It’s a tradition here at Communication FUNdamentals that we have a video countdown to CHRISTmas! Folks find the most insprirational, creative and fun ways to communicate their love for the Lord and their CHRISTmas Spirit. I find their videos to share with you each year. Some will be old favorites and some will be new. All will communicate the reason for the season in a fun and creative way.
The first in the countdown is Jars of Clay’s version of Little Drummer Boy! This is my favorite version of this song but unfortunately, there isn’t much “video” to look at. Enjoy the song!
Merry CHRISTmas from your friends at Art of
I love this!! I’ve always Jars of Clay!!
I love them too. I love this time of year. I get to share my favorite Christmas videos with everyone! I was listening to this one all day! LOL
We just read Ted Dekker’s “The Drummer Boy” as a family read a-loud, and now this song is more touching than ever. Beautiful version!
So glad you enjoyed it, Kimberly.