all in the right place!  Are you aware of the magnitude of what you just read?  LOL For three days I pestered my web designer and several of my friends from my Monday Master Mind group.  This little techie trouble maker was finally able to converse with her blog in his own language and get him to do what she wanted.  REALLY!  Go figure!  :D What do you all think of the new blog?  How'd I do? From JoJo’s Purple Crayon Learning Speech Communication Skills can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!


  • Lesa

    It’s about time you moved to your own site! It looks great! Love the colors and the feel of the template! Now where is your Twitter bird and RSS chicklet?…lol!

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