Thank you for shopping with us?!

clownIt amazes me how so few people think learning to communicate effectively is important.  Today’s society says we have free speech and should feel emboldened to say whatever we feel, but so few seek to speak in a way that minimizes errors for the recipient or takes seriously the consequences and responsibility.  Case in point:

My sister works at a retail store.  A few months ago a truck drove off the road and through their store window hurting a patron.  The customer was wheel chair bound, but only received a cut on her leg due to the accident.  She was lucky.  However, the saleswoman on the floor that day who escourted her to the ambulance said her goodbyes in a way that prompted a complaint call from that customer two days after the event.  What did the saleswoman say to her departing and injured customer?

“Thank you for shopping with us.”

She says she was trying to lighten the mood, but the truth is she wasn’t very sensitive to the feelings of her customer.

Communication Tip of the Month: NEVER try to use humor with someone you don’t know, particularly if it’s during a serious situation!

What would you have said?  What could this saleswoman have said?  What should she have said?

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Business Communication Seminar Today

If’ you’re a Christian working a small business, you need to join me this morning!

You may not realize it, but almost every aspect of your business involves communication skills. The more effective you are, the more success you’ll have in your business.

Jill Hart of CWAHM and a sampling of Christian Work at Home Moms join me this morning (9am PST/12pm EST)  to share tips and techniques for better communication with your customers, co workers, suppliers, employees and more.  We’ll discuss tips for customer service, sales, marketing, your blog, website, dealing with co workers, social networking like Yahoo groups, Facebook and Twitter.

Join us via your computer:

Or call in to the show:

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

The audio will be available immediately following the show, but if you listen in to the live seminar, I’ll be sharing a voucher code to purchase Say What You Mean When You’re in Business for HALF OFF!


*SUBSCRIBE HERE*: for More Communication Fun, FREE Gifts and Exclusive Offers!


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