Nitpicker’s Annonymous

sticks her tongue outHere is part two of my article from last week called Conversation Correction Patrol:

My advice when you post on Twitter and Facebook (or any of the other social networking sites) is to stop before you publicly disagree with someone.  Yes, even an obscure post on Twitter or Facebook is a public post.  Reflect on these questions before you hit the “share” button:

1. Is it really a mistake or are you reading too much into it?

Are you perhaps being too picky, stretching the meaning, reading it out of context?  Is what they posted really a problem or are you looking for situations in which the statement could be taken another way.  Did the other party mean it the way you are interpreting it or are you pretty sure he meant it in a completely innocent way?

2. Does what you disagree with rise to the level that the person should be made aware of his/her mistake?

If the person did, indeed make a mistake or state an untruth, does it really need to be corrected?  I’ve written many times about my children and their creation of the Conversation Correction Patrol.  I even wrote a children’s ebook by that title once!  Sometimes we look for things to correct in other people, but don’t realize that there is no need.  The other parties involved know that Julie meant 12 noon and not 12 midnight for nobody in their right mind would have lunch at midnight.  The only thing you will accomplish by making a big deal of Julie’s mistake is embarrassing her.

3. Is it best to send the person a private message?

Is this something that should be handled personally or would it be received well if you posted it for all her Facebook friends to see?  Sometimes it’s more gracious to notify someone of a faux pas in private.  Think about how you might feel if someone yelled out at a party that you were so dumb as to think lunch was at midnight.  That’s more or less how it is received when you make a big deal of a small mistake in public (online).

4. If not, have you chosen the most gracious words?

If something needs to be said, even if it is in private, have you taken care to use the most gracious words you can in pointing out someone’s mistake or have you condemned them, made them feel dumb, or called them a liar?

5. Have you said anything positive, encouraging or uplifting to this person or are you only sending them replies when you have something negative to say?

Even if you have been gracious by pointing out something that should be corrected, take a look at what other communication you have had with this person.  Is the only time you have communicated with Martha been when you told he she was wrong?  Did you bother to say you’d pray for her when she announced she was ill?  Did you congratulate her on her newest project or promotion?  Have you uplifted her or have you replied to her only when you spotted an error?

Choose your battles and your words wisely.  Remember that just because you are right, doesn’t mean you are justified in saying so.  Sometimes you will win the battle, but hurt a friend.  “An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” Proverbs 18:19  Even if the person doesn’t take offense, this sort of “tug and pull” communication can be draining.

I know that some people see errors glaring at them and feel they just have to point them out.  Anyone involved in any part of the editing process may be a card carrying member of the Communication Correction Patrol.  I’m an author so I know.   In fact, anyone with bright kids might know this intimately!  Those who spot errors feel the overwhelming need to fix stuff, but I implore you to stop and think if this is the best course of action in each particular situation.  If so, please handle with care.  If not, might I suggest Nitpickers Anonymous.   We meet on Thursdays!

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula, including Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

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Conversation CorRection Patrol

sticks her tongue outThis is part one of a two part article series:

My mother always told me that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, I shouldn’t say anything at all.  It seems that communication over the internet means you don’t need to look your victim, er, Facebook Friend in the eye.  Folks don’t seem to make it a point to be as uplifting and gracious as they are when face-to-face.  As I navigate the Information Super Highway, I often reflect upon this scripture, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29

A while ago, I had a little situation on one of the social networking sites.  I had posted an article and reposted some interesting things that others had seen fit to post.  I received replies from someone picking nits about the content.  I’ve had this happen a time or two before (I’ve seen it happen to others many times on the internet.) and always found it rather interesting.  I’m not going to name names or even the site it was on.  I post virtually the same things on all sites each day.  All I’ll say is that it was really just a case of nitpicking.

The people who pick nits rarely reply to anything in which they cannot find something to disagree.  They are usually not uplifting in any way and most often don’t bother to put things graciously, but instead prefer to show everyone how ignorant the other guy is and how smart they are in contrast.  However, in my experience, the nitpicker isn’t usually seen as smarter or helpful, but rather as picky and condescending.

If I disagree with someone, I usually find it best to send a private message unless I feel it’s something that will lead others astray.  In that case, I will be grace-filled and loving in my reply.  For example, I might tell someone that I “look at it a different way” or reply “in my experience…” or share that “in my research…” or “my understanding is…”  I will usually assume the other party is simply mistaken, not a liar.  I almost always gently correct if I feel something is just not so.  It’s always better, in my opinion, to tell someone they are incorrect instead of callously stating they are WRRONG or a liar.

But I find that too many people on the web are unconcerned with being gracious.  And although Proverbs 16:24 says,  “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.“, I notice it among the Christian community as well.  I’ve talked about this before on the blog, in my articles and in my communication studies.

Sometimes it’s simply a matter of a mood we are in.  Sometimes we are just in a contrary frame of mind.  Perhaps we had a bad day so we look at things and notice what we disagree with.  This provides many opportunities to Tweet and Facebook our opposition in virtual anonymity, a tempting prospect that allows too many to fall into nitpicking.

Next week I’ll share part two of this article, Nitpicker’s Annonymous. Stay tuned!  Subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss each weekly post!

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New Year; New Theme

Happy New Year everyone!

Don’t forget that tomorrow begins not just 2014, but The Year of Faith here at Art of Eloquence.  Our newsletter subscribers will find weekly articles on various faith topics beginning this week.

If you make New Year’s Resolutions and even if you don’t, make this one!  Subscribe to our newsletter for 2014!  Learn all you can about how to fulfill The Great Commission and why we, as Christians, are commanded to do so.  It’s not easy to discuss faith issues these days and most Christians are either too afraid of the consequences or are doing it in such a way that it actually drives unbelievers away from God.

This is your chance and it’s all free!  This is the most important New Year’s Resolution you will ever make.  Make it and keep it, by subscribing here, NOW!

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Merry CHRISTmas from Art of Eloquence!

It’s CHRISTmas Eve–a time for reflection, family and praise for Christ.  Since The Year of Faith over on my newsletter is just around the corner.  (Be sure to subscribe to this blog for in 2014, I’ll be back with a weekly column to educate and amaze!)   I’m taking these last few weeks of 2013 to share some praise and worship with you.

This video touches on one of my pet peeves about CHRISTmas time.  There is very little Christ in CHRISTmas anymore.  Most of the Christmas movies talk about it being all about family and love.  A nice concept to be sure, but certainly not the focus of CHRISTmas.  Some of the Christmas movie line up doesn’t even talk about Christmas!  Every year during the Holidays there is a Harry Potter marathon!

So to do my share, please enjoy this very special CHRISTmas video.  Becky Kelley with Where’s the Line to See Jesus:


Merry CHRISTmas one and all!

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Give Christ a CHRISTmas gift this year!

This CHRISTmas, why not give Jesus a gift?  Something He has asked of us.  Something that adds to the kingdom of God.  This CHRISTmas, give Him the gift of boldly, graciously, and effectively sharing the Gospel with others.

If we are commanded to share the Gospel, why is it that so many Christians don’t?

1. They don’t know what to say.

2. They don’t know how to say it.

3. They are afraid they won’t be able to handle the consequences.

4. Or they are too bold or lacking in grace when they share bringing about unintentional consequences for both the one sharing and the one who is being ministered to.  But it doesn’t have to be this way!

swymdtfbooksmshadowArt of Eloquence has put together a communication study like no other.  It contains years of my personal experiences with unbelievers and the questions and issues they have with the Bible, Christ and Christians.  Growing up in an Atheist home of Jewish decent, I have heard all the questions and I know how not to answer the questions.

Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith will give you a simple way for teens and adults to learn how to answer the most popular questions unbelievers have.  And this month, you can get it at 50% off!

Other course of this nature fall short because they don’t take into consideration:

* God didn’t make Cookie-Cutter People so a one-size-fits-all approach reaches few unbelivers
* They most often teach you what to say, but fail to instruct you on how to say it or to tailor it to each individual
* They often teach you to open with a scripture or statement that doesn’t reflect the concerns of the unbeliever
* They don’t teach you how to answer the most common questions and misconceptions unbelievers have
* They don’t give you embedded links where you will find scientific data supporting biblical events.

This course will not only prepare you to speak to others about Christ, but it will actually strengthen your own faith because it gives you the historic and scientific supporting evidence for the answers to the most important questions about God!

To order Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith, just click on the previous link and order as usual. Where it says, “Apply DiscountCode,” put in voucher code: Faith5013  It will automatically reduce the price by 50% and remember that this offer is only good this month, December 2013! So order now before time runs out!

Give Christ a gift this CHRISTmas!  Give the gift of effective communication for Him because Christ died for us, the least we can do is tell people why!

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Dewey Decimal System Day

Does anyone even know what this is anymore? …Now that we have the internet and hardly anyone goes to the library these days.  They even cut the library hours and staff.

In case you didn’t know what this was or you’d like to teach your kidlings, Wikipedia defines it here.

The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), or Dewey Decimal System, is a proprietary library classification system first published by Melvil Dewey in 1876. It has been revised and expanded through 23 major editions, the latest issued in 2011. The classification was notable in its time because it introduced the concepts of relative location and relative index. It makes use of three-digit Arabic numerals for main classes, with decimals as expansions for more detail.

A library assigns a Dewey Decimal number that unambiguously locates a particular volume in a position relative to other books in the library. This makes it easy to find any particular book and return it to its proper place on the library shelves. The system is used in 200,000 libraries in at least 135 countries.”

Informal Survey: How many of you knew what it was?  How many didn’t?  How many of your kids did?  How many of you actually use it today?  How many use the internet more than the library these days?


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Breaking Art of Eloquence News!


The new year is fast approaching and I have a lot of changes planned.  Here are the headlines:


2013 Video Countdown to CHRISTmas


I know many of you look forward to my Video Countdown to CHRISTmas every year here on the Art of Eloquence blog.  I’ve been doing it for about four years now.  However, since starting my daily JoJoisms blog a few months back, I’ve decided to host the countdown on that blog instead.  It fits the theme better anyway and that blog is already daily where this one is weekly.

The Video Countdown to CHRISTmas began, as usual, on December 1st and will end on December 25th.  Also you can subscribe to and get your Daily Life Laughs and Giggles.  Everyone has struggles. This blog is a nice place to come for a break, support and fun!


2014 AoE Newsletters Will Go Weekly! 


We have declared 2014 as The Year of Faith on our Art of Eloquence newsletter.  Instead of twice monthly, we will be putting out weekly newsletters that will talk about why it’s often so difficult to share our faith in modern society and how to overcome that and share our faith with boldness tempered by grace.  If you aren’t a subscriber already, make sure you subscribe here now before you get busy with the holidays.  We’ll have some free gifts for you just for signing up AND some free CHRISTmas gifts later this month!

In addition to all that, our newsletter subscribers will continue to receive our free holiday gifts AND, NEW IN 2014, a free subscription to our Monthly $1.99 Club where subscribers can get Art of Eloquence materials for ONLY $1.99!


ALL NEW AoE Blog Features! 


email spamMake sure you are also subscribed to the AoE blog’s RSS feed so you don’t miss any of the blog posts in 2014!  I’ll be sharing weekly articles on the following topics:

-Communication Pet Peeves

-Popular Sayings that Just Aren’t True

-Communication Lessons from Fairy Tales and the Media

-AND a new feature called, Reign of Error!


NEW: AoE Facebook Fan Page Themes


AoEFB Bnr2014 will hold even more fun for those of you on Facebook.  You can join us for our usual fun pictures and graphics we share from all over the net, but we will be adding some fun themes each day that will get YOU and even your children involved and honing your communication skills!  Here are the daily themes:

-Scripture SONday

-Musical Monday

-Tuesday’s Tip

-Word Wednesday

-Thankful or Thermal Thursday

-Friday Funnies

-Soap Box Saturday


Join us, subscribe, be inspired, learn, participate and have fun with Art of Eloquence in 2014!

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy ThanksgivingJust a quick post to wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving with your family!

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Is Funner a Word?

stupid questionIs Funner a word?

I’ll bet you’ll say it isn’t, but according to Merriam Webster it is!  (added about 2010) But is that all we should consider in order to communicate effectively?  NO!

Effective communication is also about the impression we make on people.  Using the word funner makes you sound like a you’re *UNedUmaCaTed.*

I don’t care if the dictionary does say it’s a word, if you sound like an idiot you’ll be treated that way and all credibility goes out the window.

So, funner IS a word, but if you use it, you’ll communicate that you’re not too bright.  And if you use the term more funner, they’ll be sure of it!

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Thank you for shopping with us?!

clownIt amazes me how so few people think learning to communicate effectively is important.  Today’s society says we have free speech and should feel emboldened to say whatever we feel, but so few seek to speak in a way that minimizes errors for the recipient or takes seriously the consequences and responsibility.  Case in point:

My sister works at a retail store.  A few months ago a truck drove off the road and through their store window hurting a patron.  The customer was wheel chair bound, but only received a cut on her leg due to the accident.  She was lucky.  However, the saleswoman on the floor that day who escourted her to the ambulance said her goodbyes in a way that prompted a complaint call from that customer two days after the event.  What did the saleswoman say to her departing and injured customer?

“Thank you for shopping with us.”

She says she was trying to lighten the mood, but the truth is she wasn’t very sensitive to the feelings of her customer.

Communication Tip of the Month: NEVER try to use humor with someone you don’t know, particularly if it’s during a serious situation!

What would you have said?  What could this saleswoman have said?  What should she have said?

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