Are your emails effective? They can be!

Have you ever written an email you thought was clear only to have the recipient reply:  “What on earth are you talking about?”   Do you occasionally find that your email misspeaks?  Did you ever NOT say what you meant to say over email?  I think we all have had times like these, but with a few easily implemented tips, these can be fewer and farther between!

Join me in the next few months as I begin a new article series just for my newsletter subscribers on effective emailing!  These articles will eventually make their way into a book that will be offered for sale on the Art of Eloquence website.  However,  if you are one of our newsletter subscribers, you can get all this information for free beginning tomorrow morning in my very first What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter series of articles on effective emailing!

If you are not a subscriber yet, click here and, in addition, you will receive special offers and free gifts from time to time during the month.  Lastly, What’s New at Art of Eloquence subscribers are all entered into our Subscriber of the Month Drawing for a chance to win a gift certificate for $20 worth of Art of Eloquence products!  A new subscriber is chosen each month!

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Mailbag Monday: Articles

It’s time again for Mailbag Monday!  On the last Monday of the month, I post your questions and comments.  I didn’t get any unusual questions this month, but we did get so many wonderful comments, mostly on my articles,  that  I thought I’d include links to them so you all can read them if you didn’t get a chance to when they came out.

Thanks to all of you who wrote in for your kind comments. I so enjoy hearing how much you enjoy my articles and studies!  One question I do get often applies here.  Yes, you may re-post any of my blog articles as long as you keep them in tact with my resource box with a link back to me.

I have a few blog fans out there!  Here’s what one had to say on her blog about mine:

“Here’s a link to one of my absolute all-time favorite websites/blogs.” -Becky Joie

I received an email from her as well this month with feedback about how her Co op Class is going:

“Co-op class is going well with Say What You Mean for Kids.  The students enjoy it and I am so glad that it is easy to teach and has little prep work, especially with my busy schedule. I look forward to teaching it every week.” -Becky Joie

We also had some wonderful feedback about our monthly homeschool leadership seminar this month:

“Loved your seminar!!  I just order One by One (Denise & Kristen) book, know I’m sending you my email so I can get yours. Thanks in advance!!” -Marie

I received several wonderful emails about my funny article, JoJo’s 10 Important Uses for SPAM to Enrich Your Life, I posted here on the blog last week:

“Hahaha left a comment JoJo you hit the nail on the head!! Love it Jo Jo. I’m spamming all my friends with that link. LOL!” -Heather

I received a very nice email about my article, “Should You Pay Her What She’s Worth:”

“I went and read your article and I can’t agree more. Demanding that a business person give away the things that provide their livelihood,  ‘communicates a lack of respect for her as an expert, a lack of respect for her time and a lack of respect for her right to make a living and provide for her family” -Joan

This was one of the responses I received about one of my exclusive newsletter articles “Is it Ever 4:76am in Your Conversation?”  I’m afraid I cannot give out the link to this one as these are exclusive articles JUST for my newsletter subscribers.  If you are not a subscriber and wish to be, you can subscribe here:

“I saw this in your newsletter so I went and read the whole article.  NICE!!!!  I really enjoyed it.  GREAT ARTICLE!” –Carla

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback this month. It really helps me to know what you all like and need!

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December’s Mailbag Monday

It’s Mailbag Monday!  The last Monday of the month here at Communication FUNdamentals is always devoted to your comments and questions.  So it’s time again for the mail.  Actually, I answer all emails as they come in, but each month I like to take a few and post them here because the answers to some of the issues and questions are beneficial to so many more.

First I want to thank all of you who took the time to write in or to post here on my blog.  I get so much SPAM through here that it’s nice to read comments from real people!  Keeps me going to know you appreciate what I write and that it is helping you or made you smile!

I received MANY comments and thank yous from our newsletter subscribers and Art of Eloquence Facebook Fans about this year’s Christmas gift, God Is Everywhere.  I even had a subscriber who said she was in charge of the projection system at her church service and asked permission to post it up as a slide show before service started one week!   I was humbled and honored to grant permission and I pray it blessed many in the congregation that week!

If you didn’t know about our Christmas gift, it’s probably because you are not one of our newsletter subscribers or a Facebook fan.  You can subscribe to our newsletter, What’s New at Art of Eloquence or become a member of the Art of Eloquence Fan Club if you are on Facebook.  Art of Eloquence gives free gifts away and makes special offers available throughout the year!

We also received some emails from some The Old Schoolhouse Magazine subscribers who saw my articles this year.  I’m happy to work with The Old Schoolhouse any time I can. They are a great company and so wonderful to work with!  I’m so happy the articles blessed you!   Someone called and asked if I had any others coming out in TOS and the answer is yes.  I have an article coming out in their January issue that will talk about the Three Flavors of Communication which is the theme of this year’s Say What You Mean Convention coming up February 3rd!

Someone else wrote in asking why the convention details for 5th Annual SWMC is not yet up on the site.  We usually don’t change the information until January so stay tuned to the website and this blog for more information.  I promise even more fun, free gifts, contests with prizes and great teaching this year!

Lastly this month I received a great deal of email from folks asking why I chose to stop podcasting in 2010.  Many said the Communication Comedy Network was fun and informative and they asked that I keep it going.  I wanted to take a little more time to explain.

It’s been a wonderfully creative outlet for me actually, but very, VERY time consuming.  Several folks didn’t understand why.  I’m a very creative soul and I tend to go over the top.  The show wasn’t just me reporting on issues and giving communication advice.  I did a great deal of research for each show, but that wasn’t even half of the work that went into the show.

The show was run like an actual TV or radio network with various “shows” having different hosts (each with a different personality, speech pattern and accent).  Further each show had its own theme and weekly topics and all done each week by me…voices, accents and all!   Each show had to be planned, researched, scripted and rehearsed each and every week.  It was a blast and, if I were getting paid even one salary for it, I would continue.  However, as with many of the other things I took on in 2009, it was far too time consuming and didn’t allow me to work on the things that would have brought in an income and finish many of the projects our customers were asking for.

However, as is my nature, I couldn’t leave busy enough alone.  I just had to finish off the podcast this month in the creative and fun JoJo way.  And so I recorded an audio and posted a blog entry with what I thought would be a fun way to end the entire experience both for me and for my listeners.  You can see the blog post here.  It has a picture of all of the hosts of the CCN (me myself and I) with a link to the audio where Announcer Guy (also me) explains what each one of us will be doing in 2010.  It’s only a few minutes long, but I thought it was pretty funny.  Apparently many of you agreed as I received a ton of comments both on the blog and off!

Thanks so much for all the great feedback this month!  I pray you had  a blessed Christmas and that God continue to bless you in 2010.  If you have a question or a comment, please feel free to either post it here or email me jojo @

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We’re giving away Christmas Gifts!!

God is Everywhere CoverOk this is soooo cool!  I’ve never done anything like this before. You are going to love this. I got the idea by looking at things closely and finding hidden images in them.  Once I started, I couldn’t help but notice them everywhere!  What’s this got to do with Christmas?  Well…I found that most everything in life, whether man made or God made has something hidden in it to show us that He loves us.  That he was born to die for us because he loved us so very much.

So I created an eBook I call “God is Everywhere” and I illustrated it with pictures where each one has a hidden image to remind us that God loved us so much that He was born into a sinful world to die that we may live!  Nothing is as precious as that, but this little eBook comes about the closest I could get to it.

How do you get it?  It’s free!  Next week I’ll be giving it away to all our newsletter subscribers and Facebook Fan Club members.  All you have to do is subscribe to either one or both before next week in order to get your copy of this precious reminder of why Jesus was born!

Subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence here!

Join the Art of Eloquence Facebook Fan Club here!

And then you will also gain access to all the other goodies we offer Art of Eloquence subscribers and fans!

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It’s December. Now how did THAT happen? lol

Ok so it’s December 1st, 2009.  Wasn’t it just January?  Come to think of it…wasn’t it just 1995…about two years ago?  The older I get, the faster time goes by.  As my father always says, “Tempus certainly does fugit!”  They say time flies when you’re having fun, but I don’t remember having THAT much fun!

So how does this happen?  How do you go from being a young girl without a care in the world one moment to a 47 year old mother of a college girl and a homeschooled 10 y/o son the next?  As Lucy used to say, “Whahappen?”

So Christmas must be around 2 oclock today and 2010 is probably being held on Friday!  Are you ready? I’m not!  But I did spend a few millennia yesterday evening creating a really adorable CHRISTmas gift for all our newsletter subscribers and Facebook Fans.  It’s called “God is Everywhere.”   I will be unveiling it in about a week so, if you are not a subscriber or a fan club member, go directly to Sign Up or become a FAN!  Do not pass go!  Do not collect $200!

How fast does time fly for you?  Here’s a little quiz to help you along:

What year were you born-if you care to answer? (JoJo was born in 1962.)

What year were you married? (1987   That used to sound like 10 yrs ago!)

How old are your kids? (19 and 10)

How old were they yesterday? (15 and 6)

How old will they be tomorrow? (40 and 31)

I now return you to your life in progress…QUICK!  You might miss something!

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2 AoE Thanksgiving Gifts for You

Thanksgiving eBook Cover1

I would like to wish all of you a very blessed Thanksgiving!  Art of Eloquence usually gives away a gift for Thanksgiving and this year is no exception.  We gave away The Word on Thanksgiving to all of our newsletter subscribers earlier this week.  If you were not subscribed, you should be because we give away free gifts, exclusive offers and advanced notice of sales, events and products all year long!

However, we are giving you a second chance to get this adorably illustrated powerful book on thankfulness!  Just join our Art of Eloquence fan club on Facebook and you will have access to it all this week.  But do hurry, we will be taking the link down after this weekend and the eBook will go back into cyber storage!  The Word on Thanksgiving is ONLY available to our subscribers (and this year our Facebook Fans) every so many years during Thanksgiving.

Also a quick reminder that there is no live show this week on the Communication Comedy Network tomorrow due to the Thanksgiving holiday, but all of the CCN show hosts got together and recorded a special Thanksgiving audio message for you!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving from Art of The Communication FUNdamentals that help you Say What You Mean in Grace!

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From my heart…changes for 2010

This month marks our 7th birthday!  Art of Eloquence has now been in business for over 7 years.  I’m one of those “if one is good, 10 thousand MUST be better” kind of gals!  I love helping folks and I love to give.  Each year I began by asking myself how much more I could give my customers, blog readers, newsletter subscribers, etc.  Unfortunately, in order to support my habit, I’m afraid I had backed myself into a busy corner.

Earlier this year, my dh asked me to slow down the ministry portion of Art of Eloquence.  It was hard for me, but I went from sending out three newsletters a week to just one and writing a weekly Foot in Mouth Man episodes to once a month.  When my good friend and podcast co host had to leave the show, my dh asked me to re evaluate my time.  I love giving, entertaining and teaching so much that I didn’t want to give it up.  It was almost like a high.  I’ve never done drugs, but I hear tell it feels kind of like that.  So I took on the weekly show all by myself saying I’ll just teach a little each week and that way it won’t take up too much of my time to prepare.

You all probably can guess what happened next.  Yup!  I went nutz!  I just can’t do anything half way.  I can’t.  I spent time each week preparing and researching to bring my listeners all the latest and greatest information on that week’s topic.  I brought on guests and solicited experts and spent time sending out email questionnaires in order to get all the information to you that I possibly could.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I didn’t neglect my family, but I did have to sacrifice a great deal to get this done.  You see, I have insomnia.  Which, if you look at the positive, means you have more time to get stuff done!  So at 3am when most other normal human beings are having visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, I was on my computer doing research and writing.  All this extra work, left very little time to write new studies for Art of Eloquence or to revamp our website to reflect all the new studies and events we had to offer.  I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had to tell a customer that the study they were anxiously waiting for was STILL not done.  In fact, I had a perpetual “To Do” list that never quite seemed to get “To Done”!

Simplification is the word for 2010 and we believe it will not only allow me to have more time to create the products our customers have asked for, but it will also allow me more time to make our website and newsletter easier to navigate and more in tune with our customers’ needs.

To that end beginning this month, “What’s New at Art of Eloquence?” newsletter will go out once a month instead of weekly.  I will continue to give subscribers exclusive offers, freebies and advanced notice of all things Art of Eloquence, but the newsletters will be short and sweet.  Additionally, you may have already noticed that I have gone from daily blogging to three times a week.  Since I will not have to plan out 7 posts a week, it will allow me time to post links to articles and news events as they occur so that this blog will be even more informative.  So the blog may end up having almost as many posts.

Effective January of 2010, I will no longer be podcasting.  I have some great shows planned for the rest of the year with guests I’ve made commitments to on topics I feel are important.  However, time constraint and sheer amount of work involved in hosting a weekly show is just too much for me at this time.   Instead, I will be offering about 10-12 live seminars during the year on various topics.  Do mark your calendar to attend the Communication Comedy Network’s final podcasts.  The audios will come down after the end of the year to make room for the new seminar format.

My heart is to give all I can, but my dh and the Lord have shown me that I cannot keep up this pace without sacrificing other vital things.  I pray that these changes will help Art of Eloquence to be a larger blessing to you in 2010!

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Are you missing out on our contest?


You will be if you are not one of our newsletter subscribers this month!

Each Tuesday morning Art of Eloquence sends out a free newsletter where we give away free gifts, provide exclusive offers, first notice about free events and limited time offers as well as communication tips and articles JUST for our newsletter subscribers!

This month’s exclusive offer:

If you are not yet a subscriber, you missing out on our Exclusive Subscriber Contest where you could win a free Art of Eloquence product of YOUR CHOICE! The contest is only open to newsletter subscribers so to find out more about how to enter, you’ll have to subscribe!

Here’s what have you missed recently if you are not yet a subscriber:

Monthly Discount Coupons!

Father’s Day Gift

Mother’s Day Gifts

Free eBook with registration for the Art of Eloquence University Online Classes

Free registration in an Art of Eloquence University Online Class with purchase of the eBook.

Discounted pre registration for our newest Art of Eloquence Online Class!

Don’t miss out on another exclusive offer, free gift or contest!  Subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence today!

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Grace not Race

My dear friend and cohost on Grace Talk Soup, Carla Ives, was my sounding board yesterday morning as I received some disturbing news after my weekly newsletter went out where I shared part of the article I wrote for yesterday’s blog post here on Communication FUNdamentals.  Sharing your troubles with a friend is one of those gifts God gives His children to help them through difficult times.  Not only did she reassure me, but yesterday evening I found this precious article in my inbox with a note asking if I would post it today as a Guest Blogger!  Well, needless to say I was greatly honored.  Here are her thoughts.  I’ll let her explain what happened.

By Carla Ives, A Word Aptly Written (

Now that I’ve got your attention, let me say that the above statement is NOT true, but we’ll get to that in a moment.   So then why did I use this headline?

My partner and Grace Talk Soup Co-Host, JoJo Tabares, sent out her weekly Art of Eloquence newsletter this morning. . . and got reported for violating a subscriber’s “racial discrimination filter.”  Go read the article that got her in trouble on her blog: .  Now you tell me if it’s about race.  It’s about G-R-A-C-E, folks, not R-A-C-E.  So what happened?

Apparently, it’s due to some word or phrase in the email that caused the subscriber’s ISP to delete and return the newsletter in violation of a “racial discrimination filter.”  She found this out by calling the newsletter provider.  Their representative read the article and he couldn’t figure it out either.   The only thing they could figure is it was the term “two way street” in her opening sentence:  “A few situations arose this past week that may give you cause to wonder if grace is a two way street for Christian conservatives. “  Have you ever heard the term “two way street” used in a racially derogatory way?  I haven’t.  The only derogatory connotation I have ever heard with this verbiage is in describing someone who is bisexual as a “two way street.”  Since gender identity has been added to race in the discrimination laws, we’re figuring that maybe it’s all lumped together in the “racial discrimination filter.”  It could also be due to the words “white trash” or “hillbilly” in the quote from Megan Fox.  We’re not sure.  Read the article again.  If you figure out how this excellent article is racially discriminatory, please let me know.

Now let’s go back to JoJo Tabares.  I have had the privilege of calling this Godly woman my friend for many years.  For those of you who know her, you know that she doesn’t have a racist bone in her tiny little body.  JoJo loves all God’s children.  She doesn’t hate and she doesn’t discriminate.  She does what she does because she is passionate about teaching us how to communicate with each other the way God would do it, so that NO ONE is discriminated against or unnecessarily hurt, always in love and with grace.  She wrote about God’s grace. . . and got flagged for being a racist.  Go figure.

At the request of her newsletter provider, she had this subscriber deleted so it shouldn’t happen again unless he resubscribes.  There may be a possibility that this person is subscribing so that he can send spam like this out, hoping she will contact him.  She was advised not to reply or contact him in any fashion.  Too many of these so-called violations and they can suspend your account.  Please keep in mind this is a double opt-in mailing list.  She usually gets reported as spam since these people, many who figured out how to subscribe only for the freebies she provides to her subscribers, conveniently forget how to unsubscribe.  It’s easier to just report her as spam.   This time, though, it’s hit a new low.  Very, very low.

Since JoJo is obviously not a racist (and I should point out that I don’t fit that label either), why am I bringing this to your attention?  Because it’s only going to get worse.  The hate crimes legislation that will make a lot of Christian speech into a prosecutable crime is up for a vote in the Senate this week.  All indications say it will pass.  Get set for a trial of the decade, century or what have you when they drag the first preacher down off the altar for preaching what the Bible says about homosexuality and other things.  If you believe things are okay that God calls an abomination, fine.  You’re entitled.  Whether you feel your rights come from the Constitution of the United States or an Almighty God, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.  But why am I NOT entitled to mine?  If many can say it’s right, why can’t we say it’s wrong?  When did a difference of opinion become illegal?  Apparently,  when a lot of us weren’t looking.  Why weren’t we looking?  Because we’ve become too comfortable in our churches, eating our pot luck dinners and singing the latest praise choruses while our rights are being snatched away.  We believe it simply can’t happen here.   Think again, folks.  It’s happening right under your noses!  That’s why JoJo does what she does.  She teaches Christians to speak up in love about our beliefs, about God’s grace and, more importantly, how NOT to hurt people and discriminate against them with our words.

Because of a few who shoot their mouths off in the wrong direction, Christians are considered a laughing stock, a bunch of homophobic, intolerant, right-wing whackos.  We are against almost everything America stands for today.  When did it change?  I don’t know exactly, but I do know that we were snoozing during the sermon while they were NOT.    Keep on snoring, America.  Then tell me it can’t happen here.  Guess what?   It already has.

Carla Ives is one of the Purveyors of Fine Words at , a professional writing and editing service that lets YOU shine through!  Carla’s specialty is editing, but she also writes press releases, articles, blog posts, ad copy and now resumes, a new service of A Word Aptly Written.  You can read her daily thoughts and ramblings at and catch her each Thursday morning, along with JoJo Tabares, on the wildly popular Grace Talk Soup podcast at  Carla can be contacted at  for all your writing and editing needs.

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JoJo on Listening

Over the last several years, I have written a great deal on the topic of listening.  Most people know that listening is an important skill but they don’t really know why.  Here are a few of the sayings I have used in various articles over the last several years.

JoJo on Listening:

“1 speaker + 1 Listener = an effective communication equation.”  JoJo Tabares

“Sometimes the most intelligent thing to say is…nothing.” JoJo Tabares

“When your audience is no longer listening, it’s always best to stop talking!” JoJo Tabares

“You will not persuade another by cutting off his argument. You will only stifle your understanding of how to answer him.” -JoJo Tabares

I cover this topic in depth in an article I am just about to release to those on our newsletter.  If you would like to have access to these tips, freebies and exclusive offers, you can subscribe to What’s New at Art of Eloquence here!

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