Merry CHRISTmas from Art of Eloquence!

It’s CHRISTmas Eve–a time for reflection, family and praise for Christ.  Since The Year of Faith over on my newsletter is just around the corner.  (Be sure to subscribe to this blog for in 2014, I’ll be back with a weekly column to educate and amaze!)   I’m taking these last few weeks of 2013 to share some praise and worship with you.

This video touches on one of my pet peeves about CHRISTmas time.  There is very little Christ in CHRISTmas anymore.  Most of the Christmas movies talk about it being all about family and love.  A nice concept to be sure, but certainly not the focus of CHRISTmas.  Some of the Christmas movie line up doesn’t even talk about Christmas!  Every year during the Holidays there is a Harry Potter marathon!

So to do my share, please enjoy this very special CHRISTmas video.  Becky Kelley with Where’s the Line to See Jesus:


Merry CHRISTmas one and all!

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Give Christ a CHRISTmas gift this year!

This CHRISTmas, why not give Jesus a gift?  Something He has asked of us.  Something that adds to the kingdom of God.  This CHRISTmas, give Him the gift of boldly, graciously, and effectively sharing the Gospel with others.

If we are commanded to share the Gospel, why is it that so many Christians don’t?

1. They don’t know what to say.

2. They don’t know how to say it.

3. They are afraid they won’t be able to handle the consequences.

4. Or they are too bold or lacking in grace when they share bringing about unintentional consequences for both the one sharing and the one who is being ministered to.  But it doesn’t have to be this way!

swymdtfbooksmshadowArt of Eloquence has put together a communication study like no other.  It contains years of my personal experiences with unbelievers and the questions and issues they have with the Bible, Christ and Christians.  Growing up in an Atheist home of Jewish decent, I have heard all the questions and I know how not to answer the questions.

Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith will give you a simple way for teens and adults to learn how to answer the most popular questions unbelievers have.  And this month, you can get it at 50% off!

Other course of this nature fall short because they don’t take into consideration:

* God didn’t make Cookie-Cutter People so a one-size-fits-all approach reaches few unbelivers
* They most often teach you what to say, but fail to instruct you on how to say it or to tailor it to each individual
* They often teach you to open with a scripture or statement that doesn’t reflect the concerns of the unbeliever
* They don’t teach you how to answer the most common questions and misconceptions unbelievers have
* They don’t give you embedded links where you will find scientific data supporting biblical events.

This course will not only prepare you to speak to others about Christ, but it will actually strengthen your own faith because it gives you the historic and scientific supporting evidence for the answers to the most important questions about God!

To order Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith, just click on the previous link and order as usual. Where it says, “Apply DiscountCode,” put in voucher code: Faith5013  It will automatically reduce the price by 50% and remember that this offer is only good this month, December 2013! So order now before time runs out!

Give Christ a gift this CHRISTmas!  Give the gift of effective communication for Him because Christ died for us, the least we can do is tell people why!

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Day 10 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-Heart of CHRISTmas

The video countdown continues with Matthew West and Heart of CHRISTmas!

This is a new one on the countdown this year.  I just found this song and I love it.  It speaks to what is at the heart of what CHRISTmas is all about.

This is what we all strive to remember as Christians.  It’s why I continue to spell it CHRISTmas.  It reminds me to make sure I put Christ back in my CHRISTmas.



I’ll be back tomorrow with another video in the countdown to CHRISTmas.  Until then…

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5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas starts today!

The 5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas here at Communication FUNdamentals starts today.  Music video is a powerful form of communication.  We can use it to worship, to express ourselves and to share the love of God.  My goal, again, this CHRISTmas is to help put Christ back in our CHRISTmas by sharing  25 of my most favorite CHRISTmas songs with you.

This first one is a new one I discovered called Where’s the Line to See Jesus?  It shares my feeling, and that of many other Christians today, that our society has commercialized this blessed holiday to the point were we don’t even know what it’s all about anymore.

Though there are many Christmas movies during this holiday season, there are precious few CHRISTmas movies.  Most of the movies these days will acknowledge that the true meaning of CHRISTmas isn’t in the gifts we give and get, but instead of sharing that Jesus is the reason for the season, they tell us that the season is all about family and giving and love and friendship.

Well, it may, indeed, be about that for many, but for Christians, the reason for CHRISTmas is the Christ!  I pray the 5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas will help you keep more of Christ in your CHRISTmas this year.

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Interview w/a Communicator: Music Teacher

This week’s Interview with a Communicator is another online friend of mine with a very unique mission.

Cindy is a wife, mom, musician, writer, Christ follower and friend to many. She is also a private music teacher, teaching 25 piano and voice students each week. She has a BA in music from Northwest University and has been involved in ministry and music her whole life. She is passionate about motivating students young and old to be the best they can be .  I’m sure you will be inspired by reading more about her…

1. Please tell us a little about yourself.

I am a very positive person (most of the time) have learned to appreciate my friends and family well.  I love pouring into others and love to embrace and encourage.  I have a quirky sense of humor which can get me into trouble a lot – and I’m a terrible tease.  But most say it is lots of fun and feel inspired to be around my energy and positive take on life.  I’ve been married to the same man for 30 years this September and that’s no easy task!  We have two children – Ashlee is 23 and Shawn 19.  I also have a wonderful son-in-law, Drew who has been a part of our family now for about 3 years.

2. What is a typical day in the life of Cindy Holman?

A typical day would begin with Greg bringing me coffee in bed, where I begin the day with my devotional and looking through some applications on my iPhone to find just the right “quote of the day” for my twitter and facebook status updates.  I then have breakfast with Greg – we are both self-employed and work from home so we can do this every morning.  His office is upstairs and mine is down.  I love having him home – didn’t think I would like it, and although it took a little adjustment – I really love it now.  I use the morning to write and return emails – comment on my many blogs that I follow and prepare music for the afternoon of teaching.  Monday through Thursday this is my pattern.  I have every Friday, Saturday and Sunday off of teaching and do more running around on those days – except for church on Sunday morning.  I love to take walks and listen to music too :)

3. I love hearing people’s testimony! Please share how you came to know the Lord and how important The Great Commission is to a believer.

I accepted the Lord as a small child.  I was four years old and I remember exactly where I was when I asked Jesus into my heart.  I was in my bedroom looking out the window and then went into the kitchen to tell my mother.  I believe that our life should reflect what we believe and that it is the greatest testimony that we posses.  I have always wanted for others to see Jesus in me – whether it was in school, church or in the community.  As a teacher and a friend I believe that being an encourager and a person full of grace and mercy with a lot of love speaks volumes to people – and is much more effective than preaching and teaching.

4. How many years have you been married and how important has effective communication been in your marriage?

Greg and I will be married 30 years this September.  We’ve had to continually grow and be willing to learn during the different seasons of life.  We had a set-back a few years ago and it taught us that we need to be willing to change if we wanted our marriage to continue.  We learned how to communicate: what works and what doesn’t.  I learned not to “stuff” how I was feeling and just “go along” because it’s less work.  It’s taken hours and hours of talking and developing a meaningful way to communicate our deepest feelings that we just took for granted.  For years I don’t think Greg really knew how unhappy I was at some things and felt like he was taking me for granted and even shutting me off emotionally.  After being able to learn some tools of communication and releasing the “fear buttons” when speaking up – it was a very healthy new beginning to us as a couple.  I learned to speak up and be clear – Greg learned to really listen and that was very hard for him – it was very hard, though – because married couples learn the “dance” and do it well – even the unhealthy ones.  To unlearn and relearn is difficult – but in a crisis you have to make a choice – and we did.

5. Share with us your greatest blessings and challenges you have had as a parent.

I think raising teenagers is the biggest challenge that any parent faces.  We went through it with a daughter first, and then a son – four years apart.  They were both unique – girls go through an interesting time in those years and it was a very dark and frustrating time for me.  Our daughter is more like Greg – so he always understood her better than I did.  And I always understood Shawn because he is more like me in personality and disposition.  Releasing them when you’re not sure if they are ready – is another big challenge.  Our daughter moved out when she was 20 and it was the best thing for her and for us.  She grew up a lot when she had to be on her own.  Our son leaves for California in less than a week and I worry that he is not ready and will not be able to handle it – and then I think about how well Ashlee did – and I know he will be fine.

6. What is your favorite scripture and share what God is communicating to you personally through it.

I have always love Proverbs 3:5,6 – it’s been my favorite my whole life.  He is the only one who truly guides and leads our steps – all we have to do is trust.  Such freedom in that – such reassurance.  I like to think I can solve things – and try to understand everything that happens – and then something happens to me that is beyond my understanding.  It is then that this scripture comes back to me “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and He will make your paths straight”  I want my paths to be straight – not crooked or bent with fear and heartache because I tried to stubbornly do it my own way.

7. You have a unique ministry/business.  How important is effective communication for you as you go about your daily activities?

I teach piano and voice lessons in my home.  I am very intentional about email and facebook communication with my students and parents.  I love to chat with my students and parents during the week – when I find a song I think they might be interested in learning – or posting a song from a recital with them in it.  I provide advance notice through written notes, email, facebook or my website for my music studio when I have things I want them to be aware of – such as holidays or weather changes that will prevent the studio being open for business for that day.  Funny thing – even though I teach most holidays – I still have students missing – even though I always give plenty of good communication – I guess it is something that every teacher deals with.

8. What forms of communication do you use in your ministry/business?  Which one is your favorite and why?

I have a facebook fan page for my studio called “Cindy’s Music Studio” and I also have a website/blog where I post many of the schedule things with my studio.  I also use text – email and facebook.  It is frustrating when students and parents don’t have a facebook account because it is where I post most everything including pictures and video.

9. What are the challenges in communicating in other ways?

My only challenge is that people are not all on facebook – or a fan of my music page, so I have to print out a note for those people – or call them to make sure they received something that everybody else did because they saw me post it online.  It’s much more time consuming and frustrating.

10. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about a misunderstanding you had in the past, what would you tell yourself?

I would be careful who I entrusted with my heart felt and personal information.  I would tell myself, “are you sure they are trust worthy? – will they easily run off expose, accuse and then hide instead of protecting my heart if they are miffed about something? – how well do you really know them? – be very careful about trusting before it is earned”

11. How can we learn more about you and your business/ministry?

My blog is my fan page is: and my website/blog is:

12. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with today?

I love the quote: “Feed the body food and drink, it will survive today. Feed the soul art and music , it will live forever.”  That says so much – and because music is such a part of me – passing it on is a huge blessing because I know I am helping to develop and feed their soul with this gift.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us, Cindy!  I’m so glad I got to share you with my readers!


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Give Grace A Chance

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After reading my title, I have that song stuck in my head now, don’t you?  “Just Give Grace a Chance…”  Continuing Grace Month with excerpts  from my article, “10 Quick Ways to Disagree in Grace” we come to numbers five and six.  I pray these tips have been a blessing to you and I would ask that you please pass along the link to my blog posts as there are so many Christians struggling to find comfortable or more effective ways in which to disagree.
Sometimes Christians find that they may disagree with other Christians over doctrine or how they interpret scripture.  I have seen Christians lash out at a sister or brother in Christ and I have seen others stand idly by in fear of what their response would bring.  This is a HUGE topic that I actually address in several of my communication studies, but I want to address a portion of this here today: new Christians.
5. Give new Christians a Chance
Before I ever came to accept Jesus, I didn’t know His Word.  I cannot accept what I do not know.  I had to spend time reading the Bible before I could grow in my faith.  The closer I grew to the Lord, the more I wanted to live my life for Him.  I didn’t start off witnessing. It wasn’t until later that I decided not to participate in things like Santa and the Easter Bunny.  Be sure not to stumble a fairly new Christian because he is not yet ready or willing to make a change.”
We don’t want to stumble a new believer before he has an opportunity to walk with the Lord.  It’s so important that we discuss things and not argue the point.  Most new believers will need time to sit with an idea before they can really understand it.  Most people have the same issue with almost any new idea.  Nobody wants to be told they are doing things wrong, but often we do need to hear it.  It’s so much easier to share what we believe than to accuse or badger.  This allows us the freedom to speak.  It’s also much easier for the recipient to hear us discuss our different belief.  This allows the other person the freedom to listen and understand.
Another issue we face with gracious disagreement, is when we notice the other party isn’t “buying it.”  LOL  As we attempt to discuss issues, we may notice that the other person isn’t accepting our facts.
6. Address their Concerns
If they ask you a question, by all means answer!  Sometimes people may not come out and ask, but you can tell they have a concern by their body language or their facial expression.  If they object, by all means address it.  Calmly share what you know about their concerns.”
Some will come out and ask you how you know X to be true.  Others will squinch up their faces or shake their heads from side to side.  This is a red flag clue that something needs to be addressed.  Do so.  Remember, that addressing their concerns doesn’t mean telling them the are WRONG or getting them to agree you are RIGHT.  It simply means that we should graciously attempt to clarify why they are having trouble with our idea and see if we can discuss it further.  Along the way, the other party might learn you are right or YOU might learn something about the other person that will allow you to explain your position more effectively.
I’ll be back on Wednesday with some more tips on disagreeing in grace.  Check out our newsletter subscription below.  We will have a free gift coming out tomorrow for all subscribers.  It’s an activity book that helps parents and kids discuss what Jesus did for us.


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Christian Pizza


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It’s Tax Day and we all need a giggle.  This Friday Funny is brought to you by my dd and her college friend.

My dd emailed this to me the other day from college.  Her friend had ordered pizza to be delivered to the Baptist Collegiate Ministry and it came with this receipt.

They say God is in the details, but I didn’t think He was into pizza delivery!  If you notice, it says, “Your pizza experience managed by Christ.”

Now I’m sure that a Christopher (or Christine) must be the manager of this pizza establishment, but I think it serves to remind us that God is ultimately in control, does it not?


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Merry CHRISTmas from Art of Eloquence!

Art of Eloquence has never done anything like this in the entire eight years we’ve been in business!

Studies and research show that effective communicators are happier and have deeper relationships than their less articulate counterparts.  The Bible is FULL of scriptures (hundreds and perhaps thousands of them) that instruct us in the proper use of our mouths, lips, tongue and words.  This because our communication either promotes peace or invites war.

It was for this reason that I wrote 21 Days to More Godly Communication and it is for this reason that I created a secret page link on that eBook where I continue to write scripture-based communication articles to this day!  We believe that studying what the Lord says about how we communicate with each other can bring peace to our marriages, friendships, families and co workers!

As part of our CHRISTmas gift to our customers, subscribers and friends for the next 21 days (the 21 days before CHRISTmas) we’d like to offer 21 Days to More Godly Communication absolutely free!

This year my church, North Ridge Community Church, had begun work this year on becoming a B.I.G. church.  No.  Not big in size, but B.I.G. as in Biblical, Influential, and Grace-Based.  North Ridge has been striving to become more of a meeting place for our local community.  Our goal is to complete our common areas next year in order to better house community events so we may have more of an opportunity to minister and bless our community while leading them to a deeper or first knowledge of Christ Jesus.

To that end I am prayerfully asking you to consider making a donation when you download your free copy of 21 Days to More Godly Communication.

To read more about North Ridge Community Church, our Ridge Bridge Outreach, 21 Days to More Godly Communication and be download your free CHRISTmas copy of 21 Days to More Godly Communication, click here!

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