Breaking Art of Eloquence News!


The new year is fast approaching and I have a lot of changes planned.  Here are the headlines:


2013 Video Countdown to CHRISTmas


I know many of you look forward to my Video Countdown to CHRISTmas every year here on the Art of Eloquence blog.  I’ve been doing it for about four years now.  However, since starting my daily JoJoisms blog a few months back, I’ve decided to host the countdown on that blog instead.  It fits the theme better anyway and that blog is already daily where this one is weekly.

The Video Countdown to CHRISTmas began, as usual, on December 1st and will end on December 25th.  Also you can subscribe to and get your Daily Life Laughs and Giggles.  Everyone has struggles. This blog is a nice place to come for a break, support and fun!


2014 AoE Newsletters Will Go Weekly! 


We have declared 2014 as The Year of Faith on our Art of Eloquence newsletter.  Instead of twice monthly, we will be putting out weekly newsletters that will talk about why it’s often so difficult to share our faith in modern society and how to overcome that and share our faith with boldness tempered by grace.  If you aren’t a subscriber already, make sure you subscribe here now before you get busy with the holidays.  We’ll have some free gifts for you just for signing up AND some free CHRISTmas gifts later this month!

In addition to all that, our newsletter subscribers will continue to receive our free holiday gifts AND, NEW IN 2014, a free subscription to our Monthly $1.99 Club where subscribers can get Art of Eloquence materials for ONLY $1.99!


ALL NEW AoE Blog Features! 


email spamMake sure you are also subscribed to the AoE blog’s RSS feed so you don’t miss any of the blog posts in 2014!  I’ll be sharing weekly articles on the following topics:

-Communication Pet Peeves

-Popular Sayings that Just Aren’t True

-Communication Lessons from Fairy Tales and the Media

-AND a new feature called, Reign of Error!


NEW: AoE Facebook Fan Page Themes


AoEFB Bnr2014 will hold even more fun for those of you on Facebook.  You can join us for our usual fun pictures and graphics we share from all over the net, but we will be adding some fun themes each day that will get YOU and even your children involved and honing your communication skills!  Here are the daily themes:

-Scripture SONday

-Musical Monday

-Tuesday’s Tip

-Word Wednesday

-Thankful or Thermal Thursday

-Friday Funnies

-Soap Box Saturday


Join us, subscribe, be inspired, learn, participate and have fun with Art of Eloquence in 2014!

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Recap of Birthday Bash week

Today is the last day to enter our Birthday Bash Contests!

It’s also the last day also to get our Birthday Bash freebie, my 3rd Book of JoJoisms!

Download our 3rd JoJoisms edition,  The 3rd Book of JoJoisms: Technology. Created especially for our Birthday Bash visitors and Includes: JoJoisms, Visual JoJoisms, several of JoJo’s articles and more!


Download your free copy of the 3rd Book of JoJoisms here!


Also, in case you missed the announcement:

 All Art of Eloquence eBooks are only $10 for a limited time!  Check out all the titles. Browse by age or subject!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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FUN with Insomnia–video

As many of you know, I’ve struggled with insomnia for 13yrs. I’ve met so many others who also struggle with it that I began writing some JoJoisms which eventually became Visual JoJoisms.  A while back I put some of those Visual JoJoims together to form this video which has had some great feedback from fellow insomnia sufferers.

It’s been a while since I posted it and thought it was about time I had it featured on Friday Funnies.

If you suffer from insomnia, please feel free to share your thoughts on this video:

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!


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JoJoisms Now Available as T-Shirts!

We interrupt this Friday to bring you a new kind of Friday Funny!

Extra, Extra!  Read all about it!  You asked for it; you got it!  No not Toyota, but JoJoism T-Shirts!

Last week, I posted one of my JoJoisms on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page and got this response, “I’d love to have that on a t-shirt!”  Several said they’ d like to see it too so…here they are!

As far as I can tell, you have the option to order these in any size, color and style of t-shirt you like!  So, just because you don’t see your favorite JoJoism in a color or style you like, doesn’t mean you can’t get it that way!







I only had time to add just a few of my JoJoisms, but I’d like to ask you which ones YOU’D like to see on a t-shirt.  The ones most requested, are the ones I’ll add next.  I have written almost 200 JoJoisms and when I get to 200, I might just have a party!  Here is the back of the shirt:

NOTE: They say sizes run extremely small so they ask that you order them one to two sizes larger.  They do have a body size chart listed to help you with that.

We don’t make much on these t-shirts, we just found that Zazzle would help us provide our customers with a product they had asked us for.  Go check them out and please let us know which JoJoisms you’d like to see on a t-shirt by leaving us a comment on the blog.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled internet reading.  If this had been a real Communication FUNdamentals emergency, you would have been instructed where to turn to find further JoJoism t-shirts that reveal life’s truths…as I think of ’em!


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JoJoisms & Free Gift

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post!

It’s Communication FUNdamentals Week and I hope you’ve been enjoying many giggles over the last few days.  Laughter is essential and not only to the learning process as we were discussion earlier, but to our health.  They say laughter is the best medicine.  You should have several doses per day!

I love making people laugh.  I do it with my kids. In fact, my son has gotten so used to it that he often says, “Mommy, say something funny!”  No pressure or anything! ROFL

Well, in case you haven’t been reading my blog, my articles, my Facebook fan page, my newsletter or my studies, (shudder, the thought!) you know that I started a thing called JoJoisms.  JoJoisms are where I reveal life’s truths…as I think of ’em.  They are one liners with insightful commentaries on life.  Here are a few I wrote about communication:

JoJoism#18 “Persuasion is when you want someone to listen to you; annoyance is when they want you to listen to them!”

JoJoism#28 “I’ve noticed that the English language does, indeed, have gender words like they do in Spanish. For example, when a man gets grey hair, they call him DISTINGUISHED. The feminine form of that word is…OLD.”

JoJoism#29 “I’ve also noticed that if your dh is distinguished, chances are very good…”

JoJoism#49a “A reason is what I have for not doing something for you.  An excuse is what you have for not doing something for me.“

JoJoism#82 “The opposite of stop isn’t go, it’s pots.”

I’ll stop now before…JoJoism#107: “My mouth punneth over.” JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ‘em!


If you enjoyed these, I have a free gift for you!  I created and illustrated my first Book of JoJoisms on communication.  Click here to download a free copy!


*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: For Even More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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JoJoisms: JoJo on Aging

Finishing off Birthday Bash week!  Today is Friday and you know what that means here at Communication FUNdamentals!  It’s Friday Funnies!

Birthdays always remind us of our age whether it’s our own, our kids’ or the anniversary of an event.  Eight years ago (almost) we began our family business, Art of Eloquence, and eight years ago I was MUCH younger!  lol  When I think of getting older, I think of humor because it helps the process along! ROFL

So today for Friday Funnies, I thought I’d share some of my JoJoisms on aging.  Enjoy!

JoJoism#8 Midlife Crisis is having to reconcile gray hair and pimples.

JoJoism#9 Getting old’s not so bad.  The cold you feel from hypothyroidism is neutralized by the hot flashes from Menopause.

JoJoism#10 Just when your brain is old enough to house some useful information, your mind forgets where it’s stored!

JoJoism#12 Old age is when senility neutralizes a lifetime of knowledge.

JoJoism#17 Age is just a number. So when I reach 50, I’m going to begin DEaging by celebrating my anti 49th birthday.

JoJoism#28 I’ve noticed that the English language does, indeed, have gender words like they do in Spanish. For example, when a man gets grey hair, they call him DISTINGUISHED. The feminine form of that word is…OLD.

JoJoism#29 I’ve also noticed that if your dh is distinguished, chances are very good…

JoJoism#32 I don’t mind getting older, but aging is a whole ‘nuther story!

JoJoism#33 Don’t think of them as grey hairs; think of them as nature’s highlights!

JoJoism#40 I don’t need to worry about losing an inch as I age. I come preshrunk.

JoJoism#50 In September, I’m going to be a year older.  Of course a minute from now, I’m going to be older too…and so are you young whipper snappers!

JoJoism#51 You know you’re getting older when you get a notice from The Scooter Store and AARP in the mail!

JoJoism#54 Birthdays are why they invented New Math

JoJoism#55 After a while, Old Age is always about 10yrs older than whatever age you are.


JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ’em!



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Don’t Miss the Upcoming Facebook Fun!

If you weren’t already aware, Art of Eloquence has a fan page over on Facebook.  We’ve been having such a fun time over there that I thought I’d share it with everyone so you could come on over and join us for some upcoming Art of Eloquence Communication FUN.  Aside from all the fun links, videos, funny pictures and sayings posted weekly, here are two reasons you’ll want to join us…

1. Communication BINGO starts Sept. 1st!

I have a list of 75 communication terms posted on a secret link on the Art of Eloquence website just for our Facebook fan page members.  Choose 25 of the terms, email them in to me before Sept. 1st and play along to win one of 8 prizes!  Each of the first 8 winners will get a free Art of Eloquence product!

The idea is to watch for the terms I call out each day and cross them off your list.  Each day I’ll not only post a term or two from the list, but a fun link, picture, joke or saying that goes along with it.  When all of your terms are called off, email me to claim BINGO!  After each win is verified with my email copy sent in, I’ll award each of the first 8 to call BINGO with a free Art of Eloquence eProduct!

If you aren’t yet a member of the Art of Eloquence Facebook page, come on over and “Like” us!  Then click our Events tab to find more details about our upcoming Communication BINGO!

2. Free copy of my very first JoJoisms eBook!

If you weren’t an Art of Eloquence newsletter subscriber last week, you probably didn’t get a free copy of my very first JoJoisms eBook, the very first in the eSeries!  Not to worry, because if you are a member of our Facebook fan page when we reach 1000 members, you’ll have another chance!   We have somewhere around 950 members.  When we reach 1000, I’m going to make a link available for ALL Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page members to claim their own free copy of my very first illustrated JoJoisms eBook with my insightful and humorous quotes on communication!

Don’t let us start without YOU!

If you “Like” us, I think you’ll really like us!

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Free JoJoisms Coming Soon

I have a new series of illustrated eBooks coming out soon.  JoJoisms are my funny, insightful sayings about life.  The first in the series will be on communication.  Who’d a thunk it, right?  Inside will be things like, JoJoism#45, “God didn’t make cookie-cutter people so there is no one-size-fits-all way to communicate with them.

It’ll be out this week and you can get it for free if…

1) you are one of our newsletter subscribers.

What’s New at Art of Eloquence is our newsletter featuring an exclusive monthly article and Ask JoJo featuring answers to YOUR communication questions.  It also shares exclusive offers and free gifts just for our subscribers.  Tomorrow;s newsletter will allow every subscriber to download JoJoisms that reveal life’s truths about communication fundamentals!

If you are already a subscriber, you need do nothing but open your newsletter and click the download link.   If you are not a subscriber, now is the time!  Click here to subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence today!

2) you are a Facebook Fan when we reach 1000 members.

We currently have over 930 members of the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page.  When we reach 1000, I’ll make a download link available to all members!  Our Facebook page members have all kinds of fun that we cannot work via our newsletter.  I post funny pictures, quotes and sayings that help illustrate various communication skills.  However, the next several months will be even more exciting.

September 1st will kick off our Communication Bingo contest.  I’ll be posting a few communication terms per day M-F along with some fun links, pictures, scriptures and quotes that illustrate their importance.  If you are one of the members who signed up to play (chosen 25 of our 75 communication terms) and you are one of the first 8 to call bingo (meaning I have called out all 25 of your terms), you will win a free gift from Art of Eloquence and 8 points toward our Birthday Bash Grand Prize!

If you are already an Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page member, go into the group and find the post with the details of the game and the 75 words.  Then pick 25 of them and send them in to me before Sept. 1st.  If you are not yet a member there, click here to “like” (join) our page and check out the link to enter!

3) you are a For the Love of Contest winner.

I have a fun blog for purple lovers called  Today and Wednesday I’m celebrating the one year anniversary of the blog by having a contest.  Today I’m asking readers to name the purple things they have in their home that start with the letters A-M.   You can see the details of that contest here. You’ll notice that the cover of JoJoisms is purple (as are most of the Art of Eloquence communication studies!).

So…there are three ways to get a free copy of JoJoisms.  I suggest to you try all three!

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First Ten JoJoisms

Some of you who are following me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook know that I’ve been posting, what I call JoJoisms for the past several weeks.  JoJoisms are my observations about life.  They use language in a fun way as to reveal life’s sometimes hard truths in a humor-filled way.  Thought I’d post some of them here for Friday Funnies.  Here are the first ten.

JoJoism #1 No matter how many bobby pins you own, you always need two more.

JoJoism#2 Dusting is futile. Not dusting is…not so good either!

JoJoism#3 Ironing isn’t futile.  It’s an arm exercise.

JoJoism#4 Insomnia is God’s way of allowing you to get more done in a day.

JoJoism#5 Trying to be profound is like bringing your car to the mechanic.  It only happens when nobody’s looking.

JoJoism#6 I AM tall.  It’s just that the rest of you are Venti.

JoJoism#7 Midlife Crisis is having to reconcile gray hair and pimples.

JoJoism#8 Getting old’s not so bad.  The cold you feel from hypothyroidism is neutralized by the hot flashes from Menopause.

JoJoism#9 Just when your brain is old enough to house some useful information, your mind forgets where it’s stored!

JoJoism#10 It’s Friday. Do you know where you’re week went?


JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…As I Think of ’em! Watch for my stand up comedy coming to a YouTube channel near you!  Remember my motto…though: “All my life I wanted to be a stand up comedian, but I’m getting older now so I’m doing it sitting down.” -JoJo Tabares

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