Art of Eloquence Blog — faith RSS

Former student: 15y/o pro life advocate!

How would you feel? by Alyssa Liljequist, 15 y/o Pro Life Activist This video was created by a former Defending the Faith student of mine.  She is a 15 y/o young lady who is passionate about speaking out against abortion. Kuddos to Alyssa for speaking out with such grace and creativity!  This is just one of the ways in which my students are boldly serving up God's Word with grace and humor!  Come join them with Defending the Faith online classes too!

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Global Day of Prayer

Today is the Global Day of Prayer.  According to an article on Breaking Christian News, "In July 2000 God captured the heart of a South African Christian businessman, Graham Power, with a vision based on 2 Chron. 7:14. The vision had three clear instructions: To call Christians from all denominations in Cape Town for a Day of Repentance and Prayer at Newlands Rugby Stadium. To challenge Christians across the rest of South Africa to unite in a Day of Repentance and Prayer. To challenge Christians in Southern Africa to unite in a Day of Repentance and Prayer. In March of 2001 more than 45,000 Christians united for a Day of Repentance and Prayer at Newlands Rugby Stadium in Cape Town....

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Do you have an unusual testimony or ministry?

Then Grace Talk Soup is looking for YOU!   Do you have a unique testimony?  Did you lead someone to the Lord?  Do you have a ministry or mission in life that would be of interest to my listeners?  Contact me and tell me a bit about it!  I am looking to schedule guests for 2009. Grace Talk Soup is where you can find me "Boldly Serving Up God's Word with a Side Order of Grace and Humor" each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST. I share news of importance to the Christian community as well as  tips on effective communication, especially where it relates to sharing and defending the Christian faith.   My guests share their testminony, ministry and their...

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