What does it take to communicate with your computer?

I have a degree in Speech Communication and over 25 years of experience since then.  I have been able to communicate successfully with people of all ages, including those who have vastly different beliefs.  I speak English, a little Spanish, a wee bit of ASL and I’m conversational in whining and Gibberish.  What I cannot communicate with is my computer.

Computers have a language and a logic all their own!  I’ll go into this in more detail later this week, but to give you a background (in order that you might appreciate the conclusions I will draw on Wednesday), I’d like to share with you the Tragic (though comedic) Tale of Techie Trouble with the computer formerly known as Zippy.

Zippy is less than two years old.  We bought him when my previous computer, Methuselah, was given only a few days to live…or was that me after starring in a Lifetime Movie called “Some Like it NOT.”  After rehearsing Methuselah’s death scene, we set up The Zippster and I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that my days of Techie Troubles were over.

Unfortunately, I got an offer I couldn’t refuse, and believe me I tried, to do the sequel, “Scream TOO” which began filiming several weeks ago while preparing for our Art of Eloquence Birthday Bash.  What went wrong you ask?

1. My old website had a nervous breakdown and my new website wasn’t programabale quite the way it was supposed to causing delays and fits of frustrated terror.

2. Firefox slowed to a snail’s pace and began hiding the words I typed until, well…it felt like showing them.  By that time, I had tried to backspace and, “I’m so happy today” came out, “Isoppy toy” until I had wanted to type, “I want to throw Zippy out the window!”

3. Blog posts I spent hours preparing disappeared….

4. Windows Movie Maker began to play hide and seek with my videos.

5. Firefox, Windows Movie Maker and Outlook would freeze and shut down unexpectedly.

6. My virus software took a mental vacation.

7. Our coupon code inexlicably didn’t work during the Birthday Bash.

8. Our coupon code inexplicably started to work correctly a few hours AFTER the Birthday Bash was over.

9. Firefox began using too much memory, or so my new virus sotfware told me.

10. I dumped Firefox and spent two or three hours setting up all my passwords and bookmarks in IE.

11. IE began using too much memory according to my new virus software.

And those are only SOME of the techie troubles I’ve had in the last several weeks.  It’s all I can remember because, very soon afterward, my brain had the blue screen of death and I got fitted for my funny white coat with the sleeves that tie in the back!

Why?  Why can’t computers behave like human beings?  Why can’t we just talk to our computer and clear up any misunderstandings we might have?  How is it that I can be doing the very same things to operate it day after day and then, without warning, everything changes?  I thought about that as I was screaming into my non techie, old fashioned pillow and I realized that some of the behavoir of computers IS simlar to human beings, but some just isn’t.

Have you ever been talking to someone for years in a particular way and then one day he lets you know in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t appreciate it?  You’re left wondering, where did THAT come from?  If he didn’t like talking about this or doing that, why not just tell me so three years ago?

The difference is that if you have a misunderstanding (human version of a techie issue), you can always communicate with him and work it out.  You can ask him what’s wrong, what he’d like you to do in the future, and you can apologize and move on.  With computers, you can’t do that.  Oh you try!  Sometimes in words and sometimes threatening an inanimate object with bodily harm!  Either way, he doesn’t answer you and you’re left with the undeniable feeling that you’re in this ALONE!

So here I sit today with these Techie Troubles daring me to make a move.  What’s the right one?  What is the consequence for making the wrong move?  I’ve changed my virus software, updated malware protection, changed browsers, run disk cleanup and defrag…I’ve done everything I can think of short of exorcism to debug my computer which is driving me buggy.   I’ll draw some more conclusions for you about some things I’ve learned while attempting effective communication with my computer…on Wednesday.

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Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan!

I normally don’t post on a Sunday, but since the technology exists to schedule my blog posts ahead of time through the magic of technology, I will this week and for one very important reason.  It’s Ronald Reagan’s birthday and he would have been 100 years old today!

Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6th 1911-June 5th 2004) was the 40th President of the United States.  No matter what anyone thought of his politics, they couldn’t help but love The Great Communicator who spoke with disarming humor and a positive outlook.  Those who spoke with him always remarked at how he had the knack of making them feel as if they were the only person in the world who mattered at that moment!

Ronald Reagan was a man of faith who felt strongly about America’s ties to her Creator.  He had a way of using humor and God’s Word to speak gently and respectfully of his vision and his beliefs. I thought you might enjoy reading a little of The Great Communicator’s wit and wisdom.  Here are some of his famous quotes:

“Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”

“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

“Our Nation’s motto – ‘In God We Trust’ – was not chosen lightly. It reflects a basic recognition that there is a divine authority in the universe to which this nation owes homage.”

“Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They’re just braver five minutes longer.”

“America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under.”

“Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.”

“One way to make sure crime doesn’t pay would be to let the government run it.”

“Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement.”

“I have wondered many times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.”

“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”

Art of Eloquence has patterned our speech communication studies and events after The Great Communicator by using humor as well as God’s Word to teach a generation of Christians to speak up as eloquently for their beliefs and accomplish the work the Lord has for them!  During the last five years, each  Say What You Mean Convention strove to help Christian families do just that.  This annual, three-day event featured live seminars and workshops by some of the most beloved speakers including:

Micheal Farris of Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)

Carol Barnier, author “How to Get Your Child off the Refrigerator and Onto Learning”

Lorrie Flem, Teach Magazine Editor

Dr. Jay Wile, Founder of Apologia Science

Gena Suarez, Editor of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Michael Jr, Christian Comedian

Cindy Rushton, Time for Tea and Mom to Mom Radio Show

Many thanks and blessings to you all for taking the time to come share with my guests!

While I had a blast putting this on each year, it was an incredible amount of work.  In fact, it took me all year  to plan the events, make arrangements for the keynote speakers, record the hundreds of hours of audios and that was just a small slice of the planning pie.  During those years, I was unable to do much writing or many other speaking engagements.  After the conclusion of the Fifth Annual Say What You Mean Convention last year, I heard the Lord clearly tell me to hang up my convention hat.  The convention site will be up until the end of February so feel free to go on over and listen to the audios and download the free gifts!

I’d like to take this time to send a big hug and a thank you to several people.  There were some who worked beside me, year after year, in various capacities for this five year cause.  My unsung heroes, if you will.  I’d like to thank them for making the event a rousing success each of those five years. I never could have done something this big without them!

Kim Kautzer of WriteShop for all her help with the planning and execution each year as well as for speaking and helping me to run the events!

Joan Rudder Ward, of Girl Nurture and now Visual Psalms for her help in planning, speaking and especially for all her hard work on the website!

Carla Ives of Reluctant WAHM fame and now venturing forth into her new business, GhostWriteHer.com for all her ideas and support and prayers as well as for helping with all the little things behind the scenes.

And a special thank you to Marie Ynami for all her help in setting up the format and initial website and for encouraging me when the Lord first gave me this seemingly nutty idea of a techno ding dong hosting an convention entirely on the web!  If it wasn’t for Marie, I’d have never begun this great adventure!

While I’ll no longer be hosting this huge event, I have been running monthly seminars and workshops that are proving fun and informative for many.  Come join me and a panel of fabulous guests on February 24th as we discuss (WITH HUMOR) how important communication skills are in our everyday lives!

As you can see, Ronald Reagan has been a big inspiration to me as I worked through several projects in the past eight years with Art of Eloquence.  Happy 100th Birthday Ronald Reagan and thank you, one and all!

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On taking the 'God Parts' out

Art of Eloquence is fast approaching the completion of its eighth year in business this November.  It’s been a very interesting ride so far.  I’ve learned a great deal about business, about myself and my faith.

When I wrote my first study, Say What You Mean (for Teens), I really wasn’t thinking of this as a business or even a ministry. It was simply an answer to a homeschool friend’s need for a more comfortable way her shy daughter could learn to communicate more effectively.  It was important to me that the approach to overcoming shyness and strengthening communication skills be fun and reflect the teachings that are so prevalent in God’s Word.  I have literally found HUNDREDS of scriptures that pertain to communication and many of them contain lessons I studied in the pursuit of my secular degree.

However, as I began to form Art of Eloquence, I quickly learned that not everyone was happy with the ‘God parts.’  The woman in charge of a nearby YMCA said she would love me to come and teach there if only I’d ‘take the God parts out.’  A public school administrator informed me that she’d love to recommend that my studies be used in the district, if only I’d agree to ‘take the God parts out.’  My Dad shared with me that he felt that I’d get a lot more sales if only I’d ‘take the God parts out.’

Over the last eight years, I can’t count the number of times I’ve been offered contracts, money, sales, an enormous venue in which to display my articles if I’d only agree to ‘take the God parts out.’ I just could never bring myself to do it.  It felt like I’d be turning my back on the Lord after He had done so much for me.  It felt disrespectful, but more than that, it felt wrong.

When I got my degree from a secular university, I felt I had a firm grasp of the concepts I had studied.  After all, I had a degree from one of the top ten universities in the country for Speech Communication.  When I accepted Christ as my savior, I found greater meaning in the lessons He wrote for us in His Word.  It more than enhanced my understanding; it put a necessary perspective on every aspect of human communication.  I found that studying speech communication without mentioning what the Bible has to say about it, is like studying automobiles without mentioning Henry Ford.

As the years went by, I began writing more about being an effective witness for Christ both as an example and when discussing our faith with others.  That’s when I really had some challenges to my approach!  I’ve had people heckle me on internet radio shows and I’ve had some NastyGrams sent to my email.  I’ve had people disrupt my online events, send scathing remarks to online groups and one lady who chastised me during a presentation I was asked to give for a group of Christians.  I found out later that she was a member of one of my Christian Yahoo groups!  She wasn’t aware that I was asked to do this presentation nor was she aware that the presentation was to a group of Christians.  She simply felt it was ‘intolerant’ of me to quote scripture and talk about Jesus when there were people who didn’t believe in Him.  So she stood up in the virtual chatroom so to speak and told me off, left the room and took several people with her.

Many times what I write cannot be divorced from scripture without diminishing the value or losing the integrity of my message.  So, though I’ve been asked many times to ‘take the God parts out, for many reasons, I simply cannot do it and remain true to the voice inside me-the voice God gave me.

I can’t say that I haven’t been tempted.  I wish I could report to you that I’ve never once allowed it to cross my mind that I might have much more of a following or more sales if I did ‘take the God parts out.’  And I know that there must be others out there who struggle with this issue whether they are authors or not.  I’d like  to share a thinking process that I use whenever I am presented with a situation like this.  I hope it will help you.

  • If I were to take the scriptures out of my work, I might be able to reach a wider audience than just the percentage of Christians who feel it important to study communication from a Christian perspective.
  • If I were to reach a wider audience, I might be able to reach unbelievers and they may come to know Christ.
  • How many people, who are that uncomfortable with scripture, would actually be interested in these kinds of articles and studies which were written specifically for Christians?
  • How many of my articles and studies really speak to the unbeliever?
  • Wouldn’t I approach a nonChristian in a completely different way?
  • Isn’t there a reason God directs me to write this way?
  • So…shouldn’t I leave my writing the way I was directed to write it?

Some Christians are directed by God to write in order to reach unbelievers.  Some have missions that speak to the churched.  Each of us has to listen to the Lord to determine our own path and then ask ourselves questions periodically that will allow us to keep to the path the Lord has set before us.

What is your mission?  What questions do you ask yourself in order that you remain on the path God has for you?

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula, including Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as Crosswalk.com and Dr.Laura.com.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit http://www.ArtofEloquence.com

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The Power of Words

For almost 8 years I’ve been talking about the incredible power of speech communication.  Words are powerful things. After all, God spoke the world into existence!  “God said let there be light and there was.  For years I’ve been telling you about the power of words and now I can show you just how powerful words can be…

This sign demonstrates the unbelievable power of words…to forbid dying…at least right there! LOL

For more fun with communication, visit Art of Eloquence.com!

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The New Art of Eloquence.com!

Art of Eloquence Has Had a Facelift!

I know what you’re thinking!  I promised to do this two years ago, but try as I might, I was unable to find the time to redesign the site with all the other events and projects I had going.  December 31st was my final podcast and I immediately got to work and it’s like Art of Eloquence bought a new hat!  See?

We’re still our old purple selves but we’ve got a totally new feel and I am happy to say it is MUCH easier to navigate and find what you are looking for!

First, the home page is completely redesigned to reflect the fact that Art of Eloquence no longer has just homeschool curricula and that we now have communication studies for various situations!  Now you can easily find whatever you might be looking for whether homeschool curricula, speech and debate, leadership training, defending the faith or business just by clicking on one of the top buttons.

Second, we have arranged it so that it is very easy to find and use all our free resources like my articles, blog, Foot in Mouth Man and all our free events!  You’ll find each of these buttons up at the top of the home page for easy reference!

A new feature is our Studies, Surveys and Statistics Page where you can read all about the research done on the importance of various communication skills and just who is looking for people who possess them!  We’ll be adding more soon but I got bleary eyed and had to move on to another task! lol

We now have a link right on the home page to our classic “Communication Effectiveness Quiz” where you can answer the questions to determine what areas of communication are your strengths and what areas are your weaknesses.  This is especially helpful for your children so you can understand where they need to be better prepared if they are going to be going to college in a few years!

In addition, we now have a few communication quotes listed right on the home page that you can click through in order to read even more Bible and other quotes of communication wisdom!  I have TONS more of those to add but that will have to wait a bit too.

Lastly, each of our subheadings has a new page that shares more about communication in that area of life and includes all the links to the various Art of Eloquence studies, audio classes and other resources that pertain to that communication topic.  The sub headings are: Homeschool Curricula, Speech and Debate, Leadership Training, Defending the Faith and Business Training.

I spent all day yesterday writing, rewriting and updating many of the pages of the website.  I still have to re work the product pages, but I’m done with the other pages.  We even redesigned FIMM”s page last week!

Since my eyes are now bulging out of my sockets and my brain is fried from looking at my monitor all day, I am wondering if you can help me see if I missed anything.  It’s possible that there might be a link that doesn’t go where it is supposed to or a word that has been misspelled.  We would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to go in and see for us.

Please leave a comment with your thoughts.  Aside from the product pages, which all need to be redone yet, how do you like our new look?  Do all the links work?  Did we misspell a word?  Have a broken link?  Something that isn’t clear?  Help us work the bugs out.

Thank you much from the tired eyes, numb fingers and NEW DO that is now Art of Eloquence.com!

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7 Wonders of the Christian World

7 Wonders of the Christian World
By JoJo Tabares

1. I wonder why: It’s scary to hear someone passionate about God, but inspiring to hear someone passionate about Football.

2. I wonder why: It’s normal to believe in God, yet crazy to believe in Satan.

3. I wonder why: It’s understandable that you talk to God, but insane if you hear Him speak to you.

4. I wonder why: A miracle is not believable, yet multiple instances of coincidence is.

5. I wonder why: It’s silly to believe in Adam and Eve, but not in atom and evolution.

6. I wonder why: It’s acceptable to talk about God, but offensive to talk about Jesus.

7. I wonder why: It’s commendable to help a drowning man, yet contemptible to try to “save” him.

For those who wonder…

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula, including Say What You Mean: Defending the faith.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as Crosswalk.com and Dr.Laura.com.  For more information on how to share your faith in grace, please visit http://www.ArtofEloquence.com

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Are We Just Too Broke to Pay Attention?

Are We Just Too Broke to Pay Attention?

The economy is down and, it appears, we are all just too broke to pay attention.  In today’s microwave society people are always looking for ways to save time…but are we actually spending more time because of miscommunication?  You know that old phrase, “Do it right the first time and you won’t have to spend time doing it again.”  I think our nanoseconds would be better spent if we heeded this time honored time saver!

I don’t know about you, but I have had a tough time communicating lately.  Folks are busy and they are trying to find short cuts for whatever they do.  I can’t count the number of times I have sent an email to someone and had them reply asking for the very information that was still included in the original email which was attached underneath their reply!  Ever seen one of these?

From: Sally
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:49 PM
To: Mary
Subject: Re: Coffee on Friday?

Hi Mary,
What day and time?


>From: Mary
>Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 9:47 PM
>To: Sally
>Subject: Coffee on Friday?
>Dear Sally,
>How about coming over on Friday at 9am for some coffee?

Not only did Sally take extra time to send a reply to Mary asking for the very information Mary already gave her, but she has communicated to Mary that her email wasn’t worth her time to read properly in the first place.  Additionally, it communicates to Mary that Sally doesn’t think Mary’s time is as valuable as hers.  She is now requesting that Mary spend more of her time to answer a question she has already answered.  Furthermore, it takes even more of Sally’s time to have to read through another one of Mary’s emails.

Ever hear your kids, with their face in the refrigerator, say something like this:

“Mom!  Where’s the milk?”

What ensues is a time wasting discussion about the fact that they have looked and you know it’s in there.  I usually end up going to the refrigerator and pointing directly in front of their nose which breaks the code illuminating the BIG WHITE PLASTIC CONTAINER.

“You have to look when you’re looking!”

Why was it necessary to demystify the existence of the milk I often wonder?  Is it invisible to children?  Sometimes what they are looking for isn’t right in front of their nose but just behind the milk.  It never occurs to them to move the milk to look behind it.  Oh no!  That would take far too many nanoseconds!  What results is a twenty minute “discussion” where they yell up from downstairs and you yell down from upstairs each arguing the merits of his case until you decide it would take far less time to run downstairs and point out the almost empty glass of chocolate milk!

Life’s busy in the 21st Century, but if we all take just a few moments to really read or listen to the other party, we might actually save ourselves a great deal of time and frustration.  Read those emails carefully before you reply.  Actively listen to the speaker before you respond.  Move that milk carton just a smidge!  You just might answer your own question…before you spend endless nanoseconds to ask it!

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as Crosswalk.com and Dr.Laura.com.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication studies for the whole family, please visit http://www.ArtofEloquence.com

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How Important is Communication in your every day life?

I’ve asked this very question at countless seminars I’ve given.  Most people say that communication is very important in their lives.  However, when I ask if anyone ever took a communication class or studied communication skills or taught their children effective communication, I get one of three answers:

1. Oh, I’m not a politician or a lawyer so I don’t really need to make speeches.

But I thought you just said you thought communication skills were important for your every day life?  Most people think of communication skills as speech or debate and equate these skills with things at which only lawyers and politicians need to be proficient.   They suddenly forget why they answered yes and immediately go to the speech and debate issue, do not pass go, do not collect $200!

Communication is so much more than speech making or debate.  You communicate when you talk to your husband or your children. You are communicating when you ask for a raise.  You are communicating when you wave or smile to your neighbor and when you don’t quite know how to tell him not to trample your begonias.  You are communicating when you are trying to get through to your Aunt who doesn’t want to see that movie.  You are communcating when you talk to your child’s ballet teacher and when you are trying to get across to your doctor that why you don’t want your son to get vaccinated.

Communication is involved in 87% of what we do all day long and most of that isn’t formal speech.  It’s a conversation and if we aren’t careful it can be an argument that ends a dear friendship.

2. I took a speech class once in college.

Taking a speech class once does not allow you to master the art of speech making nor does it afford you training in any other type of communication.  I know some wonderful speech makers and debaters that are horrid one on one!  They can wax poetic on the stage or in front of a small crowd but intimidate the begeebers outta friends and family when making small talk at family gatherings.

3. Oh, I’ll have my kids take a speech communication class when they are in high school.

Did you know that communication skills are best learned when kids are young, even as young as preschool?  Did you also know that by the time many children are in 5th or 6th grade, society has trained them to be afraid of social interaction?

Many children become socially shy or intimidated in social situations if they have not had enough training prior.  It becomes a vicious cycle where they are too shy to enter social situations and too shy to admit they need help and then too shy to put themselves in situations that could improve their social communication skills!

I know this because that was me when I was a kid!  It took me years to get over it, but it doesn’t have to take you or your children years!  By making learning communication skills fun, Art of Eloquence has helped thousands of children and adults become more comfortable in social situations and more effective communicators overall!

Here’s what one mom had to say:

“I highly recommend the Say What You Mean Speech Course for teens. I have two homeschooled sons, ages 13 and 15, using it this year and it is their first experience with a “speech” curriculum. Mrs. Tabares, through her curricula, has given my sons the tools, opportunity and feedback necessary to become confident and competent in their speaking, whether a one-on-one impromptu conversation or a prepared speech in a group setting. My sons love speech and have grown and learned so much and that says it all!” -Joann Oxenham

Our communication skill affects 87% of our lives. I think that’s why the Lord put HUNDREDS of scriptures in the Bible that instruct us and tell us how vital these skills are!  Though there are some scriptures that mention numbers, I can’t find one scripture that talks about how important it is to study math.  Yet most people don’t think twice about giving math importance in their children’s studies.  Don’t you think communication should at least be of equal importance?

Art of Eloquence can help by making it fun and easy to learn this often intimidating and complicated subject.  We have studies for all ages and for various communication situations.  Check out our online catalog for some fun ways you and your family can learn these vital skills!

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Mailbag: 5 Advantages of Art of Eloquence eBooks

We receive some wonderful questions and comments from Art of Eloquence customers each month.  Since many of them have incredible insights and bring up quite interesting ideas, I thought I would begin sharing them with you all about once a month or so. Here’s this month’s question:

“Why don’t you sell hard copy books any longer and what are the advantages of an eBook?” -Dianne


In November of 2008, we became aware of the Child Protective Services Initiative Act (CPSIA) that was passed under the radar and remained unknown to most small business owners until that time.  This law made it very difficult and quite expensive for small business owners to continue selling products manufactured for children under 12.  It requires them to test each batch of product (each lot) for lead and other substances which are not normally found in books anyway.  Small business owners who buy inventory in smaller quantities would be hardest hit along with those crafters who produce one of a kind or make inventory one at a time. In addition to this, the rising cost of postage for both domestic and international customers made it difficult for us to continue to offer our hard copy studies, games and other products.

Rather than close our business as some did at that time, we decided to rewrite all of our hard copy studies as eBooks.  It’s taken us several months to complete four out of the five studies.  In addition, we had to discontinue production of our fabric board game, and other hard copy shippable products.

As long as we were rewriting our studies, we thought we’d make them even better by taking advantage of the inherent features of the technology.  Some of these benefits are common to all eBooks and some are unique to Art of Eloquence!

1. We added embedded links to various resources, articles and information that enhances each study, making them clickable and easy to navigate to the additional information that rounds out each eStudy!

2. eBooks are delivered instantaneously upon purchase! No waiting for delivery, even if you are an international customer!

3. No shipping costs! This can be a HUGE savings for our international customers who would now have to pay as much as $54 for shipping in a reasonable time frame.

4. No extra student fees! Art of Eloquence recognizes that times are financially uncertain for so many.  Since Art of Eloquence no longer has to spend money on inventory, we’ve decided to pass along our savings to our customers in a fresh new way by offering them the opportunity to download our eStudies to be used by EVERYONE who lives in their household.  So there is no need to purchase an additional eBook for each of your children or for husband and wife to have their own copy as in the case of our eBooks for adults.  That’s a HUGE SAVINGS for families right there!  Most other publishers will NOT allow you to do this with their eBooks!

5. Lastly, if you are planning to teach a co op class, you can SAVE BIG with the Art of Eloquence license fee for co op classes. Instead of paying full price for each student taking a co op class, Art of Eloquence charges a very small license fee for increments of 10 students.  AND it caps at 30 + students which means you could conceivably teach a co op class of 100 students and pay for only ONE BOOK plus a small license fee!  Think of the savings for each family member there!

So now, not only are Art of Eloquence studies the most fun way to learn Speech Communication, but they offer , embedded links to even more resources and information, instantaneous eDelivery, no charge for additional family members living in your home and an economic way for co ops to teach communication skills the fun way to as many students as they wish with minimal cost!

Homeschoolers and Christian parents love Art of Eloquence products for all ages including adults!  Check out a few of the comments from this month’s Art of Eloquence’s eMailbag!

(Links were added for reference for those who would like more info on what products or free resources the comments are referring to.)

“JoJo!  Your show is HALARIOUS!!!!!  And I learn things too!  What could be better???!!!! Thank you for all you do!  Have a great day!” -Dana

“I have to tell you that my daughter and I are using your FIMMOLOGY as the basis of our communications and creative writing class this year. I can’t begin to express to you just how much she enjoys reading the stories of FIMM. Her assignments center around how she can re-write his difficulties to get and keep him out of trouble. She really, really is enjoying it. Do you offer something like that as a course? Maybe consider doing it as a webinar? Know that she and I are huge fans of yours!!” -Trudy

“By the way, I’m going to recommend your “Play What You Mean” [The Play Book] as therapeutic help for children with RAD.  It contains many attachment type activities.  :>) Communication is mega-helpful in attachment!” -Becky Joie

Thank you Dana, Trudy and Becky Joie for your comments. We are so very happy your families are having fun with Art of Eloquence!  And thank you to Dianne for your question about eBooks!

If you have a question about communication skills or Art of Eloquence products, post them here as a comment on this blog post. I will answer all questions individually and then pick one per month to post here so that my readers can benefit from your question as well!

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How many math scriptures do you know?

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of scriptures where the Lord shares why communication skills are so important, how we should speak to one another and what we shouldn’t do when we communicate.

Studies show that effective communicators do better in school, in their careers and their relationships.  Statistics say that 87% of what you and I do all day is communication related!  Lack of effective communication is the number one reason listed for marriage to fail.  Yet speech communication is thought of as an elective.

I can’t think of one scripture in the Bible that speaks of the importance of math.  Can you?  Yet most Christians work hard to make sure their kids master math from 1st through 12th grade while spending little, if any, time teaching them to communicate effectively.

Think about it.

A friendly reminder from JoJo at Art of Eloquence.com

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