Merry CHRISTmas!

I love this song!  I share it with you on CHRISTmas because CHRISTmas isn’t about Santa or family or presents, but it’s also not just about baby Jesus or the wise men or the manger.  It’s about our sin, it’s about God’s love, it’s about the blood that Jesus shed for us.

But more than this, the beginning of the story, it’s about the cross.  It’s the ending to the story on Resurrection Sunday that saves us.

CHRISTmas is only the beginning of Jesus’ story.  He wasn’t just born for us, but He lived with us and died for us.  That’s the love of our Lord and Savoir.


I pray you have had a blessed time this past month leading up to this day. Merry CHRISTmas from all of us here at Art of Eloquence to all of you!

Make sure you are subscribed to our RSS feed so you can get the rest of the Jesus story when I share more about his death and resurrection as well as all my articles in between that share what God says and teaches about how we should communicate to each other and about Him.

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Day 22 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-CHRISTmas Shoes

Today’s video is one that I can never get through without crying.  The precious gift of a child for his mom who may meet Jesus tonight.  It’s called The CHRISTmas Shoes and sung by Newsong.

The video is like a mini movie and just as precious as it could be to show the love of a child for his mother on CHRISTmas Eve.

This is the Love of Christ right in the heart of that little boy and how he shows the man in line behind him a glimpse into the kind of love that Jesus has for us.

Tomorrow is another great video. Until then…

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Day 20 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-CHRISTmas Offering

Another debut video for the AoE countdown to CHRISTmas is Casting Crowns with CHRISTmas Offering.

I bring an offering of worship to my King.  I thought about these words.  As we juggle the crowds at the mall and the hustle and bustle of the holday season, we need to stop not only to thank the Lord for the gift that Jesus has given us, but also to offer ourselves as a gift to Him.  To worship and to allow Him to do with us what He wills.

We are winding down the countdown to CHRISTmas this year.  Tomorrow is another in just a few more until we celebrate the most precious gift we have ever received: the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus.

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Day 19 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-Hope of the Broken World

Making it’s debut appearance this year.  This isn’t really a CHRISTmas song, but it’s one of my favorites from the group Selah.  It’s called Hope of the Broken World and it speaks of why Jesus was born to die for us.  Jesus is salvation, the joy of the earth and the hope of the broken world.

The Glory of the Lord is risen on Resurrecton Sunday which we will celebrate in a few months, but first Jesus was born into the the world to be the hope of our salvation.



I’ll have another great video to help us count down the days til CHRISTmas, the celebration of Jesus’ birth to be the hope of the broken world.  Until then…

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Day 18 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-CHRISTmas Dreams

Making it’s first appearance here on the AoE video countdown to CHRISTmas is this very spiritual version of Carol of the Bells.

It’s by 2002 Music and from the album CHRISTmas Dreams.

The thing that struck me about this video is the snow.  It’s shown in many forms, all beautful. It reminds me about how different each snowflake is and how different each person is.  When it shows the entire world, it reminds me that Christ died not only for me or for those who love Him, but for all of mankind.

Still more to come. Until tomorrow…

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Day 17 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-Picture Pefect CHRISTmas Cannon

The countdown continues today with another great one from the Trans Siberian Orchestra: CHRISTmas Cannon Rock!  A slightly different verson than another in the countdown.  This one has some beautful CHRISTmas scenes to share.  These scenes are as if out of a picture book.

I love this video.  Looking at it makes me think of peaceful times.  It fills my heart with the beauty that the Lord created and I love to envision a life filled with peace and beauty.

We all strive for that Picture Perfect CHRISTmas and often fall quite short.  Sometimes we don’t acheive it because of circumstances beyond our control.  Other times, the fact that we race around in a frenzy to complete the tasks that would create our Picture Perfect CHRISTmas ruins our chances to enjoy it.

You may have noticed that not all of our experiences will be this perfect here on earth because this is a fallen world we live in.   Your life may not be picture perfect and you may even be going through some difficult times. This can be especially difficult at CHRISTmastime, but, each day of our lives, we can remember that Jesus was born and died for us so that one day we can be with God where everything WILL be picture perfect.

More to come tomorrow. Until then…

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Day 11 of the Countdown to CHRISTmas-Hallelujia

Next on the countdown is Barlow Girl with Hallelujia (Light Has Come).  The song asks us to praise to God on high, hallelujia a savoir comes for us!  To save us now.  Hallelujia light has come!

A promise for those who believe.  Do you believe?



If you’ve been listening to these beautiful songs, but you don’t believe in Jesus, now would be a great time to find out what He is all about.  Jesus gave up His heavenly home to come to earth and be tortured and die for us.  He rose again and He is saving a place for you and me…if we only believe.

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5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas starts today!

The 5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas here at Communication FUNdamentals starts today.  Music video is a powerful form of communication.  We can use it to worship, to express ourselves and to share the love of God.  My goal, again, this CHRISTmas is to help put Christ back in our CHRISTmas by sharing  25 of my most favorite CHRISTmas songs with you.

This first one is a new one I discovered called Where’s the Line to See Jesus?  It shares my feeling, and that of many other Christians today, that our society has commercialized this blessed holiday to the point were we don’t even know what it’s all about anymore.

Though there are many Christmas movies during this holiday season, there are precious few CHRISTmas movies.  Most of the movies these days will acknowledge that the true meaning of CHRISTmas isn’t in the gifts we give and get, but instead of sharing that Jesus is the reason for the season, they tell us that the season is all about family and giving and love and friendship.

Well, it may, indeed, be about that for many, but for Christians, the reason for CHRISTmas is the Christ!  I pray the 5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas will help you keep more of Christ in your CHRISTmas this year.

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Communication Lessons from Five Year Olds-Part 4

FIRST A NOTE: I hope you all had a great time at the Birthday Bash yesterday!  I had a ball and learned a LOT from my guest “speakers.”  Due to an infestation of the Gundar Kind (our techie gremlin), we had some techie issues with the coupon code and various other sundry glitches so we are extending our contests and 50% off sale for a day or two until we can work out the details.  That’ll give more of you a chance anyway.  It was a very fun but VERY LONG day. My fingers are still sore for typing 120 words a minute for 12 hours straight.

A BIG thank you to Traci of Your Web Tech Team  for keeping our site up all throughout the Birthday Bash.  I think this is the first time I’ve been to one where the server didn’t crash!  And folks were downloading and posting like crazy!

Another big thank you to my family for putting up with me, or rather NOT putting up with me as I sat here all day and worked.  And especially to my son, Chris for making me lunch.

Okay, here’s the final installment of my article series.

I hope you’ve been enjoying this article series.  To recap if you are just joining the blog, we can learn four very important things about communication from young children.  As we grow and age, we become more sophisticated, but also we lose a lot of our wide eyed innocence which can be extremely helpful in communication with others.

Lesson one shared how we should Speak Plainly.  Lesson two says to Listen Wide-Eyed.  Lesson three is Don’t Let Anyone Distract You.  Here is the final lesson we can learn from five year olds.  Lesson Four: Be Yourself!

Young children are who they are.  They very rarely hide it.  In fact, they don’t know they can and they don”t think they should. Adults learn that in order to be accepted, we need to conform.  In order to be promoted, we may need to comply.  In order to be effective, we may need to play the game.  Let’s face it, if our kids did this, we’d call it pretend.

Adults often loose some of their sense of self as we play the game of life.  We get away from what we want because of what we need.  We move away from who we are in favor of who we think others need us to be.

When I was a kid, I was weird.  “They” called me that.  “They” is the popular kids.  I moved around a lot as a kid and, since I was shy, it was hard to fit in anyway.  However, being different (weird) made it that much more difficult.  I was the one who didn’t have a history with them.  I was the outsider.  I was the one who said “dungarees” instead of “jeans.”  I had a “pocket book” instead of a “purse.”  I loved words and music not designer Sasoon labels (Okay, I just gave away my age there!) and I talked about justice and fairness while my peers talked about boys and beauty.  I was the short one, the creative nerd.

Maybe you felt that way.  Adults thought it was cute when I was young, but as I grew older, I found my peers didn’t agree.  I tried to fit in.  I tried not to be a weirdo.  I didn’t try long because it just didn’t work and I was miserable being someone else.

So I learned very early in life what my daughter calls “Embracing Your Inner Weirdness.”   And when I accepted Jesus, I realized that this is who God created me to be anyway.

Another lesson I learned after studying communication skills for many years is that, while children may want everyone to be the same, adults find that boring.  Adults want to spend time with an individual, but by that time most of us have already spent too many years trying to be someone else.  My advice to you is DON’T.

I’m five foot nuthin’, have an extremely goofy sense of humor, wear thick glasses,  and love purple so much it’s the only color I wear.  It’s me.  It’s who I am and you know what?  People remember me.  They appreciate my creativity.

Don’t be like everyone else.  God created you to be special.  As you go about life trying to live as Christ would have you, also remember to be the person God crated you to be and not a carbon copy of someone else.  He already created someone to be that guy!

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Birthday Bash: 5pm-LightHome Publications

James Dunlap from LightHome Publicationswill be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest:

From LightHome Publications:

Subscription to Artistic Nature Magazine

Packed with pictures in color, coloring pages, and all kinds of interesting facts about nature, along with multiple art activities with instructions in each and every issue. This colorful quarterly magazine for home­schoolers covers Nature, Art, Bible, and other school subjects in a fun and interesting way.  Each issue has a special nature topic that the whole issue revolves around, making each issue suitable for a unit study that you can use at any time!  This is a multi-level magazine that is geared to the goals and needs of multi-level home­schooling, with different features that will be enjoyed by different ages, 8 to 15. (Some children who are younger than 8 or older than 15 will also enjoy the magazine, but the writing and art instruction are mainly geared for ages 8-15.).


To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question:  Name two of your favorite Art of Eloquence studies listed on our Elementary page!

We’ll be picking a winner from among the correct answers and contacting you via email so make sure you leave your email address on your comment post.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for another chance to win a Birthday Bash prize from Art of Eloquence!  And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)

Congratulations to our Winner: Terri G!

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