Art of Eloquence Blog — abortion RSS

New Poll: Americans Moving Toward Pro Life

A new poll by the Knights of Columbus in partnership with the Marist Institute for Public Opinion at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York found that 86% favor significant restrictions and the majority believe that abortion hurts a woman long-term. "Additionally, the data showed that since October nearly every demographic sub-group had moved toward the pro-life position except for non-practicing Catholics and men under 45 years of age. Independents and liberals showed the greatest shift to the pro-life position since October, while Democrats were slightly less likely to be pro-life now than they were in October." In fact, 79% of Americans believe that health care workers should not be mandated to perform an abortion if it conflicts with their beliefs...

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Former student: 15y/o pro life advocate!

How would you feel? by Alyssa Liljequist, 15 y/o Pro Life Activist This video was created by a former Defending the Faith student of mine.  She is a 15 y/o young lady who is passionate about speaking out against abortion. Kuddos to Alyssa for speaking out with such grace and creativity!  This is just one of the ways in which my students are boldly serving up God's Word with grace and humor!  Come join them with Defending the Faith online classes too!

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12y/o's Abortion Speech: "A person's a person no matter how small!"

This is 12 y/o Lia from Canada.  After initially being disqualified because her topic was Abortion and she mentioned the Creator in her speech, she is the winner of her school's speech contest.  It is an excellent speech using not only good debate points but she is gracious in doing so.  I love the ending as she quotes from Horton Hears a Who, "After all, a person's a person no matter how small!"

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