Goin’ Weekly with All New Segments!

Page 3Due to underwhelming support, we are discontinuing our Communication Comedy Network monthly video program.  Our pilot episode garnered very few views or feedback. Since they are very time intensive to produce, we have decided to put our efforts elsewhere.  To that end, we are going back to a weekly blog post schedule and we have all new categories for you!  Along with Art of Eloquence news, we will be posting on the following topics on a monthly basis:

Communication FUNdamentals: Fun communication games, riddles and contests!

“Wright” the Wrongs: Short paragraph where you’ll be challenged to correct poor grammar, spelling or punctuation!

Communication Reviews: Reviews of TV shows, movies, commercials, Facebook trends, etc!

Ask JoJo: Submit your communication question to me and I’ll choose one per month to answer right here on the blog.  Questions can be anything from a tip on communication skills (how not to be nervous when making a speech) to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills or even if your website or blog is clearly written!

I’d love to get a list of questions to choose from each month so go ahead and begin asking your communication question today by following the directions in the NOTE below.

We would love your feedback on the new line up for the blog. Please leave a comment here and tell us your thoughts.

By the way, you can click on the picture to view our CCN pilot video if you’d like.

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to jojo@artofeloquence.com for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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What is speech?

Those of you who remember my weekly internet radio show on the Communication Comedy Network will remember my character Professor Wordsmith.  She (I) did the Word of the Week segments.  In 2011, I’m going to be bringing back some of the old characters I played on the show as YouTube videos.  I thought I’d bring her segments here to Communication FUNdamentals for Word Wednesday. This week’s word is something most people do associate with communication: speech!  But as we’ll see, speech is much more than a formal recitation of gun control or abortion rights.

According to Merriam Webster, speech is:

“1a : the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words b : exchange of spoken words : conversation 2a : something that is spoken : utterance b : a usually public discourse : address 3a : language, dialect b : an individual manner or style of speaking 4: the power of expressing or communicating thoughts by speaking”

So speech is much more than a formal reciting of someone’s ideas on gun control or abortion.  It is the very act of communication.  I’ve coined a JoJoism which states, “While you may manage to live your entire life without making a speech, you will not get through one day without communicating something to someone!” and this one as well, “The most important communication isn’t the speech you’ll give to a crowd. It’s the conversations you’ll share with friends & family.” Communication is something we do every day.  We use the power of speech to discuss many things with many different people.

The Bible talks about speech, our tongues, lips, mouths and words literally hundreds of times.  The Lord tells us what happens when we speak in grace, ““Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6 and He tells us what the consequences are if we do not, “An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” Proverbs 18:19

Some have tried to assert the notion that learning formal speech will prepare you to be an effective communicator, but I disagree.  While learning formal speech will help you formulate your ideas and help you with your powers of persuasion, they will not necessarily help you in a conversation.  Did you ever know anyone who never lost an argument, but frequently lost a friendship because he was a bit pushy?  That’s because you cannot approach a conversation the same way you do a formal debate or speech.

Just as learning to communicate effectively in a conversation is different from learning to deliver a good speech, learning to master different types of speeches takes slightly different skills. Even within the formal speech, there are many different kinds of speeches: persuasive, political, impromptu, debate, etc.

If you read my blogpost from Monday, you’ll know that I’ve challenged you all to a speech this month.  I’m sharing some mini lessons on speech-making all this month to help you along.  If you’d like to learn a bit more about speech or you’d like to get a good listing of great speech topics, visit the Art of Eloquence Speech and Debate Page.

By the way, I’ve started my online seminars back up this year and the very first one will go more in depth on this subject.  It’s Thursday, January 27th at 8am PST/11am EST on TalkShoe!  You can see the next several month’s topics there as well.

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Dear God, about being old…

Last week, I turned 48 and began receiving all manner of old folk’s emails and videos, as well as mailers from AARP, The Scooter Store, and Hoverround!

This is Mary Maxwell, 72 y/o new client of a program called Home Instead, giving the invocation at a dinner.  Her prayer is delivered with such comedic talent, I had to post it here. It’s over 7 minutes, but well worth your time!

I admire her attitude and comedic timing as well as her deadpan facial expressions which make the delivery of such timeless humor a joy to watch.

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When not all your family is Christian at Christmas

I am winding down my career as a weekly podcaster with just three live shows left to go!  I’ll be sad to see it end in a way, because I simply adore reaching out to my listeners and teaching on a live show.  It’s been a blast even though it’s taken quite a bit of my free time.  (Wait…”free time”? I’ll have to look that up again.  I keep forgetting what that is!)

This Thursday is a very special show.  Do you have members of your family who are not Christians this Christmas?  Have you tried to share your faith with them this year?  Do you worry about how you’ll get along at the family Christmas gathering?  Do they fear having anyone bring up their salvation each time the family gets together?  I know what that’s like.  I’m one of the only Christians in my family.  Whether you have never shared the Gospel with that special family member and you feel lead to do so this Christmas or your family has tried to several times but you notice him cringe when he walks in the door or anything in between, this show is for you!

How do we share the faith with family members?  When should we try?  When should we not?  I’ll be sharing these and other questions about “When not all your family is Christian at Christmas” on the next Communication Comedy Network’s Talk Talk Show.

If you have an experience to share or if you have a question, please call in!

The Talk Talk Show: “The Talk Show About Talking” is on the Communication Comedy Network Thursdays at 8am PST/11am EST.

You can listen in live via your computer just by clicking this link and following the prompts or you can call into the show via phone by dialing: (724) 444-7444 and the Call ID: 19736 followed by the # sign when prompted.

This is one of my very last podcasts ever. I’ll be going off the air as far as podcasting goes after this year.  I will attempt to post the audios for those who cannot make it to the live show, however, I have had some trouble periodically with hecklers whose foul mouths have caused me to opt NOT to post the audio.  While Talk Shoe does allow me the ability to mute someone, it does not provide the tools to edit your broadcast easily.

For this reason, I urge you to attend the live show.  I promise to filter my callers as best I can during the live show.  The feedback from last week’s show (and the ones with prior hecklers) has shown that their time was well spent despite the momentary lapse in decorum.  The things I share will be tips from one of the most important studies I have ever written, “Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith”.  I usually sell this information but I feel the need to give some of it away this Christmas season in order to help my listeners enjoy a Merry CHRISTmas with both their saved and unsaved family members.  If something I share during this show will allow just one soul to come to know Christ Jesus, it will be well worth enduring a heckler on the air.

Remember, even if I am able to post the audio, all of the Communication Comedy Network audios will be coming down after the first of the year anyway when I transition to hosting 10-12 full seminar/workshops in 2010.  So don’t count on that audio!  Be there live and, if you have a special story to share that relates to my topic, please post it here so I can share it on the show or call in to the live show!

God bless you all this Christmas from the Art of Eloquence.com family to yours!

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CCN: The Communication Comedy Network Premiere!

CCN Logo2

All my life I wanted to be a stand up comedian, but I’m getting older now so I’m going to do it sitting down!” JoJo Tabares

The Communication Comedy Network is new to internet radio this week!  CCN is Real Communication Issues delivered in a really funny way.  Side effects include: unexplained laughing, seeing the positive side of life and communication excellence!

The Communication Comedy Network airs 8am PST (11am EST) to 9am PST (12pm EST) each Thursday and features various “shows” that use creativity to illustrate and teach communication skills.  Each week has 2-3 “shows” hosted by various people all of whom are played by the very playful JoJo Tabares of Art of Eloquence.com.

“Shows” include:

The 12 1/2 Minute News Hour hosted by Nancy Newsome reports real but odd news that teaches a specific communication lesson.

Word of the Week Short hosted by Professor Wordsmith who shares obscure words and grammar lessons.

Talk Talk Show: a talk show about talking (communication) hosted by JoJo Tabares of Art of Eloquence.com. Open discussions on various communication topics with occassional guests who share an area of expertise in a specifc aspect of communication.

Parodies of game shows, soap operas, infomercials and others will take place periodically all reporting or sharing real communication issues or news in a really funny way!

Join the Communication Comedy Network tomorrow morning at 8am PST/11am EST live!  Or listen to the audio recoding available directly following the broadcast!

This week’s Open Discussion Topic on JoJo’s Talk Talk Show is Hype and Hoopla of the Media relating more specifically to the recent Glen Beck show where he said the governement’s Cash for Clunkers program website was after your personal computer information!  Come share your thoughts!

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Stop the Presses! We’ve got Micheal Jr.!

Michael Jr 400x1I have been waiting ever so impatiently to announce this to you all for what seems like an endless amount of time so I’m just going to blurt it right out!

Christian Comedian, Michael Jr. has agreed to speak at this year’s Say What You Mean Convention (Feb. 3rd, 2010)!!

Can you tell that I’m a wee bit excited? LOL  I’ve been enjoying his amazing God-given talent for quite some time now!  I am such a fan!  He is so incredibly unique!

I ‘eMet’ him on Facebook and Twitter and decided to ask so that I (and all of you) shall receive.  Not only was he very gracious,  but to my great surprise and delight, he agreed to speak!  If you’re also a big fan, you can become a fan of his fan page on Facebook too!

I’ll be posting more on the convention later on so please stay tuned for more information on the amazing fun with communication skills in February at the 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention.

Mark your calendar to be able to be part of the convention LIVE on February 3rd, 2010 so you don’t miss out!  We will be recording some of the events but you will miss SO much if you aren’t there live!  ESPECIALLY to hear Michael Jr who will be kicking off the entire event at 8am PST/11am EST!

This year’s event is ONLY ONE DAY and will be packed with our usual pre recorded audios, freebies, live seminars, keynote speakers and contests!  As I announced before, Cindy Rushton has also agreed to speak about marriage so you will be doubly blessed as she is one amazing lady with some great info to share with us.

Also speaking that day will be yours truly and my two moderators, Kim Kautzer from Write Shop and Joan Rudder Ward of Positive Image Network!

This year’s Say What You Mean Convention will be something to experience so mark your calendar so you DON’T MISS OUT!

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Are You Over Saved?

Here’s a talented Christian comedian, Michael Jr., in what he calls “Over Saved”. Makes you really think about the communication you send to unbelievers.

Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of Eloquence.com!

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