Brand New Speech & Debate Value Package

How often have you wished that you could persuade someone to accept your idea, do something you thought was right, or go somewhere you thought was important?  Think about it. How many times have you felt passionately about something, but you lacked the insight, discipline or training to present a good argument?  While most people will never have a need to engage in a formal debate or speech, understanding these techniques can help train you to become more persuasive in daily life. We actually use persuasion skills every day. Do we need formal debate-level persuasion skills every day? No, but would our everyday need for persuasion skills be enhanced by the study of debate? Absolutely!

Being skilled in the art of giving effective presentations is likely to have a significant impact on your success both personally and professionally. Being able to present yourself (and your ideas) well and having the ability to persuade others is essential in business. It is the sign of an effective and respected leader.  It is also important on a personal level because polished communication skills will greatly assist you in making and developing good friendships!

Benefits of Learning to Speak in Public
•Increased confidence and self-esteem
•Ability to think on your feet
•Captivating your audience
•Develop the art of listening critically
•Master persuasion skills
•Better career advancement

Studies show those who enjoy making speeches actually make more money!

The Problem with Most Speech and Debate Courses
Most speech and debate courses can be intimidating or boring.  As a child, I was painfully shy.  I would rather have cut off my right arm than take a traditional speech and debate course.  If I wasn’t intimidated enough by the thought of public speaking, I certainly was by having to become an expert on things like gun control.  The only way I would have agreed to take one of these courses is the very thing that was missing from them all: The FUN Factor!  Studies show that the more fun people have while learning, the better they will understand, practice and retain the subject matter.

If you could find a course that was both creative and fun, learning becomes almost effortless. Well, now you can with the Art of Eloquence Speech & Debate Value Pack which includes Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course and our new Say What You Mean: Beginning Debate together for one low price!  To read more about this full year curricula with our BONUS and to download our free lesson from each study, click here!


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NEW at Art of Eloquence: UPDATED Sample Lessons

We’ve updated all our sample lessons!

Over the last year, I have been working almost exclusively on new communication studies, especially the ones that you have told us you needed.  Over the year, we have released:

Say What You Mean Debating the Issues


Say What You Mean Overcoming Social Anxiety


Say What You Mean Beginning Debate


Say What You Mean Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts


This past year has left me precious little time to do some much needed revising of our website…and you all know how UNtechie I am.  Well, in the past few weeks, I’ve been working on several aspects of our website and today I’m ready to announce our first series of changes: UPDATED Sample Lessons!

After much techie frustration, I have finally been able to update and upload revised versions of the seven sample lessons that we have had, mostly for our homeschool curricula, and HEEEEEEAR they are!


Say What You Mean for Preschoolers

Say What You Mean for Kids

Say What You Mean for Teens

Know Your Audience

Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course



Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith


Say What You Mean When You’re in Business


Each sample lesson link is located toward the bottom of the page so feel free to browse!  I am currently working to create sample lessons for some of our newer studies which do not yet have them.  I should be finished with them all by Wednesday, so come on back to the blog and check them out!


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JoJo’s Top 5 Reasons for Giving Educational Gifts

Top 5 Reasons for Giving Educational Gifts

5. It’s got ZERO calories
4. It won’t spoil their appetite
3. It’s sugar free
It’s always the right size
1. Education NEVER goes out of style!

Give the gift of self-expression!  Even shy kids LOVE this fun speech course!

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