Birthday Bash: 6pm-Ancient Paths Christian Bookstore

Sue Pruett from Ancient Paths Christian Bookstore will be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest:

In this set of 5 audios, you will hear everything from an overview of the method, to the nitty gritty how-to’s for subjects you want to cover. Sit with Sue as she lays out all the parts of a Charlotte Mason style education, and tells you how you can achieve a rich, powerful, exciting, and less stressful home and school for you and your children. These sessions were recorded in front of a live audience and include some question and answer times as well. You can get your children snuggled up with a great audio drama, or a great movie, or a great game – then retreat into your own room for your own time of refreshing. You can listen at your own pace, and then keep on hand to refer to it again and again – the audios never expire! A Charlotte Mason education is always up to date!”

To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question:  Name two of your favorite Art of Eloquence audios or videos posted on our website!  There are several audios and videos throughout the website, the more you can name the better your chances to win this prize.

We’ll be picking a winner from among the correct answers and contacting you via email so make sure you leave your email address on your comment post.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for another chance to win a Birthday Bash prize from Art of Eloquence!  And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)

Congratulations to our winner: Yavonn!

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Feedback on the Say What You Mean Convention

Whether you attended the live Say What You Mean Convention events or have listened in to the pre-recorded audios, we would LOVE your feedback!  If you would take the time to answer just a few questions for us, we would be grateful.

1. What topics touched you the most?  Which ones helped enrich your life in some way?

2. Did you participate in the contests?  Which was your favorite?

3. What communication topics would you like to see explored this year in greater depth?

4. Which freebies were your favorites?

We appreciate your taking the time to share this information with us and ask also if you would agree to have your comments used in some of our promotional materials.

Thanks for coming to the 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention.  We pray it greatly blesses you and your family this year.

Don’t forget that you can still grab your freebies from our freebies page and listen to any of the audios by clicking on the TalkShoe badge at the top of the Schedule of Events page.

Oh and don’t forget to visit our sponsors, who made the Say What You Mean Convention possible and tell them you saw them at the Say What You Mean Convention!

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Only 48 hours left to enter our drawings!

Ok so you’re coming to the 5th Annual Say What You Mean Convention, right?  You’ve got in on your calendar to hear my interview with Christian Comedian Michael Jr. at 8am PST and then our fabulous line up of seminars and workshops throughout the day.  You’re bringing your kids to enter our Name That Sound Contest, you’re ready to enter our Scavenger Hunt  contest to win a prize package of $200, and you’ve invited your homeschool friends to come check out all the fabulous pre-recorded audios that will be released on February 3rd.  So what did you forget?

You forgot to enter our drawings!!

But it’s not too late!  You still have 48 hours left to sign up to enter our drawings to win even more fabulous prizes at the Say What You Mean Convention this year!  At every live event during the convention, we will be drawing a name to win a prize, but you can’t win if you don’t enter!!


If you are present at the live event when/if your name is drawn (and of course you’re going to want to be there for each live event because some of them will NOT be recorded!) you will win an ADDITIONAL PRIZE!

Drawings will begin during our 8am PST live session and continue through our Prayer Chat at the end of the day!  Winners will be notified via email!

Details for our two contests will be posted the night before the convention (posted Feb. 2nd) and winners will be drawn from all the correct entries.  Winners will be notified via email and given instructions to claim their prize package worth approximately $200!

Don’t miss out on all the fun this year!  Come to the Say What You Mean Convention Feb. 3rd beginning at 8am PST/ 11am EST!

See you at the Say What You Mean Convention!

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When not all your family is Christian at Christmas

I am winding down my career as a weekly podcaster with just three live shows left to go!  I’ll be sad to see it end in a way, because I simply adore reaching out to my listeners and teaching on a live show.  It’s been a blast even though it’s taken quite a bit of my free time.  (Wait…”free time”? I’ll have to look that up again.  I keep forgetting what that is!)

This Thursday is a very special show.  Do you have members of your family who are not Christians this Christmas?  Have you tried to share your faith with them this year?  Do you worry about how you’ll get along at the family Christmas gathering?  Do they fear having anyone bring up their salvation each time the family gets together?  I know what that’s like.  I’m one of the only Christians in my family.  Whether you have never shared the Gospel with that special family member and you feel lead to do so this Christmas or your family has tried to several times but you notice him cringe when he walks in the door or anything in between, this show is for you!

How do we share the faith with family members?  When should we try?  When should we not?  I’ll be sharing these and other questions about “When not all your family is Christian at Christmas” on the next Communication Comedy Network’s Talk Talk Show.

If you have an experience to share or if you have a question, please call in!

The Talk Talk Show: “The Talk Show About Talking” is on the Communication Comedy Network Thursdays at 8am PST/11am EST.

You can listen in live via your computer just by clicking this link and following the prompts or you can call into the show via phone by dialing: (724) 444-7444 and the Call ID: 19736 followed by the # sign when prompted.

This is one of my very last podcasts ever. I’ll be going off the air as far as podcasting goes after this year.  I will attempt to post the audios for those who cannot make it to the live show, however, I have had some trouble periodically with hecklers whose foul mouths have caused me to opt NOT to post the audio.  While Talk Shoe does allow me the ability to mute someone, it does not provide the tools to edit your broadcast easily.

For this reason, I urge you to attend the live show.  I promise to filter my callers as best I can during the live show.  The feedback from last week’s show (and the ones with prior hecklers) has shown that their time was well spent despite the momentary lapse in decorum.  The things I share will be tips from one of the most important studies I have ever written, “Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith”.  I usually sell this information but I feel the need to give some of it away this Christmas season in order to help my listeners enjoy a Merry CHRISTmas with both their saved and unsaved family members.  If something I share during this show will allow just one soul to come to know Christ Jesus, it will be well worth enduring a heckler on the air.

Remember, even if I am able to post the audio, all of the Communication Comedy Network audios will be coming down after the first of the year anyway when I transition to hosting 10-12 full seminar/workshops in 2010.  So don’t count on that audio!  Be there live and, if you have a special story to share that relates to my topic, please post it here so I can share it on the show or call in to the live show!

God bless you all this Christmas from the Art of family to yours!

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Defending the Faith Mini Series Audios

Did you miss Mini Series May over on Grace Talk Soup?

If you did, you missed an amazing 4 shows!  But not to worry!  The audios are available on the show’s site so you can listen on demand any time you like!  However after a while, they can get lost in the archives.

Our first mini series was from my most important study, Say What You Mean Defending the Faith.  We shared tips for answering four of the world’s most common questions and misconceptions about the Lord and I have posted the direct links to the audios here:

1. Introduction: Why do we need to learn to share?

2. “I’m a good person; why do I need God?”

3. “Men wrote the Bible and men make mistakes.”

4. “What about all the horrible things done in Jesus’ name?”

The feedback on this Grace Talk Soup, our first ever mini series, has been amazing!

Everyone learned so much!  If you want to learn even more of the 18 most common questions and misconceptions about how to share and defend your faith, we now have SWM Defending the Faith Online classes you can register for along with our eBook of the same name.  Not only will this help you share and defend your faith, but it will help you and your household strengthen your own faith as well!

Check out what others are saying about our Defending the Faith course:

“This is such a needed class and I can see how easily both boys are learning some of the ways to respond (and ways not to respond) to some of the common things people say. I can see how they are understanding their faith in new, deeper ways and making their faith their own. This class has also helped to facilitate discussion in our family around the dinner table. You have a way of presenting things in a straight forward way that is so understandable.Thank you JoJo” -Marcie, Homeschooling mom of two

What’s so different about Art of Eloquence University?

* They are ongoing! You pay a one time-fee and you can continue to attend FOREVER!
* You can start at any time because each class automatically starts over again when it is finished!
* Classes are available online from the comfort of your own home!
* You can access the class on YOUR schedule!
* Your membership in the class is good for anyone living in your home! No need to pay extra for additional students!
* Choose from an increasing number of Art of Eloquence study titles! We are adding more all the time! (One flat fee per class title)

Start preparing now for your family’s future.

The world is a more complicated place and it requires so much more communication skill in order to carry out the Great Commission and even, according to statistics, for teens to get through college with their OWN faith in tact!  Let Art of Eloquence help prepare your family to share and defend the faith in grace.  Click here to find out more about our unique Online Classes!

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