It’s Communication FUNdamentals Week

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It’s Humor Week (or rather Communication FUNdamentals Week)  here at Communication FUNdamentals!  That means all the funniest communication tips, articles, videos, quotes, pictures <—— (notice anything funny about that?) and other creative fun I can muster.  Why?  Well, because the blog’s called Communication FUNdamentals.  That’s why!  lol

My blog’s name reflects the humor with which I write all of my articles and communication studies for Art of   I have always loved humor ever since I was a little tiny communicator and I patterned Art of Eloquence materials after The Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan, who used humor and his Christian faith to convey his messages.

I wrote a short article a long while ago in a galaxy far, far away that I have posted on the Articles Page of our website.  It’s called “Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool.”  So I’ll begin at the beginning with this article which starts off…

In the olde days of kings who ruled with absolute power, only the court jester could safely tell the King the truth, mediated through humor.  Anyone else who attempted to tell the Emperor he had no clothes was in danger of losing his head!

Humor is a valuable and effective tool for communicating just about anything because humor breaks down barriers.  Carefully disguised as fun, humor can smuggle new ideas into people’s hearts.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Knowing how important humor is to effective communication and the study of communication, I’m going to share as many comical, creative and fun ways in which we use humor this week.  I usually post only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but check back each day this week for more Communication FUNdamentals.

Today’s insightful, creative giggle is in the form of a video.  Victor Borge in Inflationary Language.  What do you think about humor? Post your comments here and please pass along the blog link to others to share the giggles!  Thanks.


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JoJoisms: JoJo on Aging

Finishing off Birthday Bash week!  Today is Friday and you know what that means here at Communication FUNdamentals!  It’s Friday Funnies!

Birthdays always remind us of our age whether it’s our own, our kids’ or the anniversary of an event.  Eight years ago (almost) we began our family business, Art of Eloquence, and eight years ago I was MUCH younger!  lol  When I think of getting older, I think of humor because it helps the process along! ROFL

So today for Friday Funnies, I thought I’d share some of my JoJoisms on aging.  Enjoy!

JoJoism#8 Midlife Crisis is having to reconcile gray hair and pimples.

JoJoism#9 Getting old’s not so bad.  The cold you feel from hypothyroidism is neutralized by the hot flashes from Menopause.

JoJoism#10 Just when your brain is old enough to house some useful information, your mind forgets where it’s stored!

JoJoism#12 Old age is when senility neutralizes a lifetime of knowledge.

JoJoism#17 Age is just a number. So when I reach 50, I’m going to begin DEaging by celebrating my anti 49th birthday.

JoJoism#28 I’ve noticed that the English language does, indeed, have gender words like they do in Spanish. For example, when a man gets grey hair, they call him DISTINGUISHED. The feminine form of that word is…OLD.

JoJoism#29 I’ve also noticed that if your dh is distinguished, chances are very good…

JoJoism#32 I don’t mind getting older, but aging is a whole ‘nuther story!

JoJoism#33 Don’t think of them as grey hairs; think of them as nature’s highlights!

JoJoism#40 I don’t need to worry about losing an inch as I age. I come preshrunk.

JoJoism#50 In September, I’m going to be a year older.  Of course a minute from now, I’m going to be older too…and so are you young whipper snappers!

JoJoism#51 You know you’re getting older when you get a notice from The Scooter Store and AARP in the mail!

JoJoism#54 Birthdays are why they invented New Math

JoJoism#55 After a while, Old Age is always about 10yrs older than whatever age you are.


JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ’em!



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Words Matter Week: Friday Word Fun Entry!

Today is Day Five of the National Words Matter Week Contest!  In addition to posting  our blog link(s), today you have an additional way to enter and have fun with our contest!

Today’s Extra Entry:

Here are our extra entry rules for today, Friday, March 5th:

Each Friday, here at Communication FUNdamentals, we feature a video or quote or picture that illustrates miscommunication with humor.  This week, I have a funny video for you.

I’m always looking for family friendly communication humor.  Today’s extra challenge for Words Matter Week is to find some fun illustration of miscommunication.  Send your family friendly video, picture, quote or audio links to  and please put “WMW Contest” in the subject linke.  Each of these family friendly miscommunication humor segments will count as an additional entry in our contest!

Enter early and often!

The one with the most entries at midnight tonight, March 5th will win an Art of Eloquence Value Package of his/her choice!

Good luck!

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Personal Responsibility Video

This video uses all the elements of a great speech.  I love the way this woman communicates!  She’s funny, energetic and gets her point across well.  Check her out!

What you can accomplish for your cause with some communication training.

Check out Art of Eloquence today!

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Geico Pothole Commercial

Some commercials are so creative and communicate their message in such a fun way.  This commercial from Geico is one of those!

Art of Eloquence solutes Geico for their creativity and humor!

For more fun with language and communication, visit

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SPAM can be annoying but it can also be a communication lesson and even a source of humor.   So the other day I wrote a blogpost about SPAM and, of course, it’s getting SPAMMED!  lol

A Recycled Funny from your friends at Art of

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CCN: The Communication Comedy Network Premiere!

CCN Logo2

All my life I wanted to be a stand up comedian, but I’m getting older now so I’m going to do it sitting down!” JoJo Tabares

The Communication Comedy Network is new to internet radio this week!  CCN is Real Communication Issues delivered in a really funny way.  Side effects include: unexplained laughing, seeing the positive side of life and communication excellence!

The Communication Comedy Network airs 8am PST (11am EST) to 9am PST (12pm EST) each Thursday and features various “shows” that use creativity to illustrate and teach communication skills.  Each week has 2-3 “shows” hosted by various people all of whom are played by the very playful JoJo Tabares of Art of

“Shows” include:

The 12 1/2 Minute News Hour hosted by Nancy Newsome reports real but odd news that teaches a specific communication lesson.

Word of the Week Short hosted by Professor Wordsmith who shares obscure words and grammar lessons.

Talk Talk Show: a talk show about talking (communication) hosted by JoJo Tabares of Art of Open discussions on various communication topics with occassional guests who share an area of expertise in a specifc aspect of communication.

Parodies of game shows, soap operas, infomercials and others will take place periodically all reporting or sharing real communication issues or news in a really funny way!

Join the Communication Comedy Network tomorrow morning at 8am PST/11am EST live!  Or listen to the audio recoding available directly following the broadcast!

This week’s Open Discussion Topic on JoJo’s Talk Talk Show is Hype and Hoopla of the Media relating more specifically to the recent Glen Beck show where he said the governement’s Cash for Clunkers program website was after your personal computer information!  Come share your thoughts!

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Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool

Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool?
By JoJo Tabares

In the olde days of kings who ruled with absolute power, only the court jester could safely tell the King the truth, mediated through humor.  Anyone else who attempted to tell the Emperor he had no clothes was in danger of losing his head!

Humor is a valuable and effective tool for communicating just about anything because humor breaks down barriers.  Carefully disguised as fun, humor can smuggle new ideas into people’s hearts.

Humor has been shown to be an essential component of learning for young and old alike!  In order to teach, you must have your audience’s attention.  If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, did anyone come to understand the beaver’s plight and struggle for logs?

Those of you who do not yet have teenagers, may not have had occasion to notice the strange eye reaction to being lectured.  You are familiar with REM: Rapid Eye Movement?  Those with teens have likely experienced REAM: Rolling Eyes At Me!  However, this phenomenon is often completely eliminated if you preach with humor!

Humor allows us to approach threatening subjects in a non-threatening way.  Research shows that most people find it difficult to receive information from someone who has little or no sense of humor.  Additionally it shows that when people laugh together, they not only enjoy themselves, but they are more receptive to new ideas.

Humor is one language that everyone can understand. It breaks down barriers between people. If you can share a laugh with someone, you’ve connected with that person. The defenses come down, and there’s a desire to continue the dialog.

Humor is also a model of efficiency.  It can generally get your point across with less effort and verbiage!   A picture is worth a thousand words and humor is worth a thousand dollars!  Entertainers make good money.  Is it because they cure cancer?  Solve world hunger?  No it’s because they solve world boredom!  They make you laugh and the really good ones make you think!

As a homeschool mom of two very bright and fidgety children, I use humor in almost everything I do.  I use funny quotes, entertaining games and exciting activities to teach and mold the young minds in my charge!   Humor allows me to hold their attention just long enough to implant some knowledge –sometimes without them even noticing!  Shhhh….


JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit

If you want to learn more about humor’s effects on communication skills, when to use humor and when not to, listen to today’s Grace Talk Soup Podcast!

Listen to our live show every Thursday 8am PST/11am EST

Via Computer:

or via Phone: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 19736

Listen to our audios on demand:

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Humor in Communication

Since tomorrow’s Grace Talk Soup podcast is about humor and we do a segment that is a parody of I Love Lucy (I Love Language) I thought I’d post this clip from one of the Lucy shows where Lucy tries to communicate with her mother in law.

It can be pretty funny to communicate when you don’t speak the same language.  I know because my MIL is from Mexico!  She does understand English fairly well and I understand Spanish a bit but neither of us speaks the other’s language.  This makes for some pretty funny miscommunication and we play a little charades as well!

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Creative and talented A Capella Group!

These are the Voca People from the planet Voca.  LOL  They are an A Capella group. Every sound you hear is vocals. Not one instrument was used in the making of this video.  It’s amazing!

What creative and talented people can do!

Want a creative and fun way to learn to communicate effectively?  Check out Art of!

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