Whine and Please Marketing

All this month I’ve been sharing from my article, “12 Deadly Communication Sins of Advertising” and today’s installment is about whining.  As mom would say…

Have Some Whine with That Cheese.
Be careful to look over your marketing message for anything that might seem unprofessional for your industry before it is sent out. Have you ever looked at some of those infomercials and cable TV commercials? Some of them make my daughter cringe. You may be a small business with a small budget, but you don’t want to give the impression that you are a cheesy, cheap company.

Aside from the issues I mentioned in previous posts like poor spelling or feigning ignorance, one of the ways small business owners can be cheesy in their marketing is to advertise that they are just starting out and still learning their craft.  Everyone’s got to start somewhere, but it’s never an effective strategy to admit you are green.  As I said in my previous post, nobody wants to pay an amateur.  They want a professional.  Most skills do require ongoing education.  However, if you are still learning or honing your craft, it’s probably best not to charge for your services until you have reached mastery.

I’ve seen many an email ad go out over a Yahoo group that announced a new web design business where the new owner of the website asked her customers to understand that she was still trying to figure out how to create a shopping cart on her site.  Hmm…  Not sure someone would want to part with their hard earned cash to pay someone to create their website if they really don’t know how to do that.

Now if you are a photographer or a pencil artist and you are having trouble with your site, it doesn’t tarnish your professional reputation to admit that in your monthly ad post because it’s not in your area of expertise.  On the other hand, I’ve seen marketing ads that claim to be able to take your website from rags to riches in a month advertise a Lay Away Sale so they could raise $300 to get their dd’s Christmas presents out of hock at JC Penny.  In fact, she was selling an eBook with a title that said something like, “How to make $500 in a two weeks.”

That brings me to another somewhat cheesy tactic: to whine.  While it is possible, especially in these difficult financial times, to have a true financial need, it is quite another thing altogether to whine at people and expect them to purchase substandard products just to help you out.  And if you think this hasn’t been done, you are mistaken.  I’ve seen it many times, usually on Yahoo groups for work at home moms.

Mary posts often that she is not making any money with her craft business.  She posts how it is difficult for her to get good quality materials and how she has had several complaints about the paint rubbing off the wood.  She also admits that she has had a problem keeping up with the orders and has had to delay delivery to customers by about three weeks.  Then, one day, Mary posts that they are going to turn her electric off unless she raises $200 by Thursday and can folks see their way clear to order her crafts and wait three weeks for delivery so that she can afford to buy more supplies. Not only have I seen this done, but I’ve seen the posts put through complaining that nobody is taking advantage of her offer.

Especially in these hard times, there is no shame in admitting to your customers that you have a financial need, but do understand that you’ll need to offer quality products at a reasonable price.  Oh, and please don’t whine at those who choose not to take advantage of your offer.  They have issues of their own.

What say you?  I’d love your thoughts.  Any experience with whine and please marketing?


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Advanced Speech SOLD OUT! Couple copies of Preschool left: $7.95!

Just wanted to update you all!  Things were happening so fast today!

We are completely SOLD OUT of four out of the five of our hard copy titles!  The only title we have left is Say What You Mean for Preschoolers…and we only have a couple copies left of that one!


In six years of business, we have NEVER sold our studies for such an incredibly low price, but we need these out the door so we can begin the exciting task of reworking the website to accommodate the digital versions which will be expanded and will include embedded links to some fabulous extra resources!

If you have a preschooler and you didn’t get your copy of Say What You Mean for Preschoolers yet, as of this posting, we still have a couple left!  The discount is already on the product page so just click here to order Say What You Mean for Preschoolers at the incredibly low price of ONLY $7.95 while they last!

I will update you when we have the new digital versions available for you to look see!

God bless everyone!


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We have NEVER done this before! ONLY $7.95!

I am just about to post this to my mailing list!

We only have a handful of hard copy books left that are available for purchase: ONLY 8 Say What You Mean for Preschoolers and 9 Say What You Mean: An Advanced Speech Course remain.  The other titles are completely sold out.  After they’re gone, you will no longer be able to buy a hard copy version of these studies since we are going to a digital format.

So if you prefer to use hard copy, bound curricula, this is your last chance to secure one of the last remaining copies for yourself.

Not only that, but in the six years Art of Eloquence has been in business, we have NEVER swm-p-thumbnail12offered our studies for this incredibly low price.  And believe me, it will never happen again!  At $7.95 (each plus shipping) we barely cover our production cost.  That’s almost a 70% discount!

The only reason we’re doing this is because my husband insisted that we clear out these last remaining items immediately so we can make changes to our website in order to accommodate the new electronic versions of these popular studies.

After they’re gone, not only will hard copies be unavailable, but the price will go back up to $24.95.  So don’t miss out.  Act now and get your copy today!

To order Say What You Mean for Preschoolers click here!

To order Say What You Mean: An Advanced Speech Course click here!

And hurry!  At this price, these few remaining books will be gone in a matter of hours.

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Reorganizing my life at the request of my husband…

This week has been an exciting week and a week of changes here at Art of Eloquence.  You may notice that today’s newsletter had a face lift of sorts!  We pray this will make it easier for you to find the information you wish to read more about.

The Say What You Mean Convention was a huge hit.  The feedback is that everyone had such fun!  We had 9 contests, 18 live events, 29 hours of instruction, 40+ audios still available, gave away over 400 ePackets of extra gifts to our registrants, and had over 1500 participants!  There are a few links to the right where you will find all of the audios and convention info. If you have any feedback on the SWMConvention, please email us at jojo@artofeloquence.com

Art of Eloquence will be discontinuing a few things this month. Over the last few years, I had built up quite a ministry which included a weekly podcast, a daily blog, 4 weekly newsletters, several Yahoo groups, weekly Foot in Mouth Man episodes, 3 annual online events,  one HUGE annual online convention to name a few.  At the request of my husband, I will be downsizing and simplifying many of these responsibilities in order to spend more time with my family.  I will continue to host the annual Say What You Mean Convention and my weekly podcast, however others will be done at longer intervals or will be eliminated.

To that end, the What’s New at Art of Eloquence newsletter will be the only one we put out. I will be incorporating elements of each of our 4 newsletters back into one weekly newsletter that will come out each Tuesday morning.  The newsletter will include a weekly column or article and links to various things I feel you would find enlightening: news items affecting the freedom of speech for Christians, a Friday Funny from my blog, etc.

Foot in Mouth Man will go from weekly to monthly episodes and only the newest episodes and a hand full of past episodes will be available on his page on the Art of Eloquence website.  We have created a brand new eBook that is the greatest of FIMM in our new FIMMology 101: The Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths.  You can read more about it by following the link on the right side under New Products.  See also our newest Online Classes!

Lastly, Art of Eloquence will not continue selling hard copy titles after our current inventory runs out.  We will eventually be turning each of the following hard copy studies into an eBook version. We are having a 35% off sale in order to clear our shelves. 

Art of Eloquence Hard Copy Sale!


Art of Eloquence will not be replacing our hard copy studies after our current inventory runs out.  We have a limited supply left of each title (one title has only two!) and we are offering 35% off each of them until they are gone.  Just order as usual and use voucher code 502093535 at checkout and it will automatically take off 35% from your order!

Say What You Mean for Preschoolers

Say What You Mean for Kids (SOLD OUT)

Say What You Mean for Teens (SOLD OUT)

Know Your Audience (SOLD OUT)

Say What You Mean: An Advanced Speech Course

We are currently working to replace them as eBooks, but it will take us some time. There may be a lag time where some studies will not be available in either format.


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