How to get our Conflict Resolution or Shyness Study for FREE!

Here’s our last Back to Homeschool Special Offer!

Buy Speech and Debate value package and get your choice of our Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts study or our Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety FREE!

Not only will you receive these two easy to use and fun studies, but you and your students will be able to decrease the jitters associated with making a speech by learning more about overcoming the anxiety people often feel in social situations and transferring those skills to speech making.  OR decreasing, resolving and avoiding the conflicts when you or your student is debating on a more personal level.


Click the pictures to read more about these choices:


Bonus Gift Choice







To take advantage of this free bonus offer:

Just order the Speech and Debate package at the regularly low price this week.  Then forward the email confirmation of your order to me jojo @ artofeloquence .com and put either “FREE Social Anxiety” or  “FREE Conflicts” in the subject line.  It’s that easy!

I will email your copy within 48 hours of your order!  Just remember to order and email us before midnight PST on Saturday, August 31st. 


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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How to get 21 Days to More Godly Communication FREE!

Week two of our Homeschool Specials continues with another incredible offer!

This week’s Back to Homeschool Special Offer:

Buy a homeschool package and get 21 Days to More Godly Communication FREE!

The picture featured here shows just a one of the many  homeschool packages we have available for PreK-Sr High school!

To check out all Art of Eloquence has to offer your school aged children, click the Homeschool Value Packages tab on the website or just click the link above.


What is 21 Days to More Godly Communication about?

It takes 21 days to make a habit; why not make it count for God?

The Lord shares literally hundreds and hundreds of scriptures in His Word that instruct us on the use, misuse and benefits of our tongues, mouths and words.

I began writing articles on my blog and one day I decided to issue myself a challenge to write a communication article every day based on 21 of my favorite communication scriptures. The response to my blog series was amazing!  I covered topics in scripture from Proverbs to Psalms, Philippians, Ephesians, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, and from 1 Peter to 2 Timothy!

What’s Inside:
* Why communication is even more important today than ever before
* What the world says about communication skills
* What God and His Word says about communicating with each other
* How God’s Word can help us communicate in grace even in today’s sometimes hostile world
* Tips for communicating in grace
* Tips for handling rejection, criticism and conflicts
* When to stand up and speak out and when it’s better to lose the argument and win for the Lord.

* PLUS a link to even more bonus articles to help you after your first 21 days!

How to get 21 Days to More Godly Communication FREE:

Just order any Art of Eloquence homeschool package at the regularly low price this week.  Forward the email confirmation of your order to me jojo @ artofeloquence .com and put “FREE 21 Days” in the subject line.    It’s that easy!

I will email your copy of 21 Days to More Godly Communication to you within 48 hours of your order!  Just remember to order and email us before midnight PST on Saturday, August 24th


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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How to Get Say What You Mean for Moms FREE!

It’s Back to Homeschool Month here at Art of Eloquence and we have an INCREDIBLE series of special offers for you!

How would you like to get three free gifts?  Well, just stay tuned to this blog for details!

This week’s Back to Homeschool Special Offer:

Buy any two homeschool single titles at our regularly low price and get Say What You Mean for Moms free!

The picture featured here shows just a FEW of the homeschool materials we have available for PreK-Sr High school!  To check out all Art of Eloquence has to offer your school aged children, click the Homeschool Tab on the website or just click the link above.



What is Say What You Mean for Moms all about?

Want to ensure open communication with your children?

Do you desire a close relationship with your son or daughter?

Avoid all the problems you’ve heard you’d have when your kids are teenagers.  

So many of you asked us to write a communication study for parents and children. This study is for new moms who would like the benefit of experience and for experienced moms wanting some tips for better discipline, communication, and stronger relationships with their children.

This study will include:

* Five Foolish Things Moms Say
* Twelve Ways Moms Undermine Discipline * Nine Foolish Things Moms Do
* The Dangers of Expecting Teenagers to Be Difficult
* Five Wise Things Moms Should Do
* Ten Ways to Talk so Your Kids Will Listen
* Five Ways to Encourage Open Communication
* Six Steps to Overcoming Overwhelm

To get Say What You Mean for Moms Free:

Just order any two individual Art of Eloquence homeschool titles at the regularly low price this week.  Then forward the email confirmation of your order to me jojo @ artofeloquence .com and make sure to put “FREE SWM for Moms” in the subject line.  It’s that easy!

I will email your free copy of Say What You Mean for Moms to you within 48 hours of your order!   Just remember to order and email us before midnight PST on Saturday, August 17th. 


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Stop the Presses!

This is not a test!  This is a real Art of Eloquence emergency!  Well, not really, but I got your attention, didn’t I? LOL

I actually do have a very good reason for alarming you with this blog post.  We are suspending our regularly scheduled blog posts this month to bring you some exciting and important Art of Eloquence news!

When the Art of Eloquence emergency is over, we will resume our regularly scheduled blog posts of articles, FUNdamentals, reviews and Ask JoJo posts.

Here now is the first of four important Art of Eloquence announcements:

We’ve had our Fire Sale going for four months now and, while many of you have taken advantage of our $150 dollar package for only $27, we cannot continue to offer this enormous package of nine of our most popular communication studies forever.  Therefore, we are hereby giving you notice that the Fire Sale will end at midnight PST on Saturday, August 10th!

I can’t believe the awesome deal that you are offering on this set of e-books, JoJo! I just ordered mine! These are totally amazing! Thank you for such a great deal! -Candy F.


Fire Sale

Here’s what’s included in this incredible package:

1. Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith (a $20 value) eBook will help you answer 18 of the most common questions unbelievers have about God and Christianity. Not only will this study give you tips on what to say, but also how to say it in love and with respect in order that, with God’s help, your words will have the power to change a heart.

2. Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith Audio Class (a $20 value) is my audio class where I teach these 18 lessons. I also interject additional details and useful resources.

3. Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership (a $20 value) eBook offers 18 lessons that will help you learn to speak like a leader and communicate that you are someone worth following.  This will help you whether you are in formal ministry or just want to gain a following for a particular cause the Lord has put in your heart.

4. Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership Audio Class (a $20 value) is another audio class where I teach the above 18 lessons and add additional details to help you overcome whatever issues may be keeping you from being seen as a leader and honing your communication skills such that your natural leadership shines through.

5. Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues (a $20 value) eBook teaches you how to debate 18 of the most common conservative, political issues of our day such as abortion and gun control.

6. Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety (a $20 value) eBook provides 18 lessons that will help you overcome any apprehension you may have when talking in a group or social situation.  Whether you are talking politics or just shooting the breeze, this study will help you become more comfortable in a social setting.  Not only will it take you from social shyness to social comfort, but on to mastery as a social butterfly!

7. 21 Days to More Godly Communication (a $20 value) eBook shares 21+ different articles based on scripture that will help you share your ideas in grace.



Bonus Gifts

8. The Power of Words is a short eBook sharing why communication is so incredibly important.  Includes several scriptures and some powerful photographs.

9. God is Everywhere is a short eBook with some powerful photographs depicting the cross in everyday settings.  It reminds us that God is with us wherever we go and, if we look carefully, we can see His hand in just about everything around us.

 “JoJo, our son, Samuel, is really enjoying the fire sale package — he saw us post about it and actually asked for it for his birthday.” -Melanie Y.


To read more about this incredible package or to order it before it’s gone forever, click here!



NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Ask JoJo: Facebook Communication

JoJo SeptIt’s that time of the month for our brand new feature, Ask JoJo, where my readers email in their communication questions and I answer them.  Our first communication question comes from Christina who asks this question about Facebook communication:

I occasionally comment on things I disagree with (not always, just now and than), sometimes to discuss it, and sometimes just to state my opinion. But, people either try to debate me (rather than just discussing or talking about it) or insult me. Today, I posted a comment merely asking for proof for something and when no one gave me any, and I merely stated that my opinion hadn’t changed because of it. Someone claimed I wasn’t convinced, and was a waste of time to talk to:’because I’m home-schooled and live in a different realm.

How would you respond to this and what do you think is the best way to try and avoid these situations altogether? Beside, never commenting or avoiding discussions and debates, altogether.

I try to handle these things, with grace and humility, as well as patience, but I obviously must do something wrong, otherwise why would I always get such negativity? I understand, that it would be hard to pinpoint, since you haven’t witnessed the conversations, I’ve with these people. But I figure since you know a lot about communication and have more experience, you could give some pointers or tips. As you have probably experienced or witnessed this sort thing, at some point. :)

This is a fabulous question!  While I don’t know the full details of this particular situation, I can help you with some general insights and tips.


I don’t see anything you asked that was wrong. Some people are just looking for a fight or to disagree.  People tend to be bolder and less interested in grace on the internet because they don’t have to see the faces of those they challenge, insult or hurt.  In addition, sometimes people take asking for the source of a story as an assault on them and they feel guilty for not checking it out. Instead of owning up to being a bit careless when posting a story, they feel challenged and so they lash out.

How I would respond to being in a different realm because of being homeschooled:

What school you attended is not at issue.  The issue raised was one of credibility and validity of the story.  It’s unwise to accept information at face value and, without knowing the source, information must be questioned.  You might put it this way:

I don’t understand what the school I attended has to do with my asking for verification of information.  I’m sure you would agree that it isn’t wise to accept everything at face value. I was only asking where I might find the source of the story before accepting it as truth.  So many things on the internet are either incorrect or even a pure hoax.

How you might be able to avoid this issue in the future:

Sometimes the words we choose to use can make all the difference.  In the future, you might choose to replace the word proof with source or say, “can you tell me where you found this info?”  It’s a matter of semantics, but presents a softer message.

Something else you can do is to look the title or subject line up on and post the link.  It would be hard for anyone to argue with that.

I pray this has helped you and my other readers who may have encountered similar situations.

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Communication Riddle

dumb questionRiddles exercise our brain and help us hone sharpen our skills which, in turn, help us to communicate more effectively.  Riddles help us to read between the lines, think out of the box and pay close attention to work our listening skills.

This is an oldie, but a goodie.  See if you can figure it out without scrolling down to find the answer.  In fact, this is a great riddle for kids as well so grab your little ones and see how well they can do!


Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?













A: Nothing

Did you get it?  Leave a comment and share your experiences!


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Beware of What Sounds Good

These feel good sayings have become quite popular these days.  While they sound good, many of them just aren’t true-even if they are said by a famous and well-respected celebrity like Dr. Seuss.  Beware that you don’t fall for them, and worse yet, communicate as if they are true.

Take this one for example.  Not everything you feel needs to be said.  Those who matter to you may, indeed, mind how you say them even if they don’t mind what you say.  And those who mind may not matter to you, but they matter to God.

How we say things are often even more important than what we say.  How we communicate with each other is important to God. He cautions us about the use of our mouth, words, lips and tongues all throughout the Bible.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6

My tip for this week: When you see quotes like these, make sure you read them…carefully before you accept them as truth and act accordingly.

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Wright the Wrongs

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“Wright” the Wrongs in this paragraph. How many grammar/spelling mistakes can you find?

Their once was a lady who would only ware purple.  She had many clothings, but they just hang in the clause it because they where grean or reed.  One day, she decided to die them all violent so she wood be able two ware then.  Little by little, dipped them all in the purple buck it until all of then where the proper color.  She wasn’t happy until every dress and skirt, every pare of pants and shorts, and every socks and shews were purple.  Finally, she even died her hare purple!  And she lived appley every after.

This is a great exercise for your children as well.  Have them look the paragraph over and post what they find. No looking at what others have posted now! LOL  Post your findings as a comment to this blog post.  Let’s see how clever you all are!

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Goin’ Weekly with All New Segments!

Page 3Due to underwhelming support, we are discontinuing our Communication Comedy Network monthly video program.  Our pilot episode garnered very few views or feedback. Since they are very time intensive to produce, we have decided to put our efforts elsewhere.  To that end, we are going back to a weekly blog post schedule and we have all new categories for you!  Along with Art of Eloquence news, we will be posting on the following topics on a monthly basis:

Communication FUNdamentals: Fun communication games, riddles and contests!

“Wright” the Wrongs: Short paragraph where you’ll be challenged to correct poor grammar, spelling or punctuation!

Communication Reviews: Reviews of TV shows, movies, commercials, Facebook trends, etc!

Ask JoJo: Submit your communication question to me and I’ll choose one per month to answer right here on the blog.  Questions can be anything from a tip on communication skills (how not to be nervous when making a speech) to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills or even if your website or blog is clearly written!

I’d love to get a list of questions to choose from each month so go ahead and begin asking your communication question today by following the directions in the NOTE below.

We would love your feedback on the new line up for the blog. Please leave a comment here and tell us your thoughts.

By the way, you can click on the picture to view our CCN pilot video if you’d like.

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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The Communication Comedy Network Presents: Father’s Day

The Communication Comedy Network is back!  News Anchor, Nancy Newsome, interviews viewers on Mother’s Day Vs Father’s Day in this our first in a series of monthly vlogs.  Nancy shares her research on the disparity between the celebration for moms and dads on their special day, but this one viewer had something quite unusual to share. Check it out:

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!  This month I’ll be sharing two articles on some father issues and how they can strengthen your relationships.

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