Is Funner a Word?

stupid questionIs Funner a word?

I’ll bet you’ll say it isn’t, but according to Merriam Webster it is!  (added about 2010) But is that all we should consider in order to communicate effectively?  NO!

Effective communication is also about the impression we make on people.  Using the word funner makes you sound like a you’re *UNedUmaCaTed.*

I don’t care if the dictionary does say it’s a word, if you sound like an idiot you’ll be treated that way and all credibility goes out the window.

So, funner IS a word, but if you use it, you’ll communicate that you’re not too bright.  And if you use the term more funner, they’ll be sure of it!

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Birthday Bash Contest#4: Mitsy Lou Puppernickel

It’s Birthday Bash Time and you know what that means!  Time for our Facebook fan page party with free gifts and, of course, our contests where you can win free prizes like this one!


Mitsy Lou’s Encouragin’ Word For Everyday Livin’ created especially for our Birthday Bash guests!

A collection of short messages to lift your spirit created by Janet Harllee, an internationally-known storyteller, character actress, speaker, writer, and songwriter!  Here keynote topics include: “Sink or Swim-Survival Tips for the Christian Faith”; “A Makeover With Tha’ Maker.”

Mitsy Lou Puppernickel is Janet Harlee’s creative character, a southern hairdresser, from Frog Holler. She performs humor, story, & song at conferences, women’s events, churches, businesses…


TO ENTER THIS CONTEST: to win a copy of Mitsy Lou’s Encouragin’ Word for Every day Livin’, post a comment on this blog post with the name of the Art of Eloquence study you’d like to purchase next and why.

Winner will be selected from among the correct answers and announced by November 8th. Winner must have a valid email address and has two days to claim the prize or another winner will be chosen.

*NOTE: Check out all our other contests and our Facebook Party on our Birthday Bash Page!


Congratulations to our winner:


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Funny Quotes Quiz

Can you match the funny communication quote with its author?  Post your answers in a comment below.

1. “The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.”

2. “Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something.”

3. “The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with.”

4. “Write with a little pizzazz or you’ll just have a blahg.” 

5. “Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.”

6. “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

7. “It’s okay to have nothing to say…unless you’re talking.”



Winston Churchill

George Jessel

Mark Twain

Author Unknown

Marty Feldman


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Are Resolutions Christian?

This week’s word is Resolution.  A resolution is “a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group.”  A New Year’s Resolution is one an individual makes usually based on his or her desires.

I guess what bothers me most about New Year’s Resolutions is the fact that God is rarely consulted or referenced.  Just because we want something does’t mean God wants it for us.  Sometimes He has other plans that  may need to be in place BEFORE or INSTEAD of the plans we have for ourselves.

This year, I resolve to listen to Almighty God to see what He would like me to do–not just on January 1st, but every day of the year.  Won’t you join me? What does God have in store for YOU in 2012?  Please share.

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Word of the Week: sesquipedalian

sesquipedalian \ses-kwuh-puh-DAYL-yuhn\

(adjective) – 1 : Given to or characterized by the use of long words. 2 : Long and ponderous; having many syllables.

(noun) – A long word.

“Because my father was a professor, I early picked up a sesquipedalian way of speaking.” — Damon Knight, ‘A Science Fiction Argosy’

Sesquipedalian comes from Latin sesquipedalis, “a foot and a half long, hence inordinately long,” from sesqui, “one half more, half as much again” + pes, ped-, “a foot.”


Is it always desirable to use large, complicated, obscure or technical terms?  While having a large vocabulary is important for good communication, it isn’t always effective to use.  Here are a list of circumstances in which it is NOT effective to use your extensive vocabulary:

1. With small children

This is an obvious one.  Everyone knows it’s best to simplify their language when speaking with small children.  But what we often forget is why and how that might be a good rule of thumb to use with adults in other situations.  Why don’t we use big words with small kids?  Because they don’t understand them.  They don’t know the meanings of those words.  Well, as we will see in the next few situations, many adults don’t know the meanings of the technical, cultural or regional terms we use either.

2. Using technical terms with non technical people

A doctor may use the term “acute myocardial infarction” with his colleagues, but probably should use the term “heart attack” with most of his patients. Can you imagine going to the doctor and hearing him diagnose you with “sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia?”  I don’t know about you, but that sounds rather scary!  Know what it is?  That’s the nerve pain of the sphenopalatine ganglion,” a form of brief cranial pain or headache commonly associated with consumption of cold beverages or foods such as ice cream.  In other words, brain freeze.  Don’t you feel better now?

3. Using insider terms with those outside

“My peeps!  Check it.  Going solo to the partay.  Meet ups late @ The Hang.  Kbers.”  Some terms are adopted slang that every teens becomes familiar with.  Others are regional or even between a small group of friends.  Using these terms with outsiders leaves the outsiders feeling like, well…outsiders!  Mary just moved here from a farm in Iowa.  She’s got no idea where The Hang is.  It’s just what these seven friends call Millie’s Diner on 7th Street because they always meet there.

4. When it will make you come across as pompus

“May I endeavor to determine the origin of your denim trousers?”  Nuff said!

5. When the technically correct or accurate word isn’t widely used or known in that circumstance

Sometimes there is a more obscure word we know that would best fit the message we want to convey.   Other times there may be a word that is not currently used in the correct way.  However, if we use it, we risk being seen as pompus or misunderstood.  Communication is not as much about the correct use of words as it is the way in which our audience will best understand our intended meaning.

A large vocabulary is a tool.  While you wouldn’t use a sledge hammer to do the work where a chisle will do, it isn’t advisable to use words that are equally overkill.  Each situation calls for a delicate balance of simplicity and precision.  Knowing which words to use is a skill you develop as you grow your vocabulary and hone your listening and observation skills.  Relating to your audience is key to communicating effectively with them.  How you do that will vary from person to person and from situation to situation.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

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Word of the Week: puerile

Puerile: pu·er·ile adj \ˈpyu̇(-ə)r-əl

1 juvenile

2 childish, silly <puerile remarks>

I told the teenagers that such puerile behavior would not be tolerated during the ceremony

First Known Use: 1652

I’m 49 years old, but I’ve never lost my sense of silly.  In fact, when I get frustrated, my silly takes on a life of it’s own.  Said silliness happened last week whilst Gundar, my technology gremlin, was on my last nerve.  This was the result.

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A Discouraging Word

Home, home on the range….

Where the deer and the antelope play…

Where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day.

What is it about our home that makes it special?  It’s safe, secure and supportive…or it should be.  When  your home is filled with discouraging people (or your life is), it can be difficult to become rejuvenated, rested and ready to take on the day.  The rest of the world can be against you, but if those who are supposed to support us are negative, challenging and difficult, it can make life more stressful.

Do you have people in your life who are discouraging?  Do you have to deal with them on a daily basis?  There are several ways in which people can discourage us.

1. Not listening when we want to share good news

2. Not encouraging us to seek out a better life, situation, condition

3. Being negative or challenging every fact, word or concept that comes out of our mouths

4. Making it difficult to do what we need to especially during a difficult situation

5. Discouraging us from asking questions and, instead, making us feel dumb for asking

Sometimes other people aren’t the only ones in our lives with a discouraging word.  How can WE be discouraging to others?

1. Downplaying other people’s accomplishments

2. Pointing out how their ideas won’t/can’t work

3. Questioning every aspect of their plan before they have a chance to present it

4. Making them feel like they are swimming upstream when having a conversation with us

5. Shooting down their ideas before you’ve even heard them.

6. Not giving them the time of day to listen

“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6

How many times have we had a discouraging word for others and not even have noticed that we were making things difficult for them?  Were we just too busy with our own lives to listen to Jim when he shared what was troubling him?  Did we fail to take the time to build him up, support him?  Did we allow Angela to speak her mind before we shut the door on her because the first words out of her mouth didn’t sound interesting enough?  Did we brush off little Johnny because he couldn’t get the words out fast enough and we had better things to do?  Did we make only a minimal effort to show appreciation to Mrs. Jones for all her help with the church picnic?

Sometimes we simply don’t realize how our half-hearted “thank yous” and hurried “that’s nices” feel to the one on the receiving end of our harried communication unless we, ourselves, have been the recent victim of a discouraging word.  May we always remember the words of our Lord: “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29


JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit
NOTE: Stay tuned next week for part two on how to handle discouraging people more effectively!
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Word Wednesday Contest

June is Effective Communication Month so, to celebrate, Art of Eloquence is hosting a contest here on the blog where you could win free Art of Eloquence studies of YOUR CHOICE!  Here’s how it works:


1. Submit a family-friendly, funny or sweet story of miscommunication.  The story could have happened to you in “real life,” you could have heard about it happening to someone else  OR you could write one out of your own imagination. It can be funny like a Foot in Mouth Man episode or a sweet and inspirational story.  Preferably just a few sentences or a paragraph, but there is no limit to the length if it’s a good story.

2. Post them here as a comment on this blog post making sure to leave a valid email address and name so we can contact the winners at the end of the contest.

3. Enter as often as you like, but each entry (a different miscommunication story) must be posted in a separate comment!

4. At the end of the month, I’ll post a few of the best stories of miscommunication and ask my readers to vote for their favorite in each of the two categories: Fun and Sweet.

5. It is understood that submissions may be used in future Art of Eloquence marketing.



1. Winners will receive a free Art of Eloquence product of their own choosing!

2. The more entries we have, the more winners we will choose so please pass along the link to this blog post and ask others to enter!

NOTE:  Contest is now closed. No more entries will be accepted.  We will be asking our readers to vote on the winners in the next few days!


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What is speech?

Those of you who remember my weekly internet radio show on the Communication Comedy Network will remember my character Professor Wordsmith.  She (I) did the Word of the Week segments.  In 2011, I’m going to be bringing back some of the old characters I played on the show as YouTube videos.  I thought I’d bring her segments here to Communication FUNdamentals for Word Wednesday. This week’s word is something most people do associate with communication: speech!  But as we’ll see, speech is much more than a formal recitation of gun control or abortion rights.

According to Merriam Webster, speech is:

“1a : the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words b : exchange of spoken words : conversation 2a : something that is spoken : utterance b : a usually public discourse : address 3a : language, dialect b : an individual manner or style of speaking 4: the power of expressing or communicating thoughts by speaking”

So speech is much more than a formal reciting of someone’s ideas on gun control or abortion.  It is the very act of communication.  I’ve coined a JoJoism which states, “While you may manage to live your entire life without making a speech, you will not get through one day without communicating something to someone!” and this one as well, “The most important communication isn’t the speech you’ll give to a crowd. It’s the conversations you’ll share with friends & family.” Communication is something we do every day.  We use the power of speech to discuss many things with many different people.

The Bible talks about speech, our tongues, lips, mouths and words literally hundreds of times.  The Lord tells us what happens when we speak in grace, ““Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6 and He tells us what the consequences are if we do not, “An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of the citadel.” Proverbs 18:19

Some have tried to assert the notion that learning formal speech will prepare you to be an effective communicator, but I disagree.  While learning formal speech will help you formulate your ideas and help you with your powers of persuasion, they will not necessarily help you in a conversation.  Did you ever know anyone who never lost an argument, but frequently lost a friendship because he was a bit pushy?  That’s because you cannot approach a conversation the same way you do a formal debate or speech.

Just as learning to communicate effectively in a conversation is different from learning to deliver a good speech, learning to master different types of speeches takes slightly different skills. Even within the formal speech, there are many different kinds of speeches: persuasive, political, impromptu, debate, etc.

If you read my blogpost from Monday, you’ll know that I’ve challenged you all to a speech this month.  I’m sharing some mini lessons on speech-making all this month to help you along.  If you’d like to learn a bit more about speech or you’d like to get a good listing of great speech topics, visit the Art of Eloquence Speech and Debate Page.

By the way, I’ve started my online seminars back up this year and the very first one will go more in depth on this subject.  It’s Thursday, January 27th at 8am PST/11am EST on TalkShoe!  You can see the next several month’s topics there as well.

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What people won’t do in public

Continuing with Perception Week here at Communication FUNdamentals blog, I bring your attention to the word perception and how things are currently perceived in society.  Last week on my Facebook wall, I wrote about society’s current perception of manners.  I’ll recap that a bit now and then I’d like to discuss society’s current perception of what is inappropriate to do in a public setting.  You won’t believe this…or, sadly, maybe you will.

A few days ago, I took my son to his theater class.  I have to preface this a bit so you’ll appreciate how blatant this was.  His class is upstairs in a tiny room so the kids hardly all fit in.  The parents wait outside in a small room, in the tiny hallway, or the small landing area on the other side of the hallway. The door to the parents room was open and there were several parents sitting in both of those areas as well as a few standing in the hallway.  I was in the hallway and could hear the conversations in both parent areas when I sneezed.

I wasn’t shocked when nobody said “God bless you,” or some facsimile thereof.  I was a bit surprised, however, when not even one person so much as blinked.  It was a small area where even a whisper carried quite well.  You’d have thought the loud sneeze would have caused at least one to stop their conversation or look up.  Nope.  Okay.  But what happened in the next few seconds was shocking to me.  The woman across the way who had been sprawled out on the couch like it was her living room, sneezed.  I said, “God bless you” as did NOBODY else.  Nobody else even so much as blinked.  But she never said thank you, never looked up, never acknowledged me in anyway.  Even with her entire family in that waiting area on the couch next to her, she wasn’t embarrassed enough at her rudeness to warrant even a belated nod.

Apparently, this is the case all over the country.  Simple courtesy isn’t perceived as necessary any longer.  My Facebook friends all shared similar stories of indifference and rudeness.  It saddens me as our perception of courteous behavior is one of the reasons our discourse is so curt and often full of outright anger.  We no longer have any regard for the civility and manners of the past generations.  Perceptions have changed.

Then a few days later, I found myself at my son’s Theater performance.  We were outside under an awning of sorts with a stage and a full audience.  It was about curtain time and all the parents and grandparents were seated waiting breathlessly for their dazzling darlings.  I wasn’t surprised when several of the children were being rambunctious and almost none of the parents made so much as an attempt to round them up.  But then, in the middle of the audience, a girl of about 10 yrs of age began to pull her dress up and put on a pair of jeans.  I thought surely the mother, who was sitting next to her, would discourage undressing in public.  To my surprise, she made a vague suggestion that she could go into the bathroom while proceeding to help her daughter get fully dressed for the performance.  And I used to caution my 5 year old that pulling her dress up in public was inappropriate.  Well, those were the olden days, I guess.

I thought that was the boldest departure from appropriate public behavior until the very next day.  I honestly don’t believe any of you have seen anything like this before, but do tell me if I am being naive. In my day, you didn’t put your elbows on the table and you didn’t wear your PJs to the store.  You went into the bathroom to apply your lipstick and you were horrified to have to say excuse me if you happened to burp in public.

Now I know that perceptions have changed a great deal with respect to these things.  It is acceptable even in fine restaurants to put your elbows on the table.  It is not considered a social faux pas to re apply your lipstick in public and in some places, public burping goes practically unnoticed.  However, am I showing my naivety to think that the following is still inappropriate in a public setting, let alone a restaurant?

My son is in the Young Marines and was marching in the Veteran’s Day Parade on Saturday.  By the time we were out of there, it was after lunchtime and we stopped at the McDonald’s inside a Walmart to eat.  A casually dressed, yet well groomed young woman and her boyfriend sat down to eat in front of us.  As we (and several other patrons including this couple) were enjoying our food, the woman took a stick of deodorant from her purse and, still leaning over her food, applied it!

I was shocked, horrified and a bit grossed out.  Nobody around me seemed even to notice. I was contemplating how society’s perceptions of what is appropriate in public has deteriorated in my lifetime.  It was clear to me that manners are mostly a thing of the past and civility in communication is a casualty.  Still in shock at the Deodorant Lady, something happened to renew my faith in our culture if only for a bright shining moment.

My son was done eating his Happy Meal and began to play with his toy.  He didn’t know what would happen if he pressed the button and, as a curious boy, he had to find out.  Part of the toy flew across the table, right across my meal and landed on the floor.  After giving my son a look to discourage further “fly bys” and as I prepared to get up to retrieve it, a young father of two sitting near us got up from his chair and did it for me!

While the public’s perceptions of manners and appropriate public behavior has changed drastically as a whole, I am heartened to find some who still practice and no doubt teach their children to do the same.

This brings my rant on my pet peeve of manners, civility and public behavior to an end, but  I’d love to hear your thoughts.  What do you think of Sneezeless in the Theater, Underwear Girl and Deodorant Lady?  Do they live in your city?  Please share.

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