Brand New Speech & Debate Value Package

How often have you wished that you could persuade someone to accept your idea, do something you thought was right, or go somewhere you thought was important?  Think about it. How many times have you felt passionately about something, but you lacked the insight, discipline or training to present a good argument?  While most people will never have a need to engage in a formal debate or speech, understanding these techniques can help train you to become more persuasive in daily life. We actually use persuasion skills every day. Do we need formal debate-level persuasion skills every day? No, but would our everyday need for persuasion skills be enhanced by the study of debate? Absolutely!

Being skilled in the art of giving effective presentations is likely to have a significant impact on your success both personally and professionally. Being able to present yourself (and your ideas) well and having the ability to persuade others is essential in business. It is the sign of an effective and respected leader.  It is also important on a personal level because polished communication skills will greatly assist you in making and developing good friendships!

Benefits of Learning to Speak in Public
•Increased confidence and self-esteem
•Ability to think on your feet
•Captivating your audience
•Develop the art of listening critically
•Master persuasion skills
•Better career advancement

Studies show those who enjoy making speeches actually make more money!

The Problem with Most Speech and Debate Courses
Most speech and debate courses can be intimidating or boring.  As a child, I was painfully shy.  I would rather have cut off my right arm than take a traditional speech and debate course.  If I wasn’t intimidated enough by the thought of public speaking, I certainly was by having to become an expert on things like gun control.  The only way I would have agreed to take one of these courses is the very thing that was missing from them all: The FUN Factor!  Studies show that the more fun people have while learning, the better they will understand, practice and retain the subject matter.

If you could find a course that was both creative and fun, learning becomes almost effortless. Well, now you can with the Art of Eloquence Speech & Debate Value Pack which includes Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course and our new Say What You Mean: Beginning Debate together for one low price!  To read more about this full year curricula with our BONUS and to download our free lesson from each study, click here!


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Praise and Thank You

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Continuing with Praise Week here on Communication FUNdamentals!  On Monday I shared about a recent study that was done on the need for praise in order to boost self-esteem.  With so many people feeling overworked like this woman here, the need for praise is greater, but we no longer have as much free time to give it away to others.  However, it’s important to praise and compliment-even if it is just to say thank you, but how do we do that effectively?  This is an article I wrote a while back called…

The Power of Thank You!
By JoJo Tabares

Did you ever notice how little kids show appreciation?  My son comes to me several times a day and says things like “I love you!  You are the best mommy in the whole world!”  The conviction of his words and the look on his face as he utters them are what touch my heart!  That’s what true appreciation is.

Most of us teach our children to say thank you, but few of us really understand its power.  Showing appreciation is not only etiquette, but it is a responsibility especially during the holidays.

I was privileged to have been in the audience when Florence Littauer was speaking on “Silver Boxes”.  It’s what she calls her philosophy on appreciation and edification.  She quotes Ephesians 4:29.  “Do not let any
unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  She says that words are like a gift we give others that come in little silver boxes with bows on top.  This is how we should show proper appreciation.

Many of us remember to say thank you when we get a gift, but often forget to show others appreciation for the things they do for us on a daily basis. And just how much appreciation does our “Thank You” show?

“Gee thanks” isn’t much of a Thank You.  “Gee thanks” is what is interpreted when you say…”Thanks for the gift Aunt Millie!”  or even  “I love it!” Even if your voice is excited and your face lights up when you say it, it
can be empty.  Why?  Because in order for Aunt Millie to feel appreciated, she has to know what exactly you appreciate: The thought behind it?  Money she spent?  Time it took?  Trouble she went to?  And what exactly did you like about the gift:  The features? The time it will save you?

A proper thank you is one in which you show as much time and trouble to give thanks as the person did in choosing your gift.  Consider this:  “Oh Aunt Millie!  This is so generous of you!  I can hardly believe it!  This is a beautiful sweater and just the perfect color to go with the dress I was going to wear for my interview!  Oh it feels so soft and I just love how it fits!”  How much more appreciated does Aunt Millie feel now?  Notice you haven’t even said the words “thank you”.  It isn’t the words you speak; it’s the message it conveys that is important.

And how often should you thank Aunt Millie for this sweater?  MORE THAN ONCE!  I make it a point to wear my gift when I go visit the giver, call them on the phone when I am using it again, mention how I used it the other day and what a pleasure it was that I had it!  NOW how appreciated does Aunt Millie feel?

What about all the thank yous that go unsaid to the people in our lives who do little things for us day after day?  How many of us thank our mothers for raising us or our fathers for working so hard all those years we were growing up-not just on Mother’s and Father’s Day and not just a card or gift.  How many of us have told our parents exactly what they did that we appreciate?  Details!  A Mother’s Day card once a year is an obligation.  A letter or conversation regaling them with the details of what you appreciated about them over the years is true appreciation!

Is appreciation limited to our family?  Many of us never thank our friends or associates for what they mean to us or do for us each day.  How many of us belong to online communities?  How many times have you emailed the owner of the list or site to thank them for all the behind the scenes work they do every day that allows you to participate, fellowship and learn?

Take your appreciation public.  How much more appreciated do you think Annie would feel if you posted a public message of appreciation for all her hard work behind the scenes at your favorite Yahoo group?:

“I want to thank Annie for all the wonderful articles she posts each week! I have really learned a lot and I have used many of these articles as homeschool lessons for my children.  Annie must work so hard to create all these fun activities and I want to thank her for donating her time and all the prizes and certificates she has given away over the years!  This group has been such a blessing to me and I have had so much fun as a member. Thanks Annie!”

A little thank you goes a long way! If Annie was feeling a little frustrated by the time the group takes to maintain, I bet she has renewed vitality after your post!  On the job, employers can get more out of their employees by showing them a little appreciation now and again.  You can create a closer relationship with your family and friends by showing them how much you appreciate what they do for you.

Give the gift of true appreciation. The most appreciated gift is appreciation.  It’s free to give and priceless
to get!  Thank you for reading along with my thoughts today!

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It’s Praise Week

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It’s Praise Week here at Communication FUNdamentals!

The Bible talks about praising God, and we should, for all the blessings He has given us, but it also talks about supporting and being a blessing to others.  Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” Edifying means to build up.  God wants us to build others up, to lift them up when they are down, to support them.  This scripture also tells us we should do this in order to minister grace to them.  Grace means showing mercy, kindness and service toward others.   Here’s why this is so important.

I always knew how important it was to praise others, but recently my daughter brought to my attention an article that tells us more about why.  It says research shows Young People Prefer Praise.

“We looked at all the things college students love and they love self-esteem more,” says lead author Brad Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State University in Columbus.”

The article further stated that the students surveyed preferred experiences that boosted their self-esteem and cited things like getting good grades and compliments.  It went on to say:

Part of what researchers analyzed was the difference between “liking” and “wanting,” based on study participants’ self-reports. They said they liked the rewards listed in the study more than they actually wanted them, which Bushman says is considered healthy. However, the liking-wanting distinction was smallest for self-esteem, suggesting a stronger desire for it than the other rewards.

So not only did they like receiving these rewards, but they actually craved or wanted them:

“It’s about confidence in your ability to deal with life’s challenges and a sense of personal worth, rather than generalized praise and undeserved rewards.

The article suggests that craving self-esteem can be harmful to a society when it crosses over into narcissism.  However, I believe this is much more likely for those who don’t follow Biblical principles which say to put others before ourselves.

I wonder if this rise in young people wanting or even craving experiences or feedback that fills self-esteem needs is because society as a whole is just so much busier than it used to be.  People are working two jobs to make ends meet.  Moms are worried about their children running with the wrong crowd or having too much free time that they are scheduling many more activities than they once did.  Nobody knows their neighbors anymore.  Are we all too busy these days to take the time to pay those compliments we used to?  Do people today feel lost in the crowd?  Is life more complicated today making it less likely to feel we are doing well?  Does society push self-esteem too much?  Or is it that society teaches us to seek conformity rather than treasure our uniqueness ?  Are we looking for acceptance from a world that says we are just one of the crowd?  Or does society no longer believe in a God who treasures each individual created with love?

What do you think?

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JoJo’s 10 Important Uses for SPAM to Enrich Your Life!

Ok…the old girl has gone off her rocker!  She’s nutz!  Elvis has left the noggin!  Call the little men in white coats to come and take her away ha ha, hee hee, hoo hoo!

I know I’ve complained about SPAM before…ENDLESSLY… but let me share with you some insights I have had that will increase your quality of life!  Why?  Because SPAM is here to stay.  It’s not going anywhere and no matter how big your SPAM folder is or how many virtual padlocks you put on your email address, you will have to deal with SPAM.  So allow me to give you a different perspective that will enable you and your SPAM to live in relative peace with each other.  How?  Here are 10 important uses for SPAM:

1. Giggles!

Yes we all need giggles and most SPAM provides an endless supply of comedic value!  At times, life can be difficult, dull and even lifeless, so get all the giggles you can!  SPAM is generally written by people with little or no communication training or sometimes by those for whom English is a second language.  Sometimes SPAM itself is a whole ‘nuther language but, with the proper perspective, you can learn to find your daily giggles in your endless supply of SPAM.

Giggling at SPAM will reduce your blood pressure, add years to your life and make life seem more FUN!  So rather than looking at “Hallo, JoJo!  You get 80% off too day!” in frustration as you pound your index finger on the delete button, look upon it as an opportunity to get your daily giggles!  When life gives you SPAM; make SPAM-aide!

2. Sharing Giggles!

Everyone needs a giggle so don’t keep them to yourself!  Spread a little SPAM giggle where you can!  Post your funny spam on Facebook and Twitter.  Share it with friends!  You might even want to pass around the link to this article!  (wink) Spread a little SPAMshine around.

3. Keep Your SPAM Giggles for a Rainy Day!

I suggest you keep a SPAM folder in your computer!  Oh not the SPAM folder where you delete all your unwanted emails.  I mean a folder where you keep all your funny SPAM giggles from all those illiterate marketers out there!  Visit it often when you’re having a bad day and watch your frown turn upside down!

4.  To Build Self-Esteem

There are some people who don’t feel they do things well.  These people often get caught up in a cycle of depression because they don’t see their true contribution to society. Some don’t feel they are very smart.  Perhaps they compared themselves to an older sibling who got straight A’s.  You, too, can feel smarter and more accomplished simply by comparing your communication to that of the average spammer!  Take note of their grammar, spelling and word choice; how their subject lines have nothing whatever to do with the topic at hand!  Bask in the glow of your capabilities as you send an email to Aunt Sally and don’t start the salutation with, “Hey, Mom.  I tell you about my new buzness!”  Soon you will begin to realize your vast array of abilities and harness your self-esteem!

5. Great Conversation Starters

Give the weather a break and use some fresh, new content to begin your conversations as you mix and mingle at that business function!  You’ll be the life of the party and an asset to any host when you learn to hone your skills in bringing out the lively discussion at boring family gatherings and board meetings!  Learn to work a room using relevant and timely SPAM stories everyone is usually familiar with and has their own opinion about!

6. Bragging Rights

The amount of email I receive in general has increased exponentially as Art of Eloquence reaches more and more readers/subscribers.  With that comes more SPAM as well.   While this has been a matter of serious irritation to me, I can now see the benefit in announcing the increasing numbers of irritating, unwanted email communiques I receive from seemingly illiterate and illogical individuals!  “Hey, I receive 1000 SPAM emails a day!” Aren’t you impressed?  LOL

7. Great sermon jokes!

SPAM makes great stories for sermons or lectures because they can lighten the mood of your audience and break up your material with humor.  They are also much more readily available than are speech jokes!

8. Homeschool Lessons

Homeschoolers have an almost inexhaustible supply of material with which they may educate their children on any number of subjects ranging from grammar and spelling to logic!  Mini communication lessons and critical thinking exercises are just some of the uses homeschoolers can take advantage of by using free unsolicited emails.  Increase your child’s education without spending a DIME!  (Disclaimer: you will need to weed out any SPAM that requires an X rating!)

9. Use as Blog Fodder!

SPAM also makes great blog fodder for speech communication authors, writing instructors and those with editing services!  It’s a fun way to advertise your services and products!  Incidentally, if you notice your son or daughter’s communication skills are beginning to resemble that of an average spammer, take a peek at the Art of Eloquence website for the various ways in which he or she can have fun learning effective communication! [grin]

10. To test your delete button and make sure it’s in good working order!

Finally, here is my favorite use for SPAM.  Did you know that the delete key gets rusty if you don’t use it often?  Think of all the emails you need to delete and what would happen if they piled up because your delete button wasn’t in good working order!!

So there you have it!  JoJo’s 10 Important Uses for SPAM that will enrich your life!

Have any of your own?  Post them here!!

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