Art of Eloquence Blog — Pro Life RSS

5 Political Reasons to Learn Effective Communication Skills

I'm often asked why communication skills are so important.  I hear so many say things like: "After all, with cell phones, email and the internet we are the most connected society who ever lived.";  "The only people who really need to learn effective communication are lawyers and politicians.";  "Most people know what I mean." and "So I'm not Ronald Reagan!" Statistics show that 87% of what you and I do all day long is communication related.  You communicate when you talk to friends, when you discipline your kids, when you share ideas at work, when you share your faith.  I hear some of you out there though thinking, "What's so important?  So I don't get along that well with Aunt...

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New Poll: Americans Moving Toward Pro Life

A new poll by the Knights of Columbus in partnership with the Marist Institute for Public Opinion at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York found that 86% favor significant restrictions and the majority believe that abortion hurts a woman long-term. "Additionally, the data showed that since October nearly every demographic sub-group had moved toward the pro-life position except for non-practicing Catholics and men under 45 years of age. Independents and liberals showed the greatest shift to the pro-life position since October, while Democrats were slightly less likely to be pro-life now than they were in October." In fact, 79% of Americans believe that health care workers should not be mandated to perform an abortion if it conflicts with their beliefs...

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