Disturbing decline in any interest in communicating well

StormFor quite some time, studies have shown that there has been a significant decline in communication effectiveness.  College professors report an increase in papers with text speak, slang and poor grammar.  Employers have reported a serious lack of communication skill in their new hire candidates and that it’s one of the reasons employees are not promoted.

You and I notice it every day when we speak to people, and chat with them on social media.  Sometimes the lack of communication skill is so apparent we can hardly make out what the person is trying to tell us.

However, it’s not as much a lack of training as it is a lack of interest.  The bottom line is that most people today don’t feel communication is a subject that merits any attention.  Why?

1. Undivided attention is overrated.  Multitasking is a valued skill, but what isn’t generally taken into account is the fact that the less you concentrate on something, the less efficient you are at it.  While you may be able to cook dinner, do the laundry and listen to little Johnny’s story, you probably didn’t catch everything he said.

2. The empowerment movement has told us that we have the right to free speech.  What they have not mentioned is the responsibility we face for the way in which we deliver that speech.  The idea is that I have the right to say whatever I want, but you don’t the right to be offended.  However the opposite is also taught: I have the right to be offended by anything you say and you have to make it up to me.  It’s a curious and unrealistic way to live.

Unfortunately, this is exactly why so many struggle in relationships, marriages and friendships these days. Relationships are all about communication and very few seek to master it these days. I teach communication skills and for the last ten years there has been a decline both in the skills demonstrated and the interest in learning and applying them.  If you’ve found yourself on the receiving end of a misunderstanding, you know what I mean.

It’s time we, as a society, take back the responsibility for what we say and how we say it.  It’s time to learn to speak effectively and in grace.  It’s time to be proactive…because what’s at stake are our relationships!  If you don’t, I can promise you there’s a storm coming!  A miscommunication storm that will leave your relationships in its wake.

Check out ArtofEloquence.com and take your stand now!  We have studies for PreK through adults and for every communication situation from speech and debate to sharing your faith and social skills!

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How to get our Conflict Resolution or Shyness Study for FREE!

Here’s our last Back to Homeschool Special Offer!

Buy Speech and Debate value package and get your choice of our Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts study or our Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety FREE!

Not only will you receive these two easy to use and fun studies, but you and your students will be able to decrease the jitters associated with making a speech by learning more about overcoming the anxiety people often feel in social situations and transferring those skills to speech making.  OR decreasing, resolving and avoiding the conflicts when you or your student is debating on a more personal level.


Click the pictures to read more about these choices:


Bonus Gift Choice







To take advantage of this free bonus offer:

Just order the Speech and Debate package at the regularly low price this week.  Then forward the email confirmation of your order to me jojo @ artofeloquence .com and put either “FREE Social Anxiety” or  “FREE Conflicts” in the subject line.  It’s that easy!

I will email your copy within 48 hours of your order!  Just remember to order and email us before midnight PST on Saturday, August 31st. 


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to jojo@artofeloquence.com for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Birthday Bash Tomorrow!

Art of Eloquence will be TEN years old on November 1st! Mark your calendars so you don’t miss it because YOU get all the free gifts!  You can even win prizes!  Here’s how.  We’ll be celebrating from 11am to 1pm PST, Thursday, November 1st both on our blog and our Facebook fan page.

Two Hour Facebook Party

Time: 11am-1pm PST/ 12pm-2pm MST/ 1pm-3pm CST/ 2pm-4pm EST

Location: Facebook fan page.

Events: Communication touches every aspect of our lives so…during the Facebook Party, each of our ten sponsors (experts in their field) will be posting tips, links, and/or free gifts for you in all aspects of life.  Make sure you are on our fan page at that time so you can view them all.  Make sure to refresh your page so you can see all the new posts as they occur.

During that time, we will also post a link to each of the ten contests where you can win prizes donated by our sponsors. Winners will be chosen from all the correct answers posted as comments on each contest blog post.

You can check out all of our sponsors and the prizes they will be giving away as well as a few free gifts you can download right now on our Birthday Bash Page!


Stay tuned to this blog tomorrow for even more Breaking NEWS.  HUGE announcement coming!


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Brand New Speech & Debate Value Package

How often have you wished that you could persuade someone to accept your idea, do something you thought was right, or go somewhere you thought was important?  Think about it. How many times have you felt passionately about something, but you lacked the insight, discipline or training to present a good argument?  While most people will never have a need to engage in a formal debate or speech, understanding these techniques can help train you to become more persuasive in daily life. We actually use persuasion skills every day. Do we need formal debate-level persuasion skills every day? No, but would our everyday need for persuasion skills be enhanced by the study of debate? Absolutely!

Being skilled in the art of giving effective presentations is likely to have a significant impact on your success both personally and professionally. Being able to present yourself (and your ideas) well and having the ability to persuade others is essential in business. It is the sign of an effective and respected leader.  It is also important on a personal level because polished communication skills will greatly assist you in making and developing good friendships!

Benefits of Learning to Speak in Public
•Increased confidence and self-esteem
•Ability to think on your feet
•Captivating your audience
•Develop the art of listening critically
•Master persuasion skills
•Better career advancement

Studies show those who enjoy making speeches actually make more money!

The Problem with Most Speech and Debate Courses
Most speech and debate courses can be intimidating or boring.  As a child, I was painfully shy.  I would rather have cut off my right arm than take a traditional speech and debate course.  If I wasn’t intimidated enough by the thought of public speaking, I certainly was by having to become an expert on things like gun control.  The only way I would have agreed to take one of these courses is the very thing that was missing from them all: The FUN Factor!  Studies show that the more fun people have while learning, the better they will understand, practice and retain the subject matter.

If you could find a course that was both creative and fun, learning becomes almost effortless. Well, now you can with the Art of Eloquence Speech & Debate Value Pack which includes Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course and our new Say What You Mean: Beginning Debate together for one low price!  To read more about this full year curricula with our BONUS and to download our free lesson from each study, click here!


If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers!


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The Meaning of Debate is Debatable

I had been debating whether or not to write an article on the word debate because the meaning of debate is  debatable.  I didn’t want to get into a debate about it, but you can debate the issue on many levels so I think I will.

Debate is quite a versatile word that can be used as a verb or a noun.  Merriam Webster defines debate as “the formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure” and “a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides.”  It further defines it:

* to contend in words

* to discuss a question by considering opposed arguments

* to argue about <the subject was hotly debated>

* to engage (an opponent) in debate

* to turn over in one’s mind <he’s still debating what to do>

* a contention by words or argument.

So debate can mean anything from an orchestrated and heavily regulated event where two sides formally discuss a particular political issue to a slight disagreement.  The true meaning lies in the context of the communication.

I’m working on a series of studies coming out in the next few weeks that discuss debate as it is used in various settings.  Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues is my latest release talking about how to discuss political issues in a more familiar and conversational environment.  I’m currently working on Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts which is due to be in editing soon.  And before January, I have plans to finally release my formal debate study.  I’ll be sharing more about them in the coming months.

To give you a fun look at formal debate, I have included for your giggling pleasure a video clip from Welcome Back Kotter where the Sweathogs are entered in a formal debate.  My book will be a bit more traditional in its approach.

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Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues

How to Effectively Discuss Controversial Political Issues without Arguments

eBook Currently Available for Pre-Order

The political climate in the United States is volitile.  Most political discussions are heated, but they need not be.  If you are a Christian and find yourself on the typical Christian conservative view of each issue, but aren’t sure how to voice your concerns without ending up in a heated dicussion, this eBook is for you!

This is a study like NO OTHER!  Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues helps you understand the issues, but it also teaches you tips and techniques for presenting your Christian conservative viewpoints in a way that will be much more effective and friendly.

Many people think of discussing politics as a debate and, in a way, it is.  However, since most people don’t discuss politics in a formal debate setting, they find they aren’t as effective when they have a debate mentality.  Most people discuss political issues around a dinner table, on the internet or with a neighbor in the front yard.  This is where the grassroots political discussions take place.

eStudy includes:
* Background on each topic.
* General tips for discussing each issue.
* An At a Glance Chart with the major viewpoints on both sides of each issue.
* How to discuss each topic if you only have a few minutes.
* How to discuss each topic if you have more time.
* Embedded resource links where you can learn even more information on each topic.
* Practical advice to help you practice.

Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues will help teens and adults alike to prepare to discuss some of the nation’s most important political issues.  The other side is voicing their views.  It’s time for us to share the Christian conservative views.

We only have two more years until our next presidential election.  Become more informed on the issues.  Help yourself and your family become more comfortable and effective in sharing your Christian and conservative viewpoints.

Pre-Order Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues today and save!

Our special Pre-Order price of only $19.95 will only be for a limited time!  The eBook is currently in editing, but as soon as it is back from the editor and uploaded to order on the site, the price goes back up!

This is one of our most powerful studies at a time when respectful and effective discourse is sorely needed in our country.  Click here to view all the political topics included!

To Pre-Order, just order as usual. The pre-order discounted price is already preloaded for you!  In approximately two weeks you will receive your copy of Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues as an email attachment.

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Birthday Bash Word Scramble

In November, Art of Eloquence will be eight years old!  We’ve been having a great time with our visitors/customers with our birthday celebration and we’ve been giving away prizes!   So far we gave away prizes for finding all eight FIMMs that are hiding throughout our site, for playing Communication BINGO over on our Facebook fan page, and  we have tons of folks who have earned Birthday Bash Points toward our Grand Prize by either posting a link to any page of our site (and letting us know) or by purchasing any of our speech communication eProducts!

But the Art of Eloquence  Birthday Bash is coming to an end this month!  There are only a few more weeks left to enter for your chance to win a prize package of EIGHT Art of Eloquence products or product packages!  One lucky winner with the most points by the end of this month is going to win a HUGE package of prizes!  Check our Birthday Bash page for details on how to enter, but today I’d like to give everyone ANOTHER way to earn points toward the Grand Prize Package!

Come have some communication word fun!  Solve this word scramble and earn 8 points toward our Birthday Bash Contest Grand Prize!  Every single person who posts the correct answer will receive 8 more points toward the Birthday Bash Grand Prize! Ready?  Here we go!

Which Art of Eloquence Speech and Debate eBook does this represent?

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I’ll give you a hint: This study helps you understand what the Lord teaches us in His Word about how to communicate with each other and is the ONLY Art of Eloquence eStudy that adds even more content (through a secret page) every two months or so!

Everyone who posts the correct answer wins 8 points toward the Birthday Bash Grand Prize!

Wanna earn even more points? Post this blog post link on your Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Group, Blog or email group telling them about the challenge and email us with the link where you posted it and you’ll get 8 more points for each and every group you post it to!

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Abbot and Costello: 13×7=28

It’s time again for Friday Funnies and this week I’m sharing a fun video where Costello debates the issue and proves that 13×7=28.

Winning a debate doesn’t always mean you are on the right side of an issue.  It can just mean you’ve got good writers and…communication skills!

For more fun with Communication FUNdamentals, visit http://www.ArtofEloquence.com

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Personal Responsibility Video

This video uses all the elements of a great speech.  I love the way this woman communicates!  She’s funny, energetic and gets her point across well.  Check her out!

What you can accomplish for your cause with some communication training.

Check out Art of Eloquence today!

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How Important is Communication in your every day life?

I’ve asked this very question at countless seminars I’ve given.  Most people say that communication is very important in their lives.  However, when I ask if anyone ever took a communication class or studied communication skills or taught their children effective communication, I get one of three answers:

1. Oh, I’m not a politician or a lawyer so I don’t really need to make speeches.

But I thought you just said you thought communication skills were important for your every day life?  Most people think of communication skills as speech or debate and equate these skills with things at which only lawyers and politicians need to be proficient.   They suddenly forget why they answered yes and immediately go to the speech and debate issue, do not pass go, do not collect $200!

Communication is so much more than speech making or debate.  You communicate when you talk to your husband or your children. You are communicating when you ask for a raise.  You are communicating when you wave or smile to your neighbor and when you don’t quite know how to tell him not to trample your begonias.  You are communicating when you are trying to get through to your Aunt who doesn’t want to see that movie.  You are communcating when you talk to your child’s ballet teacher and when you are trying to get across to your doctor that why you don’t want your son to get vaccinated.

Communication is involved in 87% of what we do all day long and most of that isn’t formal speech.  It’s a conversation and if we aren’t careful it can be an argument that ends a dear friendship.

2. I took a speech class once in college.

Taking a speech class once does not allow you to master the art of speech making nor does it afford you training in any other type of communication.  I know some wonderful speech makers and debaters that are horrid one on one!  They can wax poetic on the stage or in front of a small crowd but intimidate the begeebers outta friends and family when making small talk at family gatherings.

3. Oh, I’ll have my kids take a speech communication class when they are in high school.

Did you know that communication skills are best learned when kids are young, even as young as preschool?  Did you also know that by the time many children are in 5th or 6th grade, society has trained them to be afraid of social interaction?

Many children become socially shy or intimidated in social situations if they have not had enough training prior.  It becomes a vicious cycle where they are too shy to enter social situations and too shy to admit they need help and then too shy to put themselves in situations that could improve their social communication skills!

I know this because that was me when I was a kid!  It took me years to get over it, but it doesn’t have to take you or your children years!  By making learning communication skills fun, Art of Eloquence has helped thousands of children and adults become more comfortable in social situations and more effective communicators overall!

Here’s what one mom had to say:

“I highly recommend the Say What You Mean Speech Course for teens. I have two homeschooled sons, ages 13 and 15, using it this year and it is their first experience with a “speech” curriculum. Mrs. Tabares, through her curricula, has given my sons the tools, opportunity and feedback necessary to become confident and competent in their speaking, whether a one-on-one impromptu conversation or a prepared speech in a group setting. My sons love speech and have grown and learned so much and that says it all!” -Joann Oxenham

Our communication skill affects 87% of our lives. I think that’s why the Lord put HUNDREDS of scriptures in the Bible that instruct us and tell us how vital these skills are!  Though there are some scriptures that mention numbers, I can’t find one scripture that talks about how important it is to study math.  Yet most people don’t think twice about giving math importance in their children’s studies.  Don’t you think communication should at least be of equal importance?

Art of Eloquence can help by making it fun and easy to learn this often intimidating and complicated subject.  We have studies for all ages and for various communication situations.  Check out our online catalog for some fun ways you and your family can learn these vital skills!

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