By JoJo Tabares
This issue came up the other day and I thought it would make a good post. I have written on this before, but it wasn’t the focus of the article and I can’t seem to find it amongst the many I’ve written (that have yet to be posted on the AOE website) anyway. Lol
If you have ever had a situation come up in which you wanted to contact someone to address an issue, find out more information or thank them for all their hard work on something, you may have run into trouble obtaining an email address. It is surprisingly easy in the Information Age and here are a few suggestions:
1. Website Contact Page
If the person is a business owner, Google their business name to find their website. Most websites have a Contact Us page that will either list their email address or supply a form where you can email them directly from the website.
2. Facebook Private Message
If you are both on Facebook, but do not have the person’s email address, you can simply send them a private message through Facebook. You usually don’t have to be friends with someone on Facebook in order to send them a private message.
3. Facebook Fan Page:
If you need to contact the owner of a Facebook fan page privately, the best way to do that is to look on the Info tab of the fan page to find if an email address is listed there. If not, usually the website is listed and, as I talked about previously, you’ll probably find their email address on the Contact Us page. If no website is listed, you might try to see if the fan page lists the Page Owners down on the bottom left. Then, as I talked about in the previous point, you can go to their personal Facebook wall and contact them through a Facebook private message.
4. Twitter Message
If you are both on Twitter, you can send them a Direct Message. I’m pretty sure you need to be followed by that person in order to send them a DM, but you might give it at try. It may be a matter of settings. I’m not as familiar with Twitter as I am with Facebook.
5. Yahoo Groups
If you know each other from a Yahoo Group, you can find the person’s email by looking at their group post. Usually, the sender’s email address is listed somewhere on the post. Depending upon the group settings, if you don’t see it, you may be able to click “reply” and then it will become visible.
6. Google their Name
If you don’t have any connection to them through a group or other social media, you can Google their name and see what information pops up. Remember that there may be several people with the same name so you’ll want to look for information that will help you identify that person before you attempt to contact them.
There are so many options available to us these days. The information you need may only be a few keyboard strokes away.
JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer. Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula. You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit
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