National Whiner’s Day

December 26th is National Whiner’s Day.  While you may think this a rather silly holiday, it does give us a reason to talk about one of the most irritating kinds of communication there is: whining.  And it is fitting that it is the day after CHRISTmas.  You see, during the CHRISTmas season, we all try to act a little nicer, be a little kinder and smile and give greetings to those we meet.  The day after CHRISTmas, that’s already long forgotten! lol

Black Friday might be the day we all rush to the stores to grab everything we need to save anything we can. However, National Whiner’s Day is a time to take back all our CHRISTmas gifts that don’t fit, are the wrong color, looked better on the store dummy and we didn’t really want anyway.  Today’s the day we can begin anew complaining and fussing and whining.  Start now and avoid the rush!

Did you know that studies show that whining is one of the most irritating noises?  Just think back to how it affected your parents and how it grates on your nerves when your children do it.

I challenge you this year to keep the feeling CHRISTmas brings all year round.  I challenge you to smile a little more, laugh a little louder, say a few more thank yous, and uplift a few more people all throughout the rest of the year and into 2012.

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