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Oddly Specific

It's Friday and time again for Communication FUNdamental's Friday Funnies!  Get your giggle each Friday right here with the best of the best communication "miss stakes."  Today's post brings new meaning to the term be right back.  From our Oddly Specific File this picture begs the question, "Should I be timing this?" see more funny videos, X If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers! X

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When to be "Oddly Specific"

Welcome back to "Other than Speech Month" here at Communication FUNdamentals.   All this month, I've been talking about how important communication is for things other than speech making.   So far this month, I've talked about spam, how babies actually cry with an accent, overactive exclamatory punctuation and leadership.  This week, I'd like to talk about when it's important to be "oddly specific" and "specifically general."  I'll talk about the latter on Wednesday, but today, let's get specific. Most of the time, being specific helps avoid confusion. 1. Telling someone you'll meet them in the morning leaves them unsure if they should be at Starbucks at 7am or 11am.  Further, it causes them to have to reconnect with you prior...

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Stuff and Things

Continuing with Nostalgia Week, I thought I'd bring you this old fashioned market.  Take note of exactly what they sell. see more Oddly Specific Back in the Good Old Days, they had General Stores! I guess they didn't sell anything specific, just "stuff and things."  lol This store has a "general" message, but please leave a "specific" comment! lol

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