Art of Eloquence Blog — printing press RSS

Fri Fun: Celebrating Gutenberg

On this day, February 3, 1468, Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press, died.  I've been talking about communication technology all week and wanted to end the week with this Friday Funny celebrating the advancement of communication technology that began with Gutenberg's printing press in about 1439. Here now is the famous Mideival Help Desk illustrating that people have always had difficulty with new technology.   If you liked this post, please subscribe to our RSS feed and share the link…

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A celebration of communication technology

This week's word is: Technology!  Word of the Week is a bit different this week as we are celebrating technology. As I shared on Monday, I'm celebrating communication technology this week in honor of Johannes Gutenberg (the inventor of the printing press) who died on Feb. 3rd in 1468.  The printing press was a huge advancement in communication, but there have been many others that have contributed to our growing and changing communication.  Here are just a few of the amazing technological advancements in communication: 1439 Gutenberg's Printing Press 1835 Samuel Morse develops Morse Code 1876 Alexander Graham Bell exhibits the electric telephone 1877 Thomas Edison patents the phonograph 1901 Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals 1925 John Logie Baird transmits the first...

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Is it acceptable to email a thank you?

This coming Friday is the anniversary of the death of Johannes Gutenberg, the man who invented the printing press and revolutionized the communication of God's Word and much more.  In celebration of his life, I was planning to share some information about the importance of various communication technology and how it has changed our lives. Then, last week someone emailed me with a question about thank you cards in the Information Age.  It fit right in with my plans this week so I thought I'd share my answer today and expand on it a bit to include the role of technology on thankfulness.  On Wednesday I'll share more about communication technology and on Friday I have a fun video that will help celebrate...

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