Merry Christmas from the voices of CCN!

As many of you know, my last official podcast with the Communication Comedy Network (Real Communication News-Really Funny!) was this past Thursday.  All the CCN staff and hosts (me, myself and I) got together and created this Christmas card for you complete with pictures as so many of you have asked to see what we “all” look like.

It seems so many have also asked what the hosts are going to be doing in 2010.  Announcer Guy has recorded this audio explaining each of our plans for 2010 and our Christmas wishes for all of our listeners.

Merry Christmas from the former Communication Comedy Network!

“I always wanted to be a stand up comedian, but I’m getting older now so I’m going to do it sitting down!”-JoJo Tabares

Again, Merry Christmas from Art of Eloquence, JoJo, Nancy, Bobbie,  the Professor and Announcer Guy!

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Breaking Up

Is Breakin’ up really that hard to do?

I saw this Allstate commercial where they say they will tell your old insurance company that you are canceling them.  Has confrontation become THAT difficult for folks?  I think it has or they wouldn’t have created this commercial.

The question of confrontation is included in my Communication Assessment Quiz “Do you shy away from confict?” because many people have told me that they are apprehensive about confrontation in the workplace or between family members or when discussing a political or religious issue with someone.  Others have told me that they are bothered by Ad Day on their Yahoo groups because they feel pressured into buying things they don’t want or need.


It think its indicative of a larger issue in society these days: the lack of effective communication training.  Take the quiz, and see how you and your family answer the issues of intimidation.  Are you more likely to shy away from conflict even to the point where it causes you and your family grief?

You may be in good hands with Allstate, but wouldn’t it be better to have the confidence in yourself to handle conflicts as they arise?  How much more prepared for life will your son or daughter be if they are prepared to handle the conflicts life will throw at them?  Check out Art of and see how we can help!

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When not all your family is Christian at Christmas

I am winding down my career as a weekly podcaster with just three live shows left to go!  I’ll be sad to see it end in a way, because I simply adore reaching out to my listeners and teaching on a live show.  It’s been a blast even though it’s taken quite a bit of my free time.  (Wait…”free time”? I’ll have to look that up again.  I keep forgetting what that is!)

This Thursday is a very special show.  Do you have members of your family who are not Christians this Christmas?  Have you tried to share your faith with them this year?  Do you worry about how you’ll get along at the family Christmas gathering?  Do they fear having anyone bring up their salvation each time the family gets together?  I know what that’s like.  I’m one of the only Christians in my family.  Whether you have never shared the Gospel with that special family member and you feel lead to do so this Christmas or your family has tried to several times but you notice him cringe when he walks in the door or anything in between, this show is for you!

How do we share the faith with family members?  When should we try?  When should we not?  I’ll be sharing these and other questions about “When not all your family is Christian at Christmas” on the next Communication Comedy Network’s Talk Talk Show.

If you have an experience to share or if you have a question, please call in!

The Talk Talk Show: “The Talk Show About Talking” is on the Communication Comedy Network Thursdays at 8am PST/11am EST.

You can listen in live via your computer just by clicking this link and following the prompts or you can call into the show via phone by dialing: (724) 444-7444 and the Call ID: 19736 followed by the # sign when prompted.

This is one of my very last podcasts ever. I’ll be going off the air as far as podcasting goes after this year.  I will attempt to post the audios for those who cannot make it to the live show, however, I have had some trouble periodically with hecklers whose foul mouths have caused me to opt NOT to post the audio.  While Talk Shoe does allow me the ability to mute someone, it does not provide the tools to edit your broadcast easily.

For this reason, I urge you to attend the live show.  I promise to filter my callers as best I can during the live show.  The feedback from last week’s show (and the ones with prior hecklers) has shown that their time was well spent despite the momentary lapse in decorum.  The things I share will be tips from one of the most important studies I have ever written, “Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith”.  I usually sell this information but I feel the need to give some of it away this Christmas season in order to help my listeners enjoy a Merry CHRISTmas with both their saved and unsaved family members.  If something I share during this show will allow just one soul to come to know Christ Jesus, it will be well worth enduring a heckler on the air.

Remember, even if I am able to post the audio, all of the Communication Comedy Network audios will be coming down after the first of the year anyway when I transition to hosting 10-12 full seminar/workshops in 2010.  So don’t count on that audio!  Be there live and, if you have a special story to share that relates to my topic, please post it here so I can share it on the show or call in to the live show!

God bless you all this Christmas from the Art of family to yours!

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We’re giving away Christmas Gifts!!

God is Everywhere CoverOk this is soooo cool!  I’ve never done anything like this before. You are going to love this. I got the idea by looking at things closely and finding hidden images in them.  Once I started, I couldn’t help but notice them everywhere!  What’s this got to do with Christmas?  Well…I found that most everything in life, whether man made or God made has something hidden in it to show us that He loves us.  That he was born to die for us because he loved us so very much.

So I created an eBook I call “God is Everywhere” and I illustrated it with pictures where each one has a hidden image to remind us that God loved us so much that He was born into a sinful world to die that we may live!  Nothing is as precious as that, but this little eBook comes about the closest I could get to it.

How do you get it?  It’s free!  Next week I’ll be giving it away to all our newsletter subscribers and Facebook Fan Club members.  All you have to do is subscribe to either one or both before next week in order to get your copy of this precious reminder of why Jesus was born!

Subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence here!

Join the Art of Eloquence Facebook Fan Club here!

And then you will also gain access to all the other goodies we offer Art of Eloquence subscribers and fans!

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It’s December. Now how did THAT happen? lol

Ok so it’s December 1st, 2009.  Wasn’t it just January?  Come to think of it…wasn’t it just 1995…about two years ago?  The older I get, the faster time goes by.  As my father always says, “Tempus certainly does fugit!”  They say time flies when you’re having fun, but I don’t remember having THAT much fun!

So how does this happen?  How do you go from being a young girl without a care in the world one moment to a 47 year old mother of a college girl and a homeschooled 10 y/o son the next?  As Lucy used to say, “Whahappen?”

So Christmas must be around 2 oclock today and 2010 is probably being held on Friday!  Are you ready? I’m not!  But I did spend a few millennia yesterday evening creating a really adorable CHRISTmas gift for all our newsletter subscribers and Facebook Fans.  It’s called “God is Everywhere.”   I will be unveiling it in about a week so, if you are not a subscriber or a fan club member, go directly to Sign Up or become a FAN!  Do not pass go!  Do not collect $200!

How fast does time fly for you?  Here’s a little quiz to help you along:

What year were you born-if you care to answer? (JoJo was born in 1962.)

What year were you married? (1987   That used to sound like 10 yrs ago!)

How old are your kids? (19 and 10)

How old were they yesterday? (15 and 6)

How old will they be tomorrow? (40 and 31)

I now return you to your life in progress…QUICK!  You might miss something!

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2 AoE Thanksgiving Gifts for You

Thanksgiving eBook Cover1

I would like to wish all of you a very blessed Thanksgiving!  Art of Eloquence usually gives away a gift for Thanksgiving and this year is no exception.  We gave away The Word on Thanksgiving to all of our newsletter subscribers earlier this week.  If you were not subscribed, you should be because we give away free gifts, exclusive offers and advanced notice of sales, events and products all year long!

However, we are giving you a second chance to get this adorably illustrated powerful book on thankfulness!  Just join our Art of Eloquence fan club on Facebook and you will have access to it all this week.  But do hurry, we will be taking the link down after this weekend and the eBook will go back into cyber storage!  The Word on Thanksgiving is ONLY available to our subscribers (and this year our Facebook Fans) every so many years during Thanksgiving.

Also a quick reminder that there is no live show this week on the Communication Comedy Network tomorrow due to the Thanksgiving holiday, but all of the CCN show hosts got together and recorded a special Thanksgiving audio message for you!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving from Art of The Communication FUNdamentals that help you Say What You Mean in Grace!

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Recipe for teaching Home Ec

Almost all parents tell me they believe communication skills are important but most have no idea to what extent.  We use our communication skills thousands of times a day!  Homeschooling parents use communication skills even more often.  You cannot teach if you cannot communicate-PERIOD!  And the more effectively you communicate with your student, the more effective a teacher you are.

By the way, teaching Home Ec is probably more saturated with communication skills than other subjects you teach because you usually do it without benefit of a text relying mostly on hands on involvement as the student models or at least checks with the teacher at various times during a complicated process.  It’s not like math where we homeschool teachers can explain a short lesson and let our kidlings loose on the math lesson for an hour to complete the examples.

Teaching anything without benefit of excellent communication skills is a recipe for disaster.  If we don’t explain things clearly to our children in a way they understand, we cause frustration.  That frustration may boil over and burn out any desire to learn the subject at all.

So what’s the best way to teach Home Ec or any other subject we might homeschool?  I suggest you first first go to Art of and see how we might help you hone your communication skills.  All our studies are mixed with love, scripture and dash of humor!

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Anemic Relationships

Anemic Relationships?

We all know that when the body is sick, it’s trying to tell us something is wrong.  It’s a series of signs God gives us so that we pay attention to what our bodies need in order that we have a chance to get well.  Being tired is a sign that we should rest.  It’s what our body needs to regain health.  If we ignore these signs, we take the chance that our illness will worsen.

I feel our relationships are the same way.  There are signs God gives us that our relationships are ill and need attention.  Clues God gives us so we pay attention to what our relationships need in order that they have a chance to heal or strengthen.  If we ignore these signs, we take the chance that our relationships will worsen.

These signs are all transmitted via communication.  Your son feels neglected so he begins to act up.  Your husband feels you don’t do the little things for him you used to do now that you are homeschooling so he begins to neglect the little things he used to do for you.  Your best friend no longer calls because she feels you don’t take the time for her.  These are all signs of a relationship illness.

In our microwave society, so many relationships are suffering from anemia.  They aren’t nurtured because we are all too busy to pay attention to the communication (or lack thereof) which are signs that our relationships are in trouble.

Let’s take the opportunities to notice the communication being sent by our loved ones and make sure we are communicating how special they are in our lives.  Send a note of thanks, an email of encouragement, call to say hello.  Let’s nurture our relationships before they suffer from illness.  Let’s nurture those that have become anemic.  Let’s strengthen those that could grow.

A friendly reminder from the staff at Art of Eloquence!  Check out all the ways Art of Eloquence can help you communicate more effectively with your family, friends, boss, employees, or customers today!

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Chonda Pierce: Menopause Parking

Being 47 yrs old, I can relate!  Video for ya this week for Friday Funnies.  Chonda Pierce: Menopause Parking!  It would save lives! ROFL

For more fun with communication skills, visit Art of!

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From my heart…changes for 2010

This month marks our 7th birthday!  Art of Eloquence has now been in business for over 7 years.  I’m one of those “if one is good, 10 thousand MUST be better” kind of gals!  I love helping folks and I love to give.  Each year I began by asking myself how much more I could give my customers, blog readers, newsletter subscribers, etc.  Unfortunately, in order to support my habit, I’m afraid I had backed myself into a busy corner.

Earlier this year, my dh asked me to slow down the ministry portion of Art of Eloquence.  It was hard for me, but I went from sending out three newsletters a week to just one and writing a weekly Foot in Mouth Man episodes to once a month.  When my good friend and podcast co host had to leave the show, my dh asked me to re evaluate my time.  I love giving, entertaining and teaching so much that I didn’t want to give it up.  It was almost like a high.  I’ve never done drugs, but I hear tell it feels kind of like that.  So I took on the weekly show all by myself saying I’ll just teach a little each week and that way it won’t take up too much of my time to prepare.

You all probably can guess what happened next.  Yup!  I went nutz!  I just can’t do anything half way.  I can’t.  I spent time each week preparing and researching to bring my listeners all the latest and greatest information on that week’s topic.  I brought on guests and solicited experts and spent time sending out email questionnaires in order to get all the information to you that I possibly could.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I didn’t neglect my family, but I did have to sacrifice a great deal to get this done.  You see, I have insomnia.  Which, if you look at the positive, means you have more time to get stuff done!  So at 3am when most other normal human beings are having visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, I was on my computer doing research and writing.  All this extra work, left very little time to write new studies for Art of Eloquence or to revamp our website to reflect all the new studies and events we had to offer.  I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had to tell a customer that the study they were anxiously waiting for was STILL not done.  In fact, I had a perpetual “To Do” list that never quite seemed to get “To Done”!

Simplification is the word for 2010 and we believe it will not only allow me to have more time to create the products our customers have asked for, but it will also allow me more time to make our website and newsletter easier to navigate and more in tune with our customers’ needs.

To that end beginning this month, “What’s New at Art of Eloquence?” newsletter will go out once a month instead of weekly.  I will continue to give subscribers exclusive offers, freebies and advanced notice of all things Art of Eloquence, but the newsletters will be short and sweet.  Additionally, you may have already noticed that I have gone from daily blogging to three times a week.  Since I will not have to plan out 7 posts a week, it will allow me time to post links to articles and news events as they occur so that this blog will be even more informative.  So the blog may end up having almost as many posts.

Effective January of 2010, I will no longer be podcasting.  I have some great shows planned for the rest of the year with guests I’ve made commitments to on topics I feel are important.  However, time constraint and sheer amount of work involved in hosting a weekly show is just too much for me at this time.   Instead, I will be offering about 10-12 live seminars during the year on various topics.  Do mark your calendar to attend the Communication Comedy Network’s final podcasts.  The audios will come down after the end of the year to make room for the new seminar format.

My heart is to give all I can, but my dh and the Lord have shown me that I cannot keep up this pace without sacrificing other vital things.  I pray that these changes will help Art of Eloquence to be a larger blessing to you in 2010!

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