Day 5 of the countdown features a laser Christmas light show to Amazing Grace:
Merry CHRISTmas from your friends at Art of!
Christian Communication Training
Day 5 of the countdown features a laser Christmas light show to Amazing Grace:
Merry CHRISTmas from your friends at Art of!
Communication FUNdamentals Video Countdown to CHRISTmas continues with one of my favorite versions of “Oh Holy Night” by Celine Dion:
Merry CHRISTmas from your friends at Art of!
It’s a tradition here at Communication FUNdamentals that we have a video countdown to CHRISTmas! Folks find the most insprirational, creative and fun ways to communicate their love for the Lord and their CHRISTmas Spirit. I find their videos to share with you each year. Some will be old favorites and some will be new. All will communicate the reason for the season in a fun and creative way.
The first in the countdown is Jars of Clay’s version of Little Drummer Boy! This is my favorite version of this song but unfortunately, there isn’t much “video” to look at. Enjoy the song!
Merry CHRISTmas from your friends at Art of
This is an annual event here on Communication FUNdamentals! This year I am asking your help to make it even more special. Do you have a favorite Christmas carol or song? Instrumental version or silly version? Post it here. I’m looking for the latest and greatest inspirational, funny, classic, Christ Centered, etc Christmas videos this side of the internet. I want your input. Suggest a song, a particular version of a song, a parody or a specific video for the countdown. I have 10 videos to share between now and Christmas and I want the best of the best!
Tune in tomorrow for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the 2009 Video Countdown to CHRISTmas! A special gift to you from your friends at Art of!
Do your kidlings know the story of Thanksgiving as well as these kids do? lol
Happy Thanksgiving from the folks at Art of!
Being 47 yrs old, I can relate! Video for ya this week for Friday Funnies. Chonda Pierce: Menopause Parking! It would save lives! ROFL
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Since it’s Twitter Week on Communication FUNdamentals…
This is a fun video. A parody on Twitter that they called Flutter.
For more communication fun, visit Art of!
All this week, I’ve been talking about social networking on Facebook. This is a fun video about Facebook Fever. Enjoy!
If you didn’t catch the Facebook show on the Communication Comedy Network, click here! (or Direct Link to audio)
For more fun with communication skills, visit Art of!
Do you recognize these early communication skills in your children?
“I don’t know!”
If your kids could use some communication instruction, come on down to Art of Eloquence where we teach with humor and creative play!
Click here!
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