What’s in Jesus’ Name?

Flowery WordsFor to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”  But that is not exactly true because each word has a slightly different meaning or connotation.  The use of a slightly different word in a situation is often how  misunderstandings begin.

Each word God speaks is carefully crafted. He is purposeful and He always says what He means.  God could have used many terms to describe His son, but notice the hope reflected in the descriptions He uses for our Savior here: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Jesus is a Wonderful Counselor.  He’s someone we can turn to who will help us sort things out, but He’s much more than that. It says He’s a wonderful counselor.  How many times have we gone to friends or family or a paid professional who has steered us wrong?  Jesus never will!

Jesus is the Mighty God.  There were several gods worshiped in Jesus’ Day as there are now, but He isn’t just any god and He is mighty!

Jesus is our Everlasting Father.  We all have an earthly father, but not all of us are blessed to still have our fathers with us.  Some of our earthly fathers have died.  Some our earthly fathers left us emotionally.  Some of our earthly fathers have suffered an illness and they have left us mentally.  Jesus will never leave us or forsake us! 

Jesus is the Prince of Peace.  He’s not just a prince as in the earthly sense who rules over others wielding his power with a sword for personal gain.  Jesus brings us peace…a peace that surpasses all our earthly understanding.

The precision of God’s Word is is deliberate and in some cases holds even deeper meaning within it.  We can’t be the perfect communicator that God is, but we should do our best to craft our words such that we say what we mean in a way that most effectively communicates our message to our audience.

This year, Art of Eloquence would like to help each of you to say what you mean among your family, friends, business associates and in your ministry.  Start the new year by making sure you are subscribed to this blog and to our newsletter.  The links are on the right and also below this post.


If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Brand NEW Sample Lessons Avaliable!

On Monday, I shared all our updated sample lessons/excerpts.  Today I’d like to unveil our brand NEW samples.  These are samples that we’ve never had before. I hope you enjoy a peek into the world of Art of Eloquence communication studies.  Please pass this link along to those who may be struggling with one of these issues or would like to enhance their lives by learning to master them.

NOTE: Each link here takes you to the product page where you’ll find the sample or excerpt link toward the bottom of that page.

Say What You Mean Every Day

The Play Book


Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership

21 Days to More Godly Communication

Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety

Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues

Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts

Say What You Mean: Beginning Debate


If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers!


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NEW at Art of Eloquence: UPDATED Sample Lessons

We’ve updated all our sample lessons!

Over the last year, I have been working almost exclusively on new communication studies, especially the ones that you have told us you needed.  Over the year, we have released:

Say What You Mean Debating the Issues


Say What You Mean Overcoming Social Anxiety


Say What You Mean Beginning Debate


Say What You Mean Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts


This past year has left me precious little time to do some much needed revising of our website…and you all know how UNtechie I am.  Well, in the past few weeks, I’ve been working on several aspects of our website and today I’m ready to announce our first series of changes: UPDATED Sample Lessons!

After much techie frustration, I have finally been able to update and upload revised versions of the seven sample lessons that we have had, mostly for our homeschool curricula, and HEEEEEEAR they are!


Say What You Mean for Preschoolers

Say What You Mean for Kids

Say What You Mean for Teens

Know Your Audience

Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course



Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith


Say What You Mean When You’re in Business


Each sample lesson link is located toward the bottom of the page so feel free to browse!  I am currently working to create sample lessons for some of our newer studies which do not yet have them.  I should be finished with them all by Wednesday, so come on back to the blog and check them out!


If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers!



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April is Grace Month

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post!


All this month I’ll be talking about the role of grace and godly communication in our daily lives from our marriages, kids, neighbors, family, friends and co-workers to how we handle the phone and social media.  I’ll be sharing tips from my article, “Ten Quick Rules for Disagreeing in Grace” and expanding on it to include more insights.  I’ll even share some from my upcoming new study, Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts.

After checking out my article, for a little fun you can visit FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) for some of his misadventures in miscommunication.  There will be a new episode this coming Wednesday so stay tuned.

Later this month, I’m going to host a free seminar on godly communication so save up your questions!  At the end of the show, I’ll be taking your questions which you can either call in to the show or post in the chatroom to share.  Here are the details on the seminar.  Mark your calendar so you don’t miss the live show. I always have something special planned for my live listeners!

Title: Godly Communication
Time: 04/28/2011 11:00 AM EDT
Episode Notes: It takes 21 days to make a habit; why not make one for God? I challenge you: Make a habit to speak in a more godly way and see what you reap and what you sow. I’ll show you how.

How to Join the Show: Join us via your computer by clicking this link, or call us during the show at (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736.


*SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER*: For Even More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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Art of Eloquence Year in Review

2010 has been an incredibly busy year, mostly due to our rigid writing schedule. I think, at last count, I wrote over 50 articles, 13 eBooks and did about 10 seminars.  Here’s what else God has allowed us to accomplish this year:

We completely revamped our website to make it more user-friendly and packed it with a TON more information!  We also redesigned the blog to better match the look of our website. This year saw the very last Say What You Mean Convention.  The website will remain up only for another few months, but after five years of hosting it, we will not be able to continue in the coming years.  It took a full year, each year, to plan and execute.

We introduced two new segments on our newsletter and gave away a record number of free products to our subscribers including gifts for Valentine’s Day, Resurrection SONday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas as well as a few others just because!

This year we introduced four new studies and have two more on the way!  Back by popular demand was the eBook version of Say What You Mean for Preschoolers!  We also introduced three new eStudies, 21 Days to More Godly Communication, Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety and Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues! Coming soon are Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts and Say What You Mean: General Debate.

JoJo (That’s me!)  is now a contributing author on The Old Schoolhouse Magazine’s Company Porch, Girl Nurture’s blog, CWAHM’s blog, as well as a guest author on various other blogs.

Lastly we’ve been blessed by many awards and endorsements over the past year.  Here are just a few:

Reluctant WAHM.com (Several AoE studies)

The Old Schoolhouse.com (The Play Book)

Homeschool Group Leader.com (The Language of Leadership)


What were YOU able to accomplish in 2010?  What would you like to change in 2011?  How can Art of Eloquence help?

We’ve got big plans for 2011 that we’ll be announcing shortly!  We pray they will bring blessings to you and your family!

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February's MailBag!

The last Monday of each month here at Communication FUNdamentals is MailBag Monday!  I like to share some of our mail as our customers, readers and subscribers have some very good questions and comments which are of benefit to all my blog readers.  This month we received an incredible amount of feedback!  Thank you all for taking the time to write in!

Here are some of the questions we were asked this month:

1. Patty S. heard me talking about my Communication Assessment Quiz during my seminar at the Say What You Mean Convention and asked exactly where she could find it.  In case you were wondering too or you would like to take a fun quiz that will help you assess your family’s communication skills, you can find the article here.

2. Tracy C. wrote in asking who authored one of the statements I used in my article, “The Influence of Texting on Communication Skills” as she wanted to give proper credit to the author.  As she suspected, this quote, “You might be able to get through your entire life without having to give a speech, but you won’t get through one day without communicating something to someone” is my own.  In fact, several of you wrote in asking who authored that quote along with several others I have posted on Facebook and Twitter lately.  Several of these quotes are also my own.  You can find the more popular ones of mine along with many other quotes about effective communication on our Communication Quotes page over on the Art of Eloquence website.  And, yes, please feel free to quote me as long as you include my name and/or link back to Art of Eloquence.com.

3. Sally J. wrote in asking if there was one study that would work best to use as a co-op speech class for age group 7-16.  Actually this is a question we are often asked.  You see, her co-op had been using another curriculum, but they had been frustrated by the amount of work the mom’s needed to do in order to run the class.  Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course is an excellent study for anyone who would like to teach a speech course without having to do any planning or preparing!   First, the course is perfect for young children through teens because it is FUN.  The course uses creative and unique topics student’s love that require very little, if any, research–so the bulk of the lessons are reserved for learning speech skills.  Additionally, the lessons are very easy to teach requiring no prep time at all.  Parent/teachers simply read as students read along and follow the activity instructions.  We’ve even included a handy chart to help grade the speeches!  Finally, we have a sample lesson at the bottom of the product page where you can ‘try before you buy’.

If you’ve been considering our newest products or wondering if our events were of benefit, we have some great feedback for you on them that can help you decide.  Much of the feedback was from those who purchased our newly revised and updated Say What You Mean for Preschoolers and others were excited about our new Preschool Value Package!  Feedback on these were similar to this: “I am just excited to get the curricula as I have four children under the age of 9!” -Katrina M.

Other comments we received this month were about my various articles, seminars and our free gift for Valentine’s Day this month.  There were several comments from newsletter subscribers who loved my new exclusive monthly articles like the one in February’s newsletter on the Influence of Texting on Communication.  And we had some great feedback on the ‘Three Flavors of Communication’ article I wrote which appeared this month in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Most said essentially: “I just wanted to thank you for your very informative article, ‘The Three Flavors of Speech Communication’, in the latest issue of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Awesome!” –Jennifer R.  Still others were about the Say What You Mean Convention: “I am catching the recordings on Talk Shoe. They are amazing! Thank you for putting this together for us.” -Kristen F.

Lastly, I wanted to share another unexpected surprise with you this month. I write a lot of articles for various publications both on and off the net.  I must have written hundreds over the last seven years, but sometimes finding a link to an article I’ve written surprises me. Earlier this month I found that an article I had written for Homeschool Enrichment Magazine had been republished on www.Christianity.com!  The article was from 2007, but had been uploaded on to their website in November of 2009.  It’s a strange feeling to see your words on a big site like this.  I didn’t even remember writing the article until I read it most of the way through! LOL  I posted it up on the articles page over at Art of Eloquence.com for you as well!

Well, I pray this has helped answer some of your questions this month, but if you have questions or comments of your own, please feel free to send them to me at jojo @ artofeloquence.com!

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New Value Packages Available!

I’ve been working all week to bring you some fabulous values!  Art of Eloquence is adding more value packages to save you money and give you bundles of value!  Our new value packages allow you to save money by purchasing several studies together!  AND we have created a Value Package Page on our site to give you a nice overview of all the ways your family can save on these fabulous bundles we’ve put together for preschoolers all the way on up through adults! We even have a special value package that has a little something for the entire family!

Here is a list of the value packages you will now (or soon) find at Art of Eloquence.com but keep checking back because more are coming this week!

Preschool Pack
Elementary Pack
Teen Pack
Teen Bonus Pack
High School Pack
High School Premium Pack (coming soon)
College Prep Pack
Deluxe College Prep Pack (coming soon)
Fun Pack
Family Pack (coming soon)
Career Pack
Business Pack
Parent Pack (coming soon)
Leadership Pack (coming soon)
Even more coming soon!

I have also updated our online catalog.  So if you are looking for a specific topic, for a particular age group, or would just like to browse, click here!

Finally, as I began to add these packages, I thought it would be a nice feature to have a major listing of our various eStudies for each age group.  So…I created several new At-A-Glance type pages broken down by age group.  We now have overview pages for all our PreK eStudies, Elementary eStudies, Jr/Sr High eStudies, and for all of our Adult eStudies which are now linked from our home page.  I am still working to add all the pictures to these pages so bear with me as I finish that this week.

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Mailbag Mon: College Prep, SWMConvention, AoE Reviews

I can hardly believe it’s the end of November already!  But it is and, as the last Monday in November dictates here at AoE, it’s time for me to share some of your comments and questions in Mailbag Monday!

“Oh Wow JoJo – Ashlynne and I are reading her book “The Homeschooler’s Guide to Preparing for College” and it is really helpful information. Ashlynne loves reading it knowing it was written by a young person. Kelsey is helping me give my DD a good foundation too! God Bless your time together richly :)” -Merit K.

My dd spent two years of her life researching her way into one of the most elite schools in the country.  She didn’t want all her hard work to go to waste and for other homeschoolers to struggle, as she had to, in order to find all of this information for themselves when she already had it all in one convenient place.  She and I are tickled to know it is helping so many homeschoolers prepare for college and to avoid the pitfalls, struggles and expense we had to go through.  Thanks for sharing this and please let us know what Ashlynne goes on to after graduation!

“When will the preschool book come available?” -Marie J.

Oh this has been the eternal question here at Art of Eloquence!  I shared a little about this last week on the blog when I announced the changes to Art of Eloquence for 2010.  I am afraid that I don’t have an exact date of re release as yet, but that is one of the first studies we will be working on next year.

“Is the ‘Say what you mean’ conference an old ad or is it in 2010?  Thanks.” -Carol F.

Some folks have been confused about the Say What You Mean Convention each year.  For those new to Art of Eloquence, the convention is a free, annual, online event that features various creative and fun activities for all ages designed to educate Christian families on the importance of effective communication in every day life.  Each year has a theme, keynote speakers and various activities.  The SWMC stays up for a full year ministering to Christian families until about January when we begin to make changes to the website for the coming new convention.

The SWMC is set for February 3rd, 2010.  All the fun is packed into one day this year instead of three so make sure to mark your calendar so you don’t miss the live events!  The theme this year is The Three Flavors of Communication: Formal Speech, Writing and Conversation and will feature keynote speakers Cindy Rushton and Christian comedian Michael Jr!  Communication fun includes various contests with prizes, live seminars and workshops, pre recorded audio seminars, scavenger hunt and prayer chat!

More details to follow so stay tuned to Communication FUNdamentals blog in December and mark your calendar for December 31st as I podcast my last live show EVER and share a preview of the highlights to come of this amazing free event.  On the show will be myself, my two moderators: Kim Kautzer of Write Shop and Joan Rudder Ward of Girl Nurture as well as perhaps our keynote speakers: Cindy Rushton and ….MICHAEL JR!!!

“We’ve started the SWYM for kids but have been moving a bit slow through it.  The kids wrote out and did their speeches (1st chapter…I did say slow right?) a week ago and gave them to the family.  They actually did very well.  Today the two younger (almost 6 and 7 1/2) were having a row over something.  We had been talking about how to communicate our “wants” and “feelings” to someone regarding play.  I took them to the bathroom, said “work this out and you can come out” and turned and shut the door.  About 5 minutes later after about 1 minute of yelling at each other, they came out and resumed play without any more hostility or anger.  I was frankly a little amazed.  They must have picked up on something as we role played last week how to get across what we think and feel.  Thanks for your good work!-Laura K.

Thanks so much Laura for sharing this.  It’s so important that we teach our kids to communicate respectfully with each other, especially at a young age.  So many these days feel justified (even adults) in communicating in a disrespectful way that it is even more important in today’s society.  So much misunderstanding in life can be avoided by teaching our youngsters this skill!  Kuddos to you!!

Some fabulous reviews of late:

Say What You Mean The Language of Leadership

The Play Book

If you have a question or a comment about Art of Eloquence events or products, please feel free to post a comment here or email me jojo @ artofeloquence. com

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Free Pizza

Ever run into someone who just doesn’t understand how to communicate effectively? On the job, ineffective communicators can frustrate their bosses, cause customer problems and potentially cost the company millions!

It may be a funny video, but studies show that poor communicators struggle in their careers and in their relationships.

Art of Eloquence can help!  Visit Art of Eloquence and see how you can have fun as you and your family learn to Say What You Mean!

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