Art of Eloquence Blog — technology RSS

Is it acceptable to email a thank you?

This coming Friday is the anniversary of the death of Johannes Gutenberg, the man who invented the printing press and revolutionized the communication of God's Word and much more.  In celebration of his life, I was planning to share some information about the importance of various communication technology and how it has changed our lives. Then, last week someone emailed me with a question about thank you cards in the Information Age.  It fit right in with my plans this week so I thought I'd share my answer today and expand on it a bit to include the role of technology on thankfulness.  On Wednesday I'll share more about communication technology and on Friday I have a fun video that will help celebrate...

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Word of the Week: puerile

Puerile: pu·er·ile adj \ˈpyu̇(-ə)r-əl 1 juvenile 2 childish, silly <puerile remarks> Example I told the teenagers that such puerile behavior would not be tolerated during the ceremony First Known Use: 1652 I'm 49 years old, but I've never lost my sense of silly.  In fact, when I get frustrated, my silly takes on a life of it's own.  Said silliness happened last week whilst Gundar, my technology gremlin, was on my last nerve.  This was the result. If you liked this article, please subscribe to our RSS feed and share the link…

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Communication Skills in the news: Herman Cain

Don't look now, but Gundar, our own personal Technology Gremlin, hasn't been as busy here at Art of Eloquence the last few days.  Yes, we still have some computer issues, but our newly redesigned website and shopping cart are working just fine.  That gave us some time to start thinking about the kinds of information (and FUN) we'd like to have for you in 2012. You're going to start seeing some changes right here on the AoE Blog and also in our newsletter beginning this week!  We're bringing back some old favorites (categories)...with a twist! Mailbag Mondays start back up again today and will feature thngs like my commentary on the communication skills of a political figure or entertainer, my take on a recent...

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What I learned talking to my computer

Gundar, our personal Technology Gremlin, has been instrumental in successfully keeping me from communicating effectively with my computer.  I've tried reasoning with it, yelling at it and threatening it with bodily harm.   I even tried sweet-talking it, but here's what I've learned so far about communcating with your computer: 1. Doing one successful thing one time doesn't mean it will work the next time. 2. Doing one thing succesfully one thousand successive times doesn't mean it will work the next time. 3. Software MUST be kept up to date. 4.  Beware of software updates! 5. Not updating your software is BAD. 6. Updating your software may be WORSE. 6. If you configure things correctly, don't assume it will WORK correctly. 7. If you configure things incorrectly and...

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When Technology Inhibits Effective Communication

Monday we talked about the influence of texting on effective communication skills.  Today I'd like to give you some links to articles I've written that shed a bit more light on the subject:   Communication Technology Doesn't Replace Communication Skill! My generation has gone from ABC, NBC and CBS to Cable TV, CDroms and DVDs. We have lived through the biggest technological advancements in history. We can now communicate with people around the world through cell phones, email, voicemail, videomail ...and we can see political events unfolding as they happen! The internet wasn't fast enough for us so we now have DSL and Cable that are 50x faster than the modems of two years ago! Computers weren't portable enough so...

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