What communication skills do students need?

What communication skills do students need these days? Whether your student is in a public school, co op classes or homeschooled, he or she will eventually graduate. Come learn why communication skills are increasingly important for learning, college prep, college classrooms and for life in the ‘real’ world.

This month, my daughter, Kelsey,  joins me to share her communication experiences as a homeschool graduate, a college senior and a world traveler!

Seminar Date/Time: Today, Wednesday, Aug. 10 8am PST/11am EST

To Join us Onlinehttp://www.talkshoe.com/tc/19736

To Join us Via Phone: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

The Talk Shoe audio will be available after the live show!


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My interview on Homeschooling Buzz!

I was interviewed on the Homeschooling Buzz on the Homeschool Netcast Network YouTube channel last week.  I had a great time on the show with host, Gerald McKoy. We talked about homeschooling as well as communication issues.

Thanks Gerald!

The Homeschool Netcast Network is a fabulous resource for Christian homeschoolers!  It just started this year.  You all should check out the rest of the episodes!


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I’m on the Homeschool Netcast Tomorrow

There’s a new YouTube podcast channel for homeschoolers this year called the Homeschool Netcast Network.  The show is hosted by Gerald McKoy, a Christian, Husband, and Father of 5 homeschooled boys.  He is also currently serving as the Vice President on the Board of Directors of the Christian Home Educators Association of California (CHEA of CA).

Homeschool Netcast Network is devoted to supporting the existing homeschool community and evangelizing more christian parents to homeschool their children by providing news, interviews, and inspiring stories found within the homeshcool community.

I’m honored to have been asked to be interviewed and am looking forward to sharing my homeschool story with their audience tomorrow.


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Brand New Speech & Debate Value Package

How often have you wished that you could persuade someone to accept your idea, do something you thought was right, or go somewhere you thought was important?  Think about it. How many times have you felt passionately about something, but you lacked the insight, discipline or training to present a good argument?  While most people will never have a need to engage in a formal debate or speech, understanding these techniques can help train you to become more persuasive in daily life. We actually use persuasion skills every day. Do we need formal debate-level persuasion skills every day? No, but would our everyday need for persuasion skills be enhanced by the study of debate? Absolutely!

Being skilled in the art of giving effective presentations is likely to have a significant impact on your success both personally and professionally. Being able to present yourself (and your ideas) well and having the ability to persuade others is essential in business. It is the sign of an effective and respected leader.  It is also important on a personal level because polished communication skills will greatly assist you in making and developing good friendships!

Benefits of Learning to Speak in Public
•Increased confidence and self-esteem
•Ability to think on your feet
•Captivating your audience
•Develop the art of listening critically
•Master persuasion skills
•Better career advancement

Studies show those who enjoy making speeches actually make more money!

The Problem with Most Speech and Debate Courses
Most speech and debate courses can be intimidating or boring.  As a child, I was painfully shy.  I would rather have cut off my right arm than take a traditional speech and debate course.  If I wasn’t intimidated enough by the thought of public speaking, I certainly was by having to become an expert on things like gun control.  The only way I would have agreed to take one of these courses is the very thing that was missing from them all: The FUN Factor!  Studies show that the more fun people have while learning, the better they will understand, practice and retain the subject matter.

If you could find a course that was both creative and fun, learning becomes almost effortless. Well, now you can with the Art of Eloquence Speech & Debate Value Pack which includes Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course and our new Say What You Mean: Beginning Debate together for one low price!  To read more about this full year curricula with our BONUS and to download our free lesson from each study, click here!


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Join me Tomorrow: When/How to Use Humor

July 22nd is Spoonerisms Day and July 24th is Tell an Old Joke Day. In celebration, let’s talk about humor.  What’s funny and what’s not? How can we use humor without abusing others? Where d0 we draw the line?

Have you ever made light of something only to find the other party didn’t think it was funny?  Ever have someone make a joke at your expense?  Have you ever felt someone didn’t take you seriously after injecting a little humor into your communication?  Well, tomorrow, I’m going to share some do’s and don’ts and tips about humor.

Join me for a half hour of fun as I help you navigate your way through the Funny Zone to discover what’s funny and what’s not.

When: Thursday, July 14th. 8am PST/9am MST/ 10am CST/ 11am EST

How: Talkshoe: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/19736  or via Phone: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736


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Shhhh…It’s a surprise Party!

epic fail photos - Surprise Party FAIL
see more funny videos, and check out our Yo Dawg lols!


Surprise Birthday Party Fail.

As Mr. Magorium once said, “Apparently you misunderstand the rules of a surprise.”


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Brand NEW Sample Lessons Avaliable!

On Monday, I shared all our updated sample lessons/excerpts.  Today I’d like to unveil our brand NEW samples.  These are samples that we’ve never had before. I hope you enjoy a peek into the world of Art of Eloquence communication studies.  Please pass this link along to those who may be struggling with one of these issues or would like to enhance their lives by learning to master them.

NOTE: Each link here takes you to the product page where you’ll find the sample or excerpt link toward the bottom of that page.

Say What You Mean Every Day

The Play Book


Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership

21 Days to More Godly Communication

Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety

Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues

Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts

Say What You Mean: Beginning Debate


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NEW at Art of Eloquence: UPDATED Sample Lessons

We’ve updated all our sample lessons!

Over the last year, I have been working almost exclusively on new communication studies, especially the ones that you have told us you needed.  Over the year, we have released:

Say What You Mean Debating the Issues


Say What You Mean Overcoming Social Anxiety


Say What You Mean Beginning Debate


Say What You Mean Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts


This past year has left me precious little time to do some much needed revising of our website…and you all know how UNtechie I am.  Well, in the past few weeks, I’ve been working on several aspects of our website and today I’m ready to announce our first series of changes: UPDATED Sample Lessons!

After much techie frustration, I have finally been able to update and upload revised versions of the seven sample lessons that we have had, mostly for our homeschool curricula, and HEEEEEEAR they are!


Say What You Mean for Preschoolers

Say What You Mean for Kids

Say What You Mean for Teens

Know Your Audience

Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course



Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith


Say What You Mean When You’re in Business


Each sample lesson link is located toward the bottom of the page so feel free to browse!  I am currently working to create sample lessons for some of our newer studies which do not yet have them.  I should be finished with them all by Wednesday, so come on back to the blog and check them out!


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JoJoisms & Free Gift

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It’s Communication FUNdamentals Week and I hope you’ve been enjoying many giggles over the last few days.  Laughter is essential and not only to the learning process as we were discussion earlier, but to our health.  They say laughter is the best medicine.  You should have several doses per day!

I love making people laugh.  I do it with my kids. In fact, my son has gotten so used to it that he often says, “Mommy, say something funny!”  No pressure or anything! ROFL

Well, in case you haven’t been reading my blog, my articles, my Facebook fan page, my newsletter or my studies, (shudder, the thought!) you know that I started a thing called JoJoisms.  JoJoisms are where I reveal life’s truths…as I think of ’em.  They are one liners with insightful commentaries on life.  Here are a few I wrote about communication:

JoJoism#18 “Persuasion is when you want someone to listen to you; annoyance is when they want you to listen to them!”

JoJoism#28 “I’ve noticed that the English language does, indeed, have gender words like they do in Spanish. For example, when a man gets grey hair, they call him DISTINGUISHED. The feminine form of that word is…OLD.”

JoJoism#29 “I’ve also noticed that if your dh is distinguished, chances are very good…”

JoJoism#49a “A reason is what I have for not doing something for you.  An excuse is what you have for not doing something for me.“

JoJoism#82 “The opposite of stop isn’t go, it’s pots.”

I’ll stop now before…JoJoism#107: “My mouth punneth over.” JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ‘em!


If you enjoyed these, I have a free gift for you!  I created and illustrated my first Book of JoJoisms on communication.  Click here to download a free copy!


*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: For Even More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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Celebrating Five Years of FIMM

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post!


It’s Good Friday so before I get started with our special Friday Funny Festivities, I want to take some time to wish you all a blessed Good Friday.  Today’s the day my son and I make Resurrection Cookies and read the Resurrection story in the Bible.

Well, as I said, this week is also a very special Friday Funnies week because Foot in Mouth Man’s five year anniversary was this past Tuesday. FIMM began his misadventures five years ago this month!  April 19th, 2006 to be exact.

You can check out FIMM’s very first episode along with several other featured episodes here.  As FIMM’s fame grew we featured him in his very own video:

Later on there were just too many FIMM Misadventures to put them all on our website so we created an eBook with the best of FIMM’s episodes.  You can check it out here.  He also agreed to a radio interview with me several years ago.  You can hear FIMM SPEAK here.  And finally, we started FIMM’s own brand of clothing at cafe press.

It’s been a fun five years, but I am slowly running out of good foot in mouth material and I’d LOVE some help!  If you have a misadventure you’d like submit, please send it to jojo@artofeloquence.com and put FIMM in the subject line.  FIMM entries must be family friendly please.

If I use your episode, you’ll get a mention on our site and on the blog as well as a free Art of Eloquence product!  So…got any great foot in mouth stories?



*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: For Even More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!



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