5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas starts today!

The 5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas here at Communication FUNdamentals starts today.  Music video is a powerful form of communication.  We can use it to worship, to express ourselves and to share the love of God.  My goal, again, this CHRISTmas is to help put Christ back in our CHRISTmas by sharing  25 of my most favorite CHRISTmas songs with you.

This first one is a new one I discovered called Where’s the Line to See Jesus?  It shares my feeling, and that of many other Christians today, that our society has commercialized this blessed holiday to the point were we don’t even know what it’s all about anymore.

Though there are many Christmas movies during this holiday season, there are precious few CHRISTmas movies.  Most of the movies these days will acknowledge that the true meaning of CHRISTmas isn’t in the gifts we give and get, but instead of sharing that Jesus is the reason for the season, they tell us that the season is all about family and giving and love and friendship.

Well, it may, indeed, be about that for many, but for Christians, the reason for CHRISTmas is the Christ!  I pray the 5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas will help you keep more of Christ in your CHRISTmas this year.

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