New Year; New Theme

Happy New Year everyone!

Don’t forget that tomorrow begins not just 2014, but The Year of Faith here at Art of Eloquence.  Our newsletter subscribers will find weekly articles on various faith topics beginning this week.

If you make New Year’s Resolutions and even if you don’t, make this one!  Subscribe to our newsletter for 2014!  Learn all you can about how to fulfill The Great Commission and why we, as Christians, are commanded to do so.  It’s not easy to discuss faith issues these days and most Christians are either too afraid of the consequences or are doing it in such a way that it actually drives unbelievers away from God.

This is your chance and it’s all free!  This is the most important New Year’s Resolution you will ever make.  Make it and keep it, by subscribing here, NOW!

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Give Christ a CHRISTmas gift this year!

This CHRISTmas, why not give Jesus a gift?  Something He has asked of us.  Something that adds to the kingdom of God.  This CHRISTmas, give Him the gift of boldly, graciously, and effectively sharing the Gospel with others.

If we are commanded to share the Gospel, why is it that so many Christians don’t?

1. They don’t know what to say.

2. They don’t know how to say it.

3. They are afraid they won’t be able to handle the consequences.

4. Or they are too bold or lacking in grace when they share bringing about unintentional consequences for both the one sharing and the one who is being ministered to.  But it doesn’t have to be this way!

swymdtfbooksmshadowArt of Eloquence has put together a communication study like no other.  It contains years of my personal experiences with unbelievers and the questions and issues they have with the Bible, Christ and Christians.  Growing up in an Atheist home of Jewish decent, I have heard all the questions and I know how not to answer the questions.

Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith will give you a simple way for teens and adults to learn how to answer the most popular questions unbelievers have.  And this month, you can get it at 50% off!

Other course of this nature fall short because they don’t take into consideration:

* God didn’t make Cookie-Cutter People so a one-size-fits-all approach reaches few unbelivers
* They most often teach you what to say, but fail to instruct you on how to say it or to tailor it to each individual
* They often teach you to open with a scripture or statement that doesn’t reflect the concerns of the unbeliever
* They don’t teach you how to answer the most common questions and misconceptions unbelievers have
* They don’t give you embedded links where you will find scientific data supporting biblical events.

This course will not only prepare you to speak to others about Christ, but it will actually strengthen your own faith because it gives you the historic and scientific supporting evidence for the answers to the most important questions about God!

To order Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith, just click on the previous link and order as usual. Where it says, “Apply DiscountCode,” put in voucher code: Faith5013  It will automatically reduce the price by 50% and remember that this offer is only good this month, December 2013! So order now before time runs out!

Give Christ a gift this CHRISTmas!  Give the gift of effective communication for Him because Christ died for us, the least we can do is tell people why!

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Disturbing decline in any interest in communicating well

StormFor quite some time, studies have shown that there has been a significant decline in communication effectiveness.  College professors report an increase in papers with text speak, slang and poor grammar.  Employers have reported a serious lack of communication skill in their new hire candidates and that it’s one of the reasons employees are not promoted.

You and I notice it every day when we speak to people, and chat with them on social media.  Sometimes the lack of communication skill is so apparent we can hardly make out what the person is trying to tell us.

However, it’s not as much a lack of training as it is a lack of interest.  The bottom line is that most people today don’t feel communication is a subject that merits any attention.  Why?

1. Undivided attention is overrated.  Multitasking is a valued skill, but what isn’t generally taken into account is the fact that the less you concentrate on something, the less efficient you are at it.  While you may be able to cook dinner, do the laundry and listen to little Johnny’s story, you probably didn’t catch everything he said.

2. The empowerment movement has told us that we have the right to free speech.  What they have not mentioned is the responsibility we face for the way in which we deliver that speech.  The idea is that I have the right to say whatever I want, but you don’t the right to be offended.  However the opposite is also taught: I have the right to be offended by anything you say and you have to make it up to me.  It’s a curious and unrealistic way to live.

Unfortunately, this is exactly why so many struggle in relationships, marriages and friendships these days. Relationships are all about communication and very few seek to master it these days. I teach communication skills and for the last ten years there has been a decline both in the skills demonstrated and the interest in learning and applying them.  If you’ve found yourself on the receiving end of a misunderstanding, you know what I mean.

It’s time we, as a society, take back the responsibility for what we say and how we say it.  It’s time to learn to speak effectively and in grace.  It’s time to be proactive…because what’s at stake are our relationships!  If you don’t, I can promise you there’s a storm coming!  A miscommunication storm that will leave your relationships in its wake.

Check out and take your stand now!  We have studies for PreK through adults and for every communication situation from speech and debate to sharing your faith and social skills!

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We Declare 2014: The Year of Faith

purple bibleThere is no one-size-fits-all way to communicate with people and that is even more important when it comes to something as controversial as faith.  In order to relate to those we minister to, we need to employ effective communication skills.  Sharing our faith is as much how we say it as what we say.  There no right way to communicate to everyone, but there are many wrong ways and in today’s anti-Christian culture, it’s even more important that we avoid those.

Over the next year, I will be giving you in-depth information about the best ways to share our faith as well as how to respond to anti-Christian bias and even how to handle conflicts within the Christian community.  My goal with this year-long series of weekly newsletter articles will be to give the Christian community the tools it needs to understand unbelievers and the questions and issues they have, to inspire confidence in sharing the faith and the grace to temper their boldness with humility so that our message is better received.  In addition, I’ll be pointing out the anti-Christian bias inside our own country, the media’s role in all this and how critical it is that the Christian community respond effectively in boldness and truth but tempered by grace.

Today, most Christians either don’t speak up or they do so in a way that alienates and offends most unbelievers.  The reason for that is that most people today (both Christians and non Christians) don’t understand the importance of effective communication.  In addition, there is a social trend that seeks to empower the individual, but neglects to take into account the responsibility for the fall out when their communication method is offensive.  Many of today’s Christians believe that since God’s Word is offensive to some, they are justified or even expected to be offensive in their delivery.  I can’t tell you how many times I have heard an unbeliever utter something like, “If that’s a Christian, I sure don’t want to be one!”

What happens when we share our faith in one of the many wrong ways is what I believe has taken us to a place where people no longer even want to discuss the issue and where most Christians don’t try.  Some of the methods taught today in the church are not only ineffective, but counterproductive.  I know, because I grew up in an Atheist home and my family is of Jewish heritage.  I know what the religious discussions look like from the inside and I have a heart to give my insight to the Christian community in order to help us drive more people to the Lord instead of away from Him as is currently the norm.

As is often said, we may be the only Bible some people ever read.  We are an example and people are watching us.  My prayer is to raise up a community of Bible believing saints to share the Word of God in such a way that we are privileged to hear a comment like my daughter recently recieved in praise of the way she graciously shared her faith.  “I wish all Christians were like you!”

Lastly, please cover Art of Eloquence in prayer as we embark on this year-long journey.  Every time we host an event, run a special or release a promo regarding our study, Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith , we have found ourselves under spiritual attack.  As we have prepared for a full year of focus on sharing and defending the faith, we have already encountered several challenges that have delayed us or created hurdles to climb.  In the last few months, my health has deteriorated, we have had computer problems, lap top issues, iPhone problems, email troubles, our website has been hacked three times, and my glasses mysteriously broke…and those are only the ones I can remember.  We’d appreciate your prayers as we devote a full year to preparing the faithful and the faith-filled in the Great Commission.

Please share this message with your friends and have them subscribe to our newsletter so we can reach even more of the Christian community in 2014! Thank you.

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How to get 21 Days to More Godly Communication FREE!

Week two of our Homeschool Specials continues with another incredible offer!

This week’s Back to Homeschool Special Offer:

Buy a homeschool package and get 21 Days to More Godly Communication FREE!

The picture featured here shows just a one of the many  homeschool packages we have available for PreK-Sr High school!

To check out all Art of Eloquence has to offer your school aged children, click the Homeschool Value Packages tab on the website or just click the link above.


What is 21 Days to More Godly Communication about?

It takes 21 days to make a habit; why not make it count for God?

The Lord shares literally hundreds and hundreds of scriptures in His Word that instruct us on the use, misuse and benefits of our tongues, mouths and words.

I began writing articles on my blog and one day I decided to issue myself a challenge to write a communication article every day based on 21 of my favorite communication scriptures. The response to my blog series was amazing!  I covered topics in scripture from Proverbs to Psalms, Philippians, Ephesians, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, and from 1 Peter to 2 Timothy!

What’s Inside:
* Why communication is even more important today than ever before
* What the world says about communication skills
* What God and His Word says about communicating with each other
* How God’s Word can help us communicate in grace even in today’s sometimes hostile world
* Tips for communicating in grace
* Tips for handling rejection, criticism and conflicts
* When to stand up and speak out and when it’s better to lose the argument and win for the Lord.

* PLUS a link to even more bonus articles to help you after your first 21 days!

How to get 21 Days to More Godly Communication FREE:

Just order any Art of Eloquence homeschool package at the regularly low price this week.  Forward the email confirmation of your order to me jojo @ artofeloquence .com and put “FREE 21 Days” in the subject line.    It’s that easy!

I will email your copy of 21 Days to More Godly Communication to you within 48 hours of your order!  Just remember to order and email us before midnight PST on Saturday, August 24th


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Are you communicating like an April Fool?

NOTE: Due to health issues, I am only writing a monthly blog post right now.  If you would like more information, tips and free gifts, please subscribe to our twice monthly newsletter.


Silly GuyThere is one day each year that actually inspires poor and just plain bad communication.  The practice of playing April Fool’s jokes has given way to four flavors of communication problems.  I’ll share each one along with my suggestions to avoid each of the communication pitfalls they create and then I’ll share my thoughts on how April may not be the only time we make April Fools of ourselves or others with our communication.

1. Joke Mania

Trying to communicate anything to anyone at this time of year can be quite trying.  Some people wait all year for this day so they can play silly jokes on their friends.  Others just love to retweet or share them on social media.  And, because people know it’s April Fool’s Day, they read silly jokes into almost everything that’s posted.


* Avoid exposing yourself to too many of these jokes as the temptation to get caught up in the April Foolery is too great.

* If you can avoid it, don’t post serious things on April Fools’ Day–unless it’s about April Fool’s Day, of course. 😀  Serious things have a tendency to be either overlooked or taken as a joke on All Fool’s Day.

* Be very careful not to fall into the trap of perpetuating April Fool’s jokes as your social media friends may tire of them and begin to tune you out.

2. All Jokes; All the Time

The expectation of the over abundance of practical jokes leads many to assume things are a joke, even when they aren’t intended that way creating a host of misunderstandings.


* When sharing something that could even possibly be interpreted as a joke, tell them up front that it is a true story: (Not an April Fool Joke).

* When reading or listening to friend’s stories, read between the lines and look at body language to discern if the story is a joke or is, in fact, real.  Assuming it’s a joke can cause hurt feelings if someone is pouring his heart out in pain.

3. Careless Jokes Accidentally Cause Real Pain

Perpetuating April Fool’s jokes may feel harmless, but weigh the potential that the other person may misunderstand and get upset.


* Be conscious of the things you post, even the few days prior to and after April 1st.  Make sure it cannot be misinterpreted or that someone might not take it too far.

4. Hurtful Jokes are Justified or Even Glorified

Some people make a concerted effort to *get someone good* which often ends up scaring the pants off them, leaving them wary of their plotting *friend.*

MANY years ago, my husband’s friend sent him an email at work which automatically opened a series of screens he couldn’t shut down.  These screens made it LOOK like he was surfing porn sites.  At the time, my husband was a temp at that company on probation for a permanent position there.  This could have gotten him fired.  Even if the company knew it was sent as a joke and was viewed on his lunch hour and not on company time, his bosses might have a perception that he wasn’t a serious candidate for permanent employment.

The next step in April Foolery, is one upsmanship.  The next year my husband vowed to get him back and emailed his April Foolish buddy that we were getting a divorce.  Believing it was true, his friend told his wife while he was still on the phone and they both anguished over the demise of our marriage.  My, then, young husband did feel the need to confess while still on the phone so as to minimize the ill effects to his friend and his wife and, thankfully, the April Fool jokes ended there.


* I just have one here: Just don’t do it!

However, April Fool’s Day isn’t the only time we can make fools of ourselves or others with our communication.  Here are a few ways in which I’ve seen this happen:

1. Assumed Aggression

This is especially easy over social media where the intent can be misunderstood due to a lack of body language, facial expressions, vocal clues and a lack of continuity of thought as only parts of the conversation/thoughts are seen and others (previous posts) missed.

Not knowing the full context of the conversation often leads people to assume the worst or read aggression into a remark.  Sometimes aggression is assumed due to a similar previous encounter with another or because the subject matter hits a nerve.


* Always give the writer the benefit of the doubt

* When in doubt, ask what the person meant by that

* Never reply, “SHEESH!”

2. Confused Wording or Punctuation

The more confusing the communication and inaccurate the punctuation and grammar, the more we make fools of ourselves and other people.


* Be very careful to choose your words carefully

* Look at your comment twice to make sure it can’t be easily misinterpreted before you hit send or post

Anyone can overlook foolish communication once in a while, but be careful not to become known for your confusing comments, punctuation, aggressive tone or other foolish communication or people may tune you out all together.

Tip: Almost nobody will tell you gently that you’ve been confusing or unnecessarily aggressive.  Most will just go away mad or frustrated.  Don’t be an April Fool; take the time to  communicate clearly.  Art of Eloquence can help!  Make sure you’re subscribed to our twice monthly newsletter for our exclusive tips, gifts and special offers and check us out on Facebook for some fun with words and language.


If you’ve read all the way through, I’d like to thank you!  I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please leave a comment and share the blog post link with those you know.  I will put the names of all those who commented and shared this link into a drawing for a free gift or a gift certificate.  Your choice.  You have until the end of the month to do so before I draw a name.  Please make sure to have your email address on your comment so I can contact you if you are our winner.

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!  This month I’ll be sharing two articles on some other foolish communication trends and how YOU can avoid them!

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New at Art of Eloquence in 2013!

AoE People ButtonNewsletter and Webinar Changes!

After ten years in business having put out a variety of products and projects, we took a series of surveys and asked you what you were looking for from Art of Eloquence in 2013.  You shared your thoughts with us and we listened.  So this year we have a renewed focus on the things that you said were important to you and your family!

You said you wanted us to focus more on bringing you in-depth articles and webinars in 2013 so we have let some of the extra projects we had go in order to spend more time on these two areas.


Starting this month, we will pack even more into our newsletters so our weekly newsletters will now be semi-monthly.  We may also release one every so often if there is a time sensitive announcement to be made, but most often you will receive them twice a month.

This information will ONLY be available to our newsletter subscribers so make sure you are subscribed!

And, if you haven’t subscribed yet, NOW is the time because, ALL NEW THIS YEAR, is a a series of special gifts you will receive JUST for subscribing!  After our initial welcome email confirming your subscription (which includes a link to a fun video!), you will receive four emails (one per day), each with a FREE GIFT!  Each gift will help you in a different area of your life: kids, business, etc.

Again, this information will ONLY be available to our newsletter subscribers so make sure you are subscribed!

All New Webinar Topics:

During our Birthday Bash, we asked you what webinar topics you’d like to see presented in 2013 and we heard you!  Some webinars will be free and some will require a small fee.  Here is a partial list of topics we will be covering next year:

January: Conflict Resolution/repairing burned bridges

February: Dating, Marriage and Relationships

March: How to Speak with Boldness

April: Communication with Your Teen

Only a few more days to get your ticket to the webinar!

If you are looking to repair a relationship, Art of Eloquence can help.  Check out Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts.  Browse our free lesson at the bottom of the page.  If you purchase this study, you’ll learn how to avoid conflicts or even reduce their effects so that you may build closer relationships with others.  Or you can sign up for this month’s webinar: Resolving Conflicts and get this study as a FREE BONUS GIFT!

NEW: Free lessons Page!

Art of Eloquence has always had free lessons from our studies available for download listed on each product page. However, now we have a page where you can find ALL of our sample lessons!  This makes it easier to decide which communication study is perfect for you and your family!

Make Sure You are Subscribed!

Begin 2013 with the training that will help you make this year and every other year more successful!  Make sure you’re subscribed to our blog and newsletter for the latest information, tips, free gifts and studies that will help you become more successful in your personal and professional life.


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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What’s in Jesus’ Name?

Flowery WordsFor to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”  But that is not exactly true because each word has a slightly different meaning or connotation.  The use of a slightly different word in a situation is often how  misunderstandings begin.

Each word God speaks is carefully crafted. He is purposeful and He always says what He means.  God could have used many terms to describe His son, but notice the hope reflected in the descriptions He uses for our Savior here: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Jesus is a Wonderful Counselor.  He’s someone we can turn to who will help us sort things out, but He’s much more than that. It says He’s a wonderful counselor.  How many times have we gone to friends or family or a paid professional who has steered us wrong?  Jesus never will!

Jesus is the Mighty God.  There were several gods worshiped in Jesus’ Day as there are now, but He isn’t just any god and He is mighty!

Jesus is our Everlasting Father.  We all have an earthly father, but not all of us are blessed to still have our fathers with us.  Some of our earthly fathers have died.  Some our earthly fathers left us emotionally.  Some of our earthly fathers have suffered an illness and they have left us mentally.  Jesus will never leave us or forsake us! 

Jesus is the Prince of Peace.  He’s not just a prince as in the earthly sense who rules over others wielding his power with a sword for personal gain.  Jesus brings us peace…a peace that surpasses all our earthly understanding.

The precision of God’s Word is is deliberate and in some cases holds even deeper meaning within it.  We can’t be the perfect communicator that God is, but we should do our best to craft our words such that we say what we mean in a way that most effectively communicates our message to our audience.

This year, Art of Eloquence would like to help each of you to say what you mean among your family, friends, business associates and in your ministry.  Start the new year by making sure you are subscribed to this blog and to our newsletter.  The links are on the right and also below this post.


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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My sincere apologies

I don’t normally post on the blog on Tuesdays, but I have a bit of apologizing to do.  Though we have no idea how or why, sometime prior to our Birthday Bash, the settings for the Art of Eloquence website inexplicably changed requiring all new customers setting up an account (trying to order for the first time) to be “approved” before they could place their order.  The only customers who were able to purchase recently were those who had already set up their customer account (ordered) in the past.

We have since approved all new customer accounts and our webmaster has changed the setting back. All of you who had tried to order recently should now be able to go back into your account and order whatever your heart desires.

We sincerely apologize for any frustration several of you have had in trying to order recently, especially those trying to take advantage of our brand new $10 flat rate after the November 1st Birthday Bash.  In the ten year history of Art of Eloquence, customer accounts have never had to be approved and we had no idea or indication that anything had changed.  I am at a loss to understand why a company would want to have to approve a customer prior to ordering.

The good news is that those of you who encountered this problem prior to our 10th Birthday Bash sale going live, can now order at the new $10 rate for all Art of Eloquence studies for a limited time!  All our homeschool curricula as well as all studies for adults on leadership, business, social communication and more are only $10 each for a limited time.

If you have any questions or issues, please email me

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Recap of Birthday Bash week

Today is the last day to enter our Birthday Bash Contests!

It’s also the last day also to get our Birthday Bash freebie, my 3rd Book of JoJoisms!

Download our 3rd JoJoisms edition,  The 3rd Book of JoJoisms: Technology. Created especially for our Birthday Bash visitors and Includes: JoJoisms, Visual JoJoisms, several of JoJo’s articles and more!


Download your free copy of the 3rd Book of JoJoisms here!


Also, in case you missed the announcement:

 All Art of Eloquence eBooks are only $10 for a limited time!  Check out all the titles. Browse by age or subject!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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